Friday, August 17, 2007

Great Posts on the Writing Life…

Wendy Coakley-Thompson asks “Are We There Yet?” on Blogging In Black

Wendy Coakley-Thompson: Are We There Yet?

This is a thoughtful post that deals with the level of faith writers need to have as they pursue their careers and what happens when that faith is tested.

AcVernon Mechan explores the nuances of criticism in her post “Constructive Criticism.”

acVernon Menchan: Constructive Criticism

This great post looks at criticism in a variety of ways and really gets at the heart of the matter: how we take criticism depends both on the way it is given and our own willingness to receive it…

Farrah Rochon has some thoughts to share on the writing process in her post “Different Book, Different Process.”

Farrah Rochon: Different Book, Different Process

If you are one of those lucky people who has a tried and true writing and revising process that works every time, the same way for every book you write, then not only is this post not for you but I’m sticking out my tongue at you right now as I type. But if you’re like the rest of us poor folks who have to get in where we fit in and find new ways to work that muse each time, then check out what Farrah has to say. And don’t forget, Ms. Farrah Rochon will be our author for the month of September here on Gwyneth’s Blog.

Okay, what are you still reading this post for? Go Check out these blogs and comment over there. And then go write something… Me? I’m still celebrating my birthday… LOL.

Much love and peace,
