Monday, December 17, 2007

The Brotha Please Awards, 2007

Where has the time gone? It hardly seems like a year has gone by since we had our last Brotha Please Awards--also know as the “boo, negro, boo” awards--here on Gwyneth’s Blog. But it has been a year. And what a year it has been! With so-oo many folks acting like they have lost their damn minds, it is truly a chore trying to decide who to give the awards to. Last year, we gave out three and we could have easily given out more. In fact folks had some wonderful suggestions for people who were just as worthy of getting called out for their bad behavior. And I’m sure we’ll have more suggestions this year. So without further ado, let’s meet this year’s award winners…

Our first winner gets the year’s top award for buffoonery to the tenth degree. While everyone with one lick of sense was speaking out against Don Imus’s racist, sexist and homophobic attack on the Rutgers University female basketball team, this negro decides he’ll just take his monkey behind on Jay Leno and attack the young women further.

Forget being politically incorrect, this brotha is just dead wrong calling anybody ugly with a face like that. He probably thought he was being funny instead of just being funny looking, but we here at Gwyneth’s Blog think his brand of comedy takes us back further than step and fetch It. This year’s winner of the "Brotha Buffoon Can’t Get Out of Our Face Too Soon" Award goes to D. L. Hughley for showing us that ignorance is alive and well and coming out of his mouth.

The next recipient needs no introduction. We all know him, and many of us have debated his guilt or innocence for several years since he may or may not have gotten away with murder back in the nineties. He had gone from being the poster boy for blacks being able to cross the racial divides to a poster boy for the power of the color green when accused of a crime. One would have thought that getting away with murder would have been enough to satisfy anyone’s penchant for crime. I mean come on, what’s left after that? I know! Petty theft! Let me gather a bunch of my boys and try and rob a hotel room! OJ Simpson step right up and get your “I really want to go to jail and I won’t stop until you put me in there” Award. Since you were unable to steal your, err... property... back and get your other awards we hope our trophy makes you feel special...

The third and final award was a hard one to decide on. In fact, it’s a three-way tie that you all will have to decide on. There were so many deserving people. People like Puffy who told us that he won’t stop and damned if he wasn’t telling the truth. That brotha couldn’t stop showing his behind if you paid him. Between the baby mama drama and the You Tube hype craziness he deserves an award this year. But alas, he got an award last year and we should spread the wealth around shouldn’t we. And then there are folks like Michael Vick… people who make you want to channel Dave Chappell channeling Rick James and scream, “Shoulda neva gave y’all negros money!” He deserves to win a brotha please award for sure, don’t you agree? And then there is the third candidate in the tie... I’m giving him a pass because he recently lost his mother and because he did what I wanted him to do and beat one of last year’s recipients in a battle for record sales. But if anyone deserves a Brotha Please award this year for bad behavior it would have to be Kanye West for his meltdown back stage at the MTV video awards show.

I mean come on… if he were a two year old he would have warranted a spanking for that crap. But since there is a three-way tie for third place and he just lost his mother, I’m going to let this slide. But if he pulls this crap at the Grammy’s this coming year, then he will be number one next year no matter what.

As usual we here at Gwyneth’s Blog realize that you might take issue with our decisions for awardees. You might think we are being too harsh or not harsh enough. Or maybe you have your own award nominees. Feel free to drop a comment and let us know what you think. Until next time…

Much love and peace,



RageyOne said...

Well, I tend to agree with your selections, despite the loss of his mom, Kanye should receive an award.

Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

I have no are dead on in all these categories, I am going to think and come back with some others...


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with all of your selections and hopefully Kanye won't pull that crap at the Grammy's this year, we shall see.

Chicki Brown said...

Sister, you are right on target with this one!

I'd like to add Bishop Thomas Weeks, who gets the Ike Turner Lifetime Achievement Award.

bettye griffin said...

I'm with Chicki about the Bishop. As for D.L. Hughley, I never thought the brother was funny anyway. We watched his most recent HBO special and barely cracked a chuckle. As my husband says, when a comedian has to pick on the audience to get laughs it's not a sign of great talent. Now, O.J. . . . he's a joke.

Nice of you to give Kanye a pass. You're a sensitive lady, Gwyneth! As Bobby Womack said, You've got to help a brother when he's down . . .

Don said...

I think Kanye does things for publicity. He should be well past the "I made it" stage.

Hughley appears to be in search of a laugh. I once saw an interview of him on The Glenn Beck show and the brother is pretty intelligent.

Good post, G.

Gwyneth Bolton said...

Bettye ~ Yes, DL has been relying on insulting the audience since the beginning of his career. This only proves that he lacked both taste and humor in my opinion.

Don ~ I hope it's just publicity for Kanye. He sounded pretty upset though... Hey, what up with your blog? How do I get on the A-list and get an invitation? :-)


Michelle said...

I have never liked DL. He is just not funny to me. OJ don't even deserve comment -- he just walked right into the enemies hands with the robbery ish...and I think Kanye's antics are for show. You know what they say. Any publicity is good publicity. SMH

Anonymous said...
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Gwyneth Bolton said...

Michelle ~ Yeah, I'm hoping that Kanye's antics are for show and he finds another act soon. LOL. He took it too far after the MTV Awards... I like that he was able to spoof himself on Saturday Night Live though and show how crazy he was getting.


K.D. KING said...

Okay, I like your selection.
Puffy...or whatever. I'm so ready for him to be gone.
O'Jay - Uuuh dude you got away with murder. That wasn't enough.
Kanye - I'm so over him and his overinflated ego. You ain't the only rapper on the scene, nor are you the first one.
DL - Well I do think he is funny. I do like him (Hey you knew I had to disagree on something), but brother there is a time and place for everything. That wasn't it. AND even Jay Leno knew freaking better. ALSO, the real differences (that people have yet to comment on) was the "ugly" team was dark skinned and the "pretty" team was light skinned. We'll get into the sociology of beauty at a later date.

Michael Vic...whew Michael Vic.
Gwen, let me prepare you. Get a chair and sit down, my commentary maybe long.

Michael Vic was wrong. I have to get that out of the way and say that BEFORE, I make my comment. He was wrong. I like puppies so I thought that was cruel (now cats on the other hand, well hey they have 9 lives).

Michael Vic could have done any one or combination of the following and WOULD NOT have gotten in NEARLY as much trouble as he is in now.

- Been caught tying some dude up while thrusting into him and whipping him on his ass.
- Been caught smuggling Indonesian hookers
- Raped a white woman
- Raped a black woman
- Beat his wife/girlfriend

I could go on and on. My point. What do we truly value in this society. The world goes up in arms when some damn dogs are killed. Yet women are devalued daily. Raped, Beaten, and all men get is a slap on the wrist. A "boys will be boys". After that incident I saw so many freaking commercials and PSA's about protecting the damn animals. When was the last time you saw some shit about dont beat your wife, rape crisis lines, domestic violence centers. Not even one extra commercial after said accusations and trials of sports figure accused of rape/domestic violence.

Which transitions straight to the other honorary nominee Bishop "beat a woman down" Weeks. Did I miss the sudden insurgence of awareness on domestic violence after the incident (excluding Juanita). Its a damn shame when we get up in arms about animals but could care less about humans.
Again I say what message are we sending? Who and what are we truly valuing? Its a damn crying shame and no one has really mentioned it.

*stepping off my soapbox*

Gwyneth Bolton said...

KD ~ I agree with you on the Vic situation. I do think that it is disturbing that we don't care about the lives of people in the same ways. My main issue with Vic is that he just should have known better... really... You're right he would have gotten much less wrath if he had done any of the other things you mentioned. We all know this... so it begs the question... if you know how crazy "society" gets about animals... Why. Do. It. Dumb. Ass. I don't feel any more sorry for him than I do for the chick they busted around here awhile ago because she had over 200 cats in her house. She should have known better. Endangering animals is a sure fire way to get the book thrown at you....


PatriciaW said...

Y'all are showing no mercy. Well, maybe a little for Kanye but he is annoying. I'm sure he'll do something in '08 that will put him right back on the short list.

I know Isaiah Washington's silliness was really in 2006 but it carried into the beginning of this year, with him going into "treatment" to find out "why he would say such hateful words”, which was forced on him by ABC. And he went in January, foolishly thinking that somehow he would keep his job on Grey's Anatomy. So not only did he come across as a bigot, he also showed himself willing to katow for the money, only to get kicked in the butt by the network.

There should be a general dumber than dumb award for all those folks displaying all their bling-bling on MTV Cribs and then wondering why someone might want to rob them. No reflection on what happened to Sean Taylor as I don't know whether he was ever on that show or not. But I do think, that the fools who are, open up not only themselves but others in their financial brackets to a greater possibility. At least get a state-of-the-art security system and use it!

And please create the Negro-Who-Sets-The-Whole-Race-Back-Thousands-of-Years Award for the folks who will stoop to any and every level of buffoonery in the name of reality TV and getting (or reclaiming in the case of folks like Flavor Flav) their fifteen minutes of fame.

Michelle said...

a kanye quote from Spin Magazine:

“I’m a pop enigma. I live and breathe every element in life. I rock a bespoke suit and I go to Harold’s for fried chicken. It’s all these things at once, because, as a tastemaker, I find the best of everything. There’s certain things that black people are the best at and certain things that white people are the best at. Whatever we as black people are the best at, I’m a go get that. Like, on Christmas I don’t want any food that tastes white. And when I go to purchase a house, I don’t want my credit to look black."

His Brotha Please award is well-deserved -- SMH at the white tasting food and black looking credit. Someone tape his mouth shut...please!!!!

Gwyneth Bolton said...

Patricia ~ You are so right! We need a special award for those reality show folks. I mean the lack of self-respect and the level of just plain tacky behavior... and Isaiah Washington is luck I forgot about him and his jobless behind. He deserves to be on the list too. He had a good gig and blew it and I'm really pissed because the show isn't as good as it was and I blame his stupid behind. LOL. And excellent point about the folks who appear on shows like Cribs. All that showing off and flossing is only tempting criminal minds,

Michelle ~ See, it's quotes like that that make me want to revoke my pass and just go ahead on and give the boy his award. LOL. He is just too-too extra and too-too much.


Kimberly Kaye Terry said...

"Boo, negro, Boo" Okay, Gwyn, you owe me a new keyboard, damnit!! Girl, I am SOOOOO using that line in a book and you can't stop me, ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year you mad woman! I love ya like I love that sweet potato pie I wolfed down last night. What? Tis the season to be jolly. Sweet potato pie makes me jolly :D

Chesya said...

Gwen you're dead on. I CAN NOT believe that D. L. Hughley would think this was funny. That's is not funny; it's pathetic.

OJ's an idiot. Dude you got off on murder (whether you did or didn't do it), sit back shut the hell up.

West is arrogant. There are a lot of things that are forgivable, but people who think they're better than they are or better than everyone else, is unforgivable.

Gwyneth Bolton said...

Kimberly ~ Sweet Potato pie, huh? I love ya like that yellow cake with chocolate frosting mama used to make. That was some good cake!

Chesya ~ Yeah DL is an idiot and so is OJ. And Kanye... there's ego and then there's ego... that kid took his share and everyone else's. He need to chill.


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