Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Two New Paranormal Reads For You! Because I care... ;-)

We have two new paranormal romances that are doing innovative things with the genre. Tired of vampires and werewolves you say? Not so keen on adventures in outer space but you’d like some speculative elements and magical realism in your romance? Well award winning author A. C. Arthur and debut author Stefanie Worth have novels to fit the bill. And me being the bookaholic enabler of other bookaholics that I am, well, I just had to pass the information along to the rest of you...

I love everything sci-fi, speculative, paranormal, etc… Okay, maybe not everything, but I took a moment of me-time/reading time before diving into my revisions. And I decided I’d read a couple of new paranormals since I’m not writing my own paranormal at the moment. And since I always have to share when I read a good book, I figured I'd let you know about these...

A. C. Arthur’s Heart of the Phoenix was truly amazing. She takes Greek mythology, the intrigue and suspense she is known for, as well as the heat she is known for, and really delivers on this one. Normally my pick for shape-shifter books is always werewolves. Nalini Singh’s books have me considering putting the big cats in the mix since I have really enjoyed her two paranormals. But mostly I'm a werewolf gal. However, A. C. has me thinking about a phoenix… This hero is part phoenix and part god… And lawd have mercy, I see I’m going to have to add a bird shape-shifter to my list… I love the way Arthur weaved the Greek mythology into the novel. It reminded me of my first reading love. I spent a lot of time reading Greek myths as a kid. I highly recommend this one for folks who enjoy paranormals but want something different and more refreshing.

Here’s the blurb:

From the ashes he was born and in the thunderous flames he will soon die. But not before branding her heart. Tayla Hampton thought she had escaped her past. She was wrong. It’s caught up with her. Luckily she has a guardian angel…or something like that.

Thaddeus Delos is not you’re ordinary protector. His mythical DNA is proof of that. Still he hungers like a hot-blooded man, loves fiercely and will protect Tayla with his life. Only that life isn’t promised to him for much longer.

The next book comes from newcomer Stefanie Worth. Where Souls Collide is nothing short of a stunning debut. I loved this book and I was still thinking about it when I closed the pages. It is such a refreshing twist on soul mates. Refreshing and innovative and thrilling, those are words that come to mind as I try to think about how to describe this book. And the speculative elements and magical realism are done so well that it really pulls you into several worlds seamlessly. It really is a novel that you have to experience. I can’t really put into words all the things that are great about this book. As a writer, I appreciated the risks Worth took with the story telling, the rules of romance certainly get twisted all around in this one. And as a reader, I loved the voice and the draw of this novel. It pulled me in and refused to let me go. I highly recommend this one as well.

Here’s the blurb:

Detroit journalist Nevena Larimore thought her romance with NBA star Maxwell McKnight would last forever, but forever came to an abrupt end fifteen years ago, leaving her brokenhearted. Now Maxwell is back in her life as the owner and editor of her newspaper, and Navena's turbulent feelings have come rushing back.

Navena cannot find peace at home, either. Her boyfriend wants more of a commitment than she can give and she's haunted by prophetic dreams of murder.

It is up to Navena to figure out her psychic legacy and prevent the murder...but not alone. After struggling with doubt, Maxwell realizes that Navena's visions are authentic, and it is she who might need saving. Navena may have extraordinary powers, but together they discover that real love is a force of its own.

What about you all? Have you read any good books lately? Go ahead, add a few books to my to-be-read pile... I won't mind... :-)

Much love and peace,



  1. Heart of the Phoenix sounds right up my alley. I love mythology. Thanks for the recommendations!

  2. Anonymous9:55 PM


    I read Heart of the Phoenix and I have to say I loved it. I will definitely check out the second one too, I'm always looking for a good book and a new author to read.


  3. Kimber An ~ Knowing the way you love myths and mythology and different cultures, I am going to go on the line and say you will really enjoy Heart of the Phoenix.

    Tiffany ~ Yay! It was a great book wasn't it. I loved the twists and turns AC had in there. It was a good read. And you should definitely check out Where Souls Collide. Both books had a nice mix of paranormal, suspense, intrigue, and romance.


  4. As much as I read I hadnt read much paranormal, however I had to review a book a couple weeks ago and in MHO a reviewer has to be able to read everything with an unbiased I reviewed...a paranormal book and I loved it. It opened me up to try others...not even sure why I hadnt before... lways love mythology so I am going to have give Heart of the Phonenix a try...thanks Sis

  5. Angelia ~ Your welcome! :-) I think you'll like Heart of the Phoenix . Both books provided a nice little reading break for me... Now it's back to the grindstone... :-(


  6. WHERE SOULS COLLIDE sounds really good.

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    These sounds good...thanks for adding to my book debt (smile)... books are my one guilty pleasure. It's between books and handbags.

  8. Both books sound interesting. I saw WHEN SOULS COLLIDE in Borders just the other day. Looked interesting but I always hesitate on sci-fi/fantasy. I like some, not others. (Plus, I don't buy at Borders. Ony browse. Separate discussion.) So I think I'll add it to my TBR list.

    I'm reading--yes, between writing and doing the latest HP--UNFINISHED BUSINESS by Karyn Langhorne. Contemporary interracial romance that pulls no punches between a white senator from the South and a Black teacher from DC. Smart, funny, sexy, and definitely worth the read.

  9. Ann ~ Where Souls Collide was excellent. I'm still thinking about the book. I think it's one of those books I'll have to reread when I get a moment. It is going on the keeper shelf for sure.

    Shelia ~ Anytime, girlfriend, anytime... teeheehee. :-) I'm sure you would do the same for my book debt. And I so feel you on the handbags... girl I just saw this Coach bag I want but can't afford. Well, I could probably afford it if I stopped buying books for a year. LOL. But I don't see that happening.

    Patricia ~ You should definitely get Where Souls Collide . I hear you on Borders though... I'm not that strict. I will buy from them, especially if I went to the other book stores in town and they didn't have my book. When I want a book I want a book and will even buy from them. Sad but true... And I loved Unfinished Business I wrote about it on my blog here:
    But that book was so good! She made me fall in love with a Republican. LOL. You're right it was smart and funny and just plain good. I've read all of her novels so far and I've enjoyed them all.

    much love and peace,


  10. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Both books sound delicious. Thanks for the recommendations, Gwyneth.

  11. I read Nalini's first book and will add the two you've recommended. Will order them from Cush City.


  12. Patricia S ~ They were really good reads... Now it's back to work...

    Bella ~ Hey! Great to see you! You should definitely check them out. I'm glad I did. I'm waiting on the next Nalini Singh book too. I never thought I'd get into cat shape-shifters. But hers are hot. :-) Come to think of it Cheyenne McCray has some really cool cat shapeshifters that she wrote for Ellora's Cave that I really liked... Hmmm...

