Monday, January 28, 2008

About a Book Mondays: An Interview with a vampire...

In the Beginning: A Vampire Series by F. D. Davis

Those of you who read my blog know that a sista has a thing for the vamps. I love vampire series and I have been waiting for another wonderful series featuring characters of African descent. Well, author F. D. Davis has answered the call with her breathtaking new series that features a sexy and dangerous vampire by the name of Adam Omega. The first book in the series, In the Beginning: A Vampire Series is a can-not-put-it-down page-turner of a book. And I loved it! Today on Gwyneth’s Blog I have the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Omega.

Here’s the wonderful book blurb:

Adam Omega is a man on a mission. Make that a vampire. Having lived a thousand years, Adam has mastered the sun and lives his life as a mortal man. He seeks to bring his kind into the light without fear to taste the sun or the need of the tainted blood of humans to survive. To his chagrin his kind fears his life and fears Adam. Then he sees Eve and anger burns into existence when he discovers the soul of his long dead Eyanna now resides in this mortal’s body.

Eve’s quest for a more spiritual life is fueled by dreams that she can’t quite remember. She’s running from evil and runs straight into the path of a vampire that desires her. Her only hope appears in the form of Sullivan, another vampire who wants Eve to help destroy Adam. As Eve’s soul realigns with her forgotten memories, her past love for Adam is reawakened. Will her desire to remain mortal save her from the life Adam wants to force on her?

And here’s my interview with a vampire…

GB: So, my first question Mr. Omega is about you and what it is like to be the most powerful vampire walking the earth. I wouldn’t say all that power has gone to your head… because I like living… But, I will say that for someone who didn’t want to become a vampire, you seem to have taken to it rather nicely. So what’s it like having all that power?

AO: Ms. Bolton, allow me to say I’m honored to make your acquaintance. I have heard of you and your great talent through Dyanne Davis and F. D. Davis. Mortals whom I’ve learned to tolerate.

It appears that you’ve asked me two questions so I’m sure you will not mind if I elaborate. After all what can you do to me if I answer? But then of course I digress. What’s it like being the most powerful vampire walking the earth you asked me. My Dear Ms. Bolton, it’s simply glorious. That takes us into your second question. What is it like for me? Did you know that I can pluck the stars from the sky? Were you aware that with but a breath I can create havoc worldwide? I have no fear but I do have wants and needs. You’re correct when you said that I initially did not want this life. In fact I believed this life a farce of the ignorant. That opinion may be one of the only three times I’ve ever been wrong in my life. I have never been one to settle for second best. I am Adam. I could do nothing less than be the best that the Creator made me. And before you ask, the Creator did not turn me but was aware that I would be turned. I was imbued with the powers to take this new role in my life that was trust upon me and be what I’ve always been. Adam Omega. I love the power. Why lie? Power is addictive. Power corrupts. Unless of course you’re me. I control the power it doesn’t control me.

GB: Are you happy about having your life chronicled by F. D. Davis in this new series? It must be so exciting to be the center on this wonderful new series. How do you feel about the series? Are you happy with the way this very talented author brought your story to life on the page?

AO: My Dear Ms. Bolton, slow down please. You mortals are strange. It makes me wonder how I could have ever lived in a mortal body. Let me say this about F. D. Davis. She’s a moronic human that is lucky to be alive. I submitted to her request because of my addiction to Eve. She has lied about me. And in this second work of fiction she’s penned she’s lied even more. I read the dribble and demanded that she tell of my true nature. She wants to make me appear “NICE” Can you believe she refused my request and still lives? For whatever reason she has decided that I must be redeemed. I am not seeking redemption. As I told you earlier I love the power. I find no excitement in being at the center of this human’s series with the exception that it makes Eve happy for me to cooperate. How do I feel about the woman’s series you ask me? When she can make it plan to this mortal world that I am the one they dream of when they fall asleep, that I am their nightmare, that I’m real, then Ms. Bolton we will speak again and I will answer that question. As for now suffice it to say that the human yet lives because of my grace. I gather you can tell from what I’ve said that I’m not happy with her in the least. If she had truly brought my story to life you would be trembling now with fear. And I would rejoice at your fear.

GB: You know I have to ask about Eve Moses. Your obsession with her was so intense. I mean… I can understand given her likeness to your past true love Eyanna… But the way you sort of just took over ever inch of her world was… well… let’s just say that I can totally understand why Eve resisted and fought you every inch of the way. Do you think you will get her to come around eventually?

AO: Ms. Bolton, this answer will be short. I always get what I want. I am Adam Omega. I can accept nothing less.

GB: If they decide to make your wonderful story into a film--which I would love by the way--whom would you cast as the key players? Who would you cast as yourself? Eve?

AO: My life chronicled by film? None could portray Adam Omega but Adam Omega. As for Eve, do you think I would allow another to pretend to hold that honor of my wife but my own sweet Eve? You have given me food for thought and I thank you for that. I will broach Eve with the matter.

GB: Without giving too much away, what can we expect from you in the future? When will the next installments of this delightful new series be released?

AO: The timing of books is left to that mortal. I have nothing to do with that. I have been told that printing problems plague the company. I have offered my services to take care of any and all problems with the printers but once again Eve intervened and asked me to leave it be. The only thing I can tell you is that the mortal relayed to me that the date of her second book will be in September. If it’s not, you will not blame me. I am Adam Omega and I do not lie. As for the second book I will say that though the mortal still lies about my reactions to things you will see firsthand the havoc I reek on this planet when provoked. And believe me I was provoked to the point that my spirit was vexed.

You asked what you can expect from me in the future so I will tell you. Eve issued yet another challenge. She called me arrogant. That may be. I am Adam. She challenged me to give the advice I so freely give to her and that human F.D. Davis to other. So I have. I have gone high tech you might say. I am now dispensing advice in a column called, (what else) Ask Adam. If you have need of my words of wisdom, need to know if your love is a vampire, the best temperature for drinking blood, the best vein to take from, Ask Adam. I am Adam Omega Vampire. I will answer. and you may send your letters to me at It’s very important to have caps where I have them or you will be unable to reach me.

GB: Thanks so much for taking the time to do this brief interview. I know a man as powerful as yourself is extremely busy. I loved In the Beginning: A Vampire Series and can’t wait to see what you and F. D. Davis have in store for readers in the future.

AO: Ms Bolton it was a sincere pleasure to have spent this time with you. You were respectful. You will do well with me. Take care Ms. Bolton. I will reward you soon with a visit.

GB: Oh my….


Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

I read and reviewed this book. I had read very few of this genre, but after reading it I was hooked. Great Interview!


Michelle said...

Nice interview...Adam ain't no joke. Seems like a great new series has arrived on the scene.

Anonymous said...

I will have to check out this book. The last series I got into was by LA Banks but you've gotten me intrigued.

Anonymous said...

I loved it! And if you think you know all about vampires, you ain't seen nothin' yet until you read "In the Beginning." Adam the Arrogant can teach (and will) teach you what it's like to be a vampire -- no holds barred! Great interview, Gwyneth, and I hope F. D. Davis doesn't weaken under Adam's great power in Adam's next book. Don't let him scare you, F. D. Just tell him to "Go to Hell" like Eve did "In the Beginning." Can't wait for the next one.

Anonymous said...

All right! I love it Gwyneth. I am a vampire lover too, have written several stories. The way you created this interview was clever. I am a LA Banks and Anne Rice fan, too. Have to read this series as well.

Thanks for sharing.
Minnie e

Gwyneth Bolton said...

Angelia ~ I really enjoyed this book. I'll have to check out your review.

Michelle ~ Adam was no joke at all. My mouth was hanging through some of the book like, "what... no he didn't... unh, unh..." LOL.

Shelia ~ I'm hooked on L. A. Banks's Vampire Huntress series also. So many books so little time.

Anonymous ~ Adam the Arrogant. LOL. that is the perfect description. The brother's swagger is extra, extra. I can't wait to see what F. D. Davis does with this series. :-)

Minnie ~ Thanks for checking out the interview! It great to now that there are so many other sistas who love to read vampire novels. You should definitely check out this series. I know I can't wait for the next installment.


Bella said...

The interview got me hooked so I must get me a copy of the book. The only Vampire series I've read are Sherrilyn Kenyon and L.A. Banks.


Chicki Brown said...

Since I just finished reading my first vampire novel, and I loved it. But as you said, reading one with A-A characters would be a treat.

This series is on my TRB list.

bettye griffin said...


Gwyneth Bolton said...

Bella ~ I used to be hooked on Sherrilyn Kenyon's series. For some reason, although I've purchased the last three books in the series, I haven't read then yet. I think that might be a sign that I'm no longer hooked. But I plan to read Acheron's story when it comes out. I think we've all been waiting for that one. And I love L. A. Banks's Vampire Huntress. LOVE IT! I know I'm going to be hooked on F. D. Davis as well. I've been waiting on a black vampire series.

Chicki ~ I've been waiting to hear what you thought after reading your first vampire novel. I think you'll like In the Beginning as well. There are some spiritual elements as well. And Adam Omega used to be a priest. I can't wait to see how all that plays out.

Bettye ~ Thanks! :-)


Tyhitia Green said...

Great interview! And I have to read tis book! Thanks for sharing, Gwyneth! :*)

Anonymous said...

I spoke to F. D. Davis to see what Adam thought of the response to his interview. She told me he was at the Vatican attempting to have an audience with the Pope without using mind control. If any one can it would be Adam.

Gwyneth Bolton said...

Tyhitia ~ I think you'll like this one. You should check it out.

Dyanne ~ That sounds like Adam... ;-)


Anonymous said...

Gwyneth, great interview! I have to make sure I get a copy of this book.

Gwyneth Bolton said...

Tiffany ~ It was a great read. I couldn't put it down. And I can't wait for the next installment.


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