Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Covers and You Can Pre-Order Now...

In case you haven't noticed the updates on the sidebar, I have the new covers for the first three Hightower books. I can't decide which cover is my favorite... I think I like the cover for Protect and Serve the best. Anyway, I just saw that Make It Hot is available for pre-order on So go on over and pre-order it if you'd like... ;-) And if you haven't gotten around to pre-ordering Protect and Serve you might want to get both with you're at it... wink, wink... LOL. What do you think of the covers?


  • Pre-order MAKE IT HOT


    Anonymous said...

    Gwyneth, I like all of the covers and I look forward to getting the whole series.

    vickiwe said...

    I love all the covers, too! I will definitely be getting my copies! Gwyneth, will you have them at RJS?


    Tyhitia Green said...

    I like all of the covers, especially the first one... :*)

    Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

    I love the orders and I will be preordering, I love my books hot off the press...smiling...


    Gwyneth Bolton said...

    Thanks, Shelia! :-)

    Thanks, Vicki! I won't have them at Slam Jam. They won't be out until July, September and December... :-)

    Thanks, Tyhitia. The first one is my favorite.

    Thanks, Angelia! Hot off the press is always good. ;-)


    Chicki Brown said...

    They're all beautiful, but PROTECT AND SERVE is my favorite. I can't wait to read it.

    Anonymous said...

    Gwyneth, I love all the covers and I cannot wait to read them.

    bettye griffin said...

    I think the Law of Attraction is my favorite cover, because I can see the faces of both parties.

    But the name "Gwyneth Bolton" on the cover means more to me than the cover art. That's what will make me purchase.

    Gwyneth Bolton said...

    Chicki ~ Thanks! :-) It's my favorite too.

    Tiffany ~ Thanks, girlfriend! :-) I hope you like them. I know you'll let me know. :-)

    Bettye ~ Thanks! I like that they used the same font for my name on all three books. That's cool!

    Kimber Li said...

    The guy on the Law of Desire has a cute smile. That's my favorite. I get an ARC? And when's the exact release date for the first one?

    Gwyneth Bolton said...

    The release date for the first one is July 2008. But it will be available on on June 1, 2008. You can get category romances a month early over there. And I will be sending out review copies for reviewers when I get my author copies.


    Michelle said...

    Congrats on cranking out 3 new ones -- and remember a while back when you were talking about giving it up. Yeah right! :-} Keep doing your thang!

    Gwyneth Bolton said...

    Michelle ~ I still think about it all the time, especially when I'd much rather be reading all these great books coming out... I think I'm getting a little better at balancing my reader-self, who only wants to read all day every day and my writer-self who has so many stories she wants to share, and my day job self who has to plan courses, teach, grade papers and pay the bills LOL... At least I'm trying, we'll see...

    Ann Christopher said...

    Wow, Gwen! They're all beautiful!

    Gwyneth Bolton said...

    Thanks, Ann! I like them a lot. I'm so excited! :-)


    Anonymous said...

    I Love the Protect and Serve Cover.

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