Friday, May 25, 2007

To Yahoo or Not to Yahoo…

Yahoo Groups or some other version of author/reader list-serves and loops seem to be a must-have for the contemporary author who wants to remain connected to her readership. This is especially so for romance writers. And I don’t have one. I’ve told myself that since my first book only hit the shelves a little over a year ago, I really don’t need one. How many readers can an author who has only been published since March 2006 possibly have? Certainly not enough to warrant a yahoo group… I mean, who would be in it? Me and momma and ‘nem? Actually, since momma isn’t on-line yet, it would just be me… But I digress…

I'm Blogging in Black today. Read the rest of this post over there. :-)

  • Blogging in Black

    1. Girl, please. You know I'd be in your group! Stop trippin'! LOL! You have fans, Gwyneth; just look at the traffic you get on this blog. Go ahead and start one! :*)

    2. Tyhitia ~ You are funny girl! :-)


    3. You're doing your thang everywhere else -- might as well share your gloriousness with the folks over at Yahoo. I'm raising my hand -- I'll be one of your and 'nems!

    4. Awww... Michelle! :-)


    5. Good question, Gwyneth. I think it's possible to spread one's self too thin and not have time to devote as much attention to readers as they deserve. You already have this blog established. Can a Yahoo group do more? If so, is that more vital than what you're doing here?

    6. Kimber An~ I think you hit it right on the head with the spreading oneself too thin observation. It's enougth trying to keep an somewhat updated blog and keep up with MySpace. A Yahoo group might be ther proverbial straw that broke the romance writer's back. LOL.


    7. count me in the "and 'nem"

    8. blessings gwyneth. i just discovered your blog through michelle's blog. i am excited about checking in with what you are writing. do what you are called to do with your blog and other communication tools. i agree with you on finding balance and knowing what one's boundaries are. that's healthy writing and living. do you.... and do it with peace, love, balance and harmony. peace and love, ananda
      ps: i hope you get to visit the dc location of the akwabaa inn. i live a few blocks from it and can say that it is a beautiful place.

    9. Elle ~ Thanks, soror. :-)

      Ananda ~Thanks for stopping by. You're so right! Blance is key. And I think the main reason I haven't done the yahoo group thing yet is because I can't add another thing without toppling over. LOL. And I hope I get lucky enough to visit the Akwabaa Inn in DC... That would be nice...

    10. Gurl, go on and get yourself a yahoo group, LOL! I did, when I just had my one little ebook out and I was surprised that within a few months I had about fifty members or so, lol. So, it wasn't a lot, but it was cool. On my yahoo group I do contests, and give excerpts that I don't do on the old blogger.

      My group is announcement only, so the members aren't inundated with messages from other members. It's a way to let them know what's coming out and new contracts signed. At the end of the year, I'm "giving away" a free short stort to them, and a few other fun things. Just as a way of thanking them for taking a chance on a new author, with so many choices out there. :)


    11. Hey Kimberly!

      I'm thinking an announcements group could be cool... And I like the idea of stories and excerpts that you don't put on the blog, but share with readers in your group... Hmmm....

