Friday, May 18, 2007

The Passing of Author Katherine D. Jones

In March of 2005 at the tenth annual Romance Slam Jam I had the honor of meeting author Katherine D. Jones for the first time. I don’t think she knew it at the time and I’m not sure I even realized what the impact of that meeting would be for me. She offered a newly signed author she had never met before kindness and spoke with genuine sincerity about the business and showed me such a warm and open spirit. Her giving nature, the way she opened herself up to offer advice and inspiration during my interactions with her then and since then have shown me a model of how we should all treat one another. Katherine passed away suddenly on May 17, 2007. And while my heart is breaking for her family, friends and readers, I know that we all have had such a gift to have been able to connect with this dynamic woman. I feel honored to have known her, humbled by her truly giving and open nature, and inspired to spread the kindness she showed me as a new author with people I come in contact with. I can honestly say, I have not met a more real and sincere person and she will be missed. I can hardly finish typing this through my tears. My thoughts and prayers are with her husband and sons at this very sad time.


  1. That is so sad. Was she sick? It seems so sudden.

  2. Anonymous12:55 PM


    I really enjoyed reading her work. I will definitely keep her family and friends in my prayers.


  3. I have not had the pleasure of reading her work but she was on my list of "new to me" authors to read. My prayers are with her family.

  4. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I like you and so many other was shock when I rec'd word of Katherine passing last night and I still can't beleive she is gone from the earth. I did not have the pleasure of meeting Kathrine in person but I had kept in contact with her through email and had just rec'd one from her last week. Even thought I did not have the pleasure of meeting Katherine I felt that I knew her. I am so glad that I am one of her biggest fan and that I love all of her books and she knew that as well. I was one of her reader who would always write to her after I have read any of her books.

    My prayers goes out to her family especially her husband and sons. If you are in contact with her family please let them know that she will be miss, but she will not be forgotten. I am like you it hard to write my heart is so full right now. Katherine has been on my mind all day today.


  5. Shai ~ I'm not sure how she passed. I just know that it was sudden.

    Tiffany ~ I'm doing the smae. She'll be missed.

    Patricia ~ You should definitely check out some of her novels.

    Louise ~ I know she appreciated you and would have loved to meet you. At least she knew how much you loved her work and I know that meant a lot to her.


  6. So sad. Such a beautiful young woman! My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends.

  7. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Gwyneth, thank you so much for posting this memorial for Katherine D. Jones. I'm keeping her family in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. Kimber An and Patricia ~ Yes, we should all keep her family in our thoughts and prayers. They will need it. I can't even wrap my mind around what they must be going through to have lost a wife and mother so suddenly without warning. Strong prayers and lots of positive thoughts and energy being sent their way at this time is a must.


  9. Man, this was sad. I remember when you interviewed her back in February. May God be with her family.

  10. Her family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. I was speechless, I had never read her work until I read and reviewed your anthology...another reason why we should live each day fully...and thankfully...

    Love and Blessings...

  12. Gwen,
    I remembered that you had an interview with her and she seemed like a nice person. Everyone on various blogs have only nice things to say about her. My prayers are with her family, as well as my heart-felt sympathy.

  13. Michelle ~ Yes I know. I'm glad I got a chance to interview her and learn a little more about my sister-friend author.

    Emma ~ Yes, we should all do this. They'll need it.

    Angelia ~ Exactly! I think Katherine did that. And I know that I am going to really make the effort to do this as well. Because you never know.

    Tyhitia ~ Yes, a lot of people have posted tributes on their blogs and I'm glad. Katherine was a wonderful person, a talented writer and a all around sweet person. I'm glad folks are taking the time to note her passing. It is such a loss.


  14. Gwen, I still can't believe it. Kat and I were good buds. She was one of the sweetest women I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. We were traveling to BEA together.

    I really miss her.

  15. Just checking in on you Gwyneth -- hope you're doing okay! Have a great weekend!

  16. Kimberly ~ I feel the same way. She was so sweet. It doesn't make sense to me that she's gone.

    Michelle ~ Thanks for checking. I have been in a bit of a funk thins week I hope to be better and back on the saddles next week. :-)


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