Friday, August 10, 2007

Talk about incentive...

... to buy a Kanye West CD

50 Cent said he would stop making solo albums if Kanye West out-sells him when they both release on September 11th.

"Let's raise the stakes," the 31-year-old rapper told hip-hop Web site in an interview posted Friday. "If Kanye West sells more records than 50 Cent on September 11, I'll no longer write music. I'll write music and work with my other artists, but I won't put out anymore solo albums."

Promises... Promises... I don't know about y'all. But I'm buying as many Kanye West CDs as my budget can handle. I'm talking about, family and loved ones might be getting them for birthday gifts and Christmas. Both 50 and Kanye are pretty annoying in an man-child kind of way... I mean instead of having a contest for who can sell the most CDs, they could have a contest for who can through the biggest tantrum. I wouldn't even know who to put my money on for that one... But I actually like Kanye's music. And if there is a chance he can help get rid of 50, hey... why not? If only 50 said he would shut up and disappear forever if Kanye outsold him. Boy, I'd really buy a lot of those Kanye West CDs then...

Buy Kanye West's CD and let's see if 50 disappears... LOL.


  1. Whoa! Look at those abs! Sorry, Gwyneth, did you say something?

  2. Go Kanye!!! I will have to tell all my youngsters to go purchase, most of them like Kanye, but, alas many love Fitty...must be those abs Kimber mentioned...sometimes I am so torn, I have to hold my head still everytime 'In Da Club' comes on...


  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I agree with Kimber an (*sips her Vitamin Water).

  4. Kimber An and Tamika ~ :-) Y'all are funny. Those abs are something though.... Maybe instead of having him disappear we can just have him shut up and flex...

    Angelia ~ Girl... When "In Da Club" comes on... Mmm hmmm... I feel ya... But tell your youngsters to buy the Kanye's CD anyway. :-)


  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I heard about that yesterday and even though both are annoying I would rather listen to Kanye than 50 cent.

  6. I'm not into either one of them, so I could care less. I love singers -- real singers like John Legend, Leela James, Jill Scott, Luther Vandross, Donnie McClurkin, Yolanda Adams, etc.

    If rap died tomorrow I'd be one of those people who wouldn't notice. :) Don't shoot me, Gwyneth, but I'm definitely old school.

  7. I wonder if he really will...

    on the other hand, what an excellent way to panic your more indifferent fans into buying your cd

  8. Don't believe the hype! This is just an opportunity for him to (1) get advance spin on a CD with which he may not be completely pleased, thereby having an excuse to bow out of the spotlight for a while, then (2) come out of his self-imposed "retirement" in a few years, selling more than ever.

    Buy and give away some good books instead!

  9. Tiffany ~ I'm with you on that.

    Chicki ~ I feel you. Me, I'm a total music junkie. I love all kinds of music from old school to new, R&B/Soul to reggae to gospel to rap. I even like some country music and *gasp* rock, quiet as it's kept. But since I'm a child who grew up in the 70s, I'm a hip-hop head... can't help it. Wouldn't chnage it... That's just me... If rap died tomorrow, I'd be one mourning chick. ;-)

    Elle ~ You know he won't. But you're right it is a way for him to make his fans who might be tempted to pass on the CD buy it. Straight uop manipulation.

    Personally, I think Oprah should rack up on Kanye CDs and have him on the show again. Since she loves Kanye. And 50 was trying to give her the blues a few months ago. This would be a perfect chance for her to shut him up. Not like she probably give a hoot about 50...

    Patricia W ~ Good point. He probably would come out of so-called retirement in a few years anyway, huh. Still it would be nice to see his arrogant behind get outsold by Kanye. Then of course we'd have Kanye's arrogant behind to contend with...


  10. Girl...he might be hanging up his rapping boots. :)

  11. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Gwyneth, I'm laughing to hard, I can hardly think. I did love 50's first CD, but since then, I haven't been impressed.

  12. Shelia ~ Wouldn't that be lovely...

    Patricia S ~ I kinda liked that first CD too... quiet as it's kept... LOL. ;-)


  13. Can I hope that they both die in a blaze of their own self-induced glory?

  14. Chesya ~ LOL. :-) Yes, that's an option. Girl, you crack me up.

