Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Have a laugh... have six...

I thought I'd share some things that have cracked me up from my blog buddies blogs the past couple of weeks. I feel like laughing today and since it's the season of giving, I thought I'd share. :-)

The above cartoon is from Chicki's blog. She has what she calls "Fun Fridays" and she always finds the most hilarious cartoons and pictures. Here are her two latest "Fun Fridays." I dare you not to laugh.

  • Chicki's Fun Friday One

  • Chicki's Fun Friday Two

  • Bettye shared the most hilarious fable of the bear and the atheist on her blog. This was too-too funny. Check it out!

  • Bettye's Atheist and the Bear Post

  • Seressia shared this video clip on the Wild Women Writers blog and it made me laugh and say amen at the same time. Why is it folks are always trying to get writers to do things for free? Check out this classic response to the requests for writers to volunteer their time and energy.

  • Harlen Ellison Clip from Seressia on Wild Women Writers

  • Ann has some really interesting "Author Classifications" that will crack you up, especially if you recognize a bit of yourself in them. LOL.

  • Ann's Author Classifications

  • I had to come back and edit this post to include another thing that made me crack up. This poem was posted on Don's blog Minus the Bars. Don always makes me think and often makes me laugh. The brother brings it on a regular on his blog. Check him out here:

  • Don's Blog Minus the Bars

  • And laugh at this poem I got from his blog last week. This is so-oo funny!

    Have a laugh, have many...

    much love and peace,



    bettye griffin said...

    Thanks, Gwyneth! I can always use a good laugh, but especially today, when it's so gloomy and miserable outside.

    Gwyneth Bolton said...

    Bettye ~ Laughing is good for us. We need to do it more...


    Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

    Thanks Gwyneth,
    I could use a laugh or two...


    Shelia said...

    Gwyneth, thanks for introducing me to a few new blogs. On my way to check them out now. P.S. - I can always use a good laugh.

    Ann Aguirre said...

    Oooh, thanks for the link-y love! I had great fun with that post.

    Chicki Brown said...

    The Bible says, "A merry heart doeth good like medicine."

    You just gave me a cardiac boost! Thanks, and thank you for the shoutout.

    PatriciaW said...

    Chicki's stuff is always funny. The others were too. Thanks for a laugh in the middle of a hectic day.

    Don said...

    I see you enjoyed that poem as well. It was a real poem.

    I agree, we all should laugh more and more.