Tuesday, May 15, 2007

New Series: Hightower Honors

Hi All,

I just signed the contract for my next Kimani Romance books. The contract was for the first two books in a series. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the first two books will go over well and they'll take the second two. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Here's a little taste of what the series will offer:

Four brothers on a mission to protect, serve, and love…

Cops and firemen bring sirens to mind—red-hot-blazing sirens. And these men offer just that, loud, heart-pounding sirens of seduction. Hightower Honors is a four part series that chronicles the lives and loves of four very hot and sexy brothers from a strong upper-middle class Paterson, New Jersey family with a rich legacy of public service. Most of the Hightower men are either cops or firemen and have been in this line of work for several generations. These Hightower brothers add two cops and two firemen to the family lineage of service.

In PROTECT AND SERVE, Jason Hightower is a police detective for the Paterson police department who needs to conquer his past by finally confronting the first love he thinks betrayed him. He needs to do so before a threat from her past takes her away for good. In MAKE IT HOT, Joel Hightower is a fireman injured on the job and forced to think about a career outside of his dream job. Too bad he can’t think around the spunky physical therapist helping him recover. In UPHOLDING THE LAW, the woman Lawrence Hightower finds himself falling in love with could very well be a criminal. He needs to figure out who she really is before the criminals looking for her find her. In SIZZLING SEDUCTION, Patrick Hightower is used to putting out fires, but a sweet and sexy kindergarten teacher breaks through his protective shield and gets him thinking it might be more fun starting one.

The Hightower men are all tall, dark, handsome and alpha. Their upbringing dictates that when push comes to shove, they should always do the right thing. The only catch is that sometimes the right thing in their minds has to be done the right way, their way. Raised by two loving parents, James and Celia Hightower, the brothers know what real love looks like and they want it for themselves. Eventually. On their own terms.

Their father James’s dedication to the city that raised him means that even though he became very successful with his security company, Hightower Security, he never moved his family away. The Hightowers are as close to royalty as a small urban city like Paterson, New Jersey gets. But they are also very down to earth and take their positions as leaders in the community very seriously. This is a family trait instilled in the Hightower brothers most heavily by their father’s older sister, Sophie Hightower. She has never married and has made it her business to make sure her “unworthy” sister-in-law, Celia, raises her nephews properly. After investing so much time in her nephews, she of course needs to make sure that they find mates worthy of them and the Hightower name.

Their mother, Celia Hightower, may not be of the same elite background, but she also has very specific ideas about the kinds of down-to-earth, sweet women she’d like to see her sons end up with. A small subplot of each book is the tug of war between these two sisters-in-law. The Hightower Honors series offers four books about love, family, and romance in sometimes gritty, urban settings that explode with passion and deep emotion. The two firemen stories are hot sexy, courtship tales about the thrill of the chase and the glory of surrender. The two cop stories are deeply emotional and passionate stories with a hint of intrigue.

Look for PROTECT AND SERVE around July 2008 and MAKE IT HOT some time in September 2008. I'll keep you all posted.


  1. Congrats Gwyneth! That series sounds ver intriguing and interesting. This is coming from a person who doesn't really care for romance novels. Looking forward to hearing more!

  2. Very coool, Gwyneth. Got my fingers AND my toes crossed for you!

  3. Thanks, Rageyone! Thanks, Kimber An! I appreciate it. :-)


  4. Ooooooh!

    I love romance novels with alpha males who know what real love is and strive for it for themselves.

    Can't wait, Gwyneth!

  5. Anonymous12:50 AM


    Congratulations!!! I cannot wait for the first book in the series to come out.


  6. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Oh, yeah!!!!! (screeching!!!)
    Love your books, girl!
    Hurry up so I can read these new ones.


  7. A new contract! Woo hoo! I love stories about strong black men, especially those wearing a uniform...


  8. It is so ordered, believe and it is...I say all that to say...congratulations and it will occur...everthing I have ever done, I visualized and believed it would occur...

    Love and Blessings...

  9. Lady Bronco ~ Me too. These guys are fun to write, because they aren't over-the-top alpha. I'm loving them... I mean I love writing about them. ;-)

    Tiffany ~ Hey girlfriend! You know I will keep you posted. :-)

    Betsy ~ Hey girlfriend! I will hurry up. Thanks for the props for my books. You just made my morning. :-)

    Chicki ~ I hear you, girl. I never thought I would be writing about cops and firemen. But when those guys started invading my thoughts... well let's just say I have gained a new fondness for those uniforms... ;-)


  10. Thanks, Angelia. I'm going to keep that in mind and start visualizing all four of the books sitting on my shelf. :-)


  11. Congrats on the contract. The books sound great!

  12. Woohoo! Congratulations, Gwyneth!!!! I look forward to reading these. Sounds like the making of a great series.

  13. Thanks, Monica! Thanks, Patricia! As I'm writing these I feel like I've finally found my voice. So I'm really excited about these books.


  14. I wouldn't spend time wondering about getting the rest of your series greenlighted, Gwyneth! You've got a loyal following, and this is sure to bring you new readers who will insist on reading more about these sexy brothers.

    There's just something about a man in uniform . . .


  15. Congratulations, Gwen! Great news!


  16. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Hey Gwyneth,
    Congrats on the new series, and you know I can't wait. These brothers already sound hot. I know I am just one person so you know how like to see you write about the brothers. I see already that there aunt will get on my nerve and everybody else, but I know at some point in these story that the brothers mama will tell that aunt where to go smile... If not the mama hopeful the daddy her brother ha ha.

    You know July is a long way off, but I know this series will be off the chain. Remember HOT, STEAMY LOVE SCENE...........


  17. Bettye ~ Thanks! And I agree, there is something about a man in uniform... :-)

    Thanks, Ann!

    Louise ~ You called it right, girlfriend. Aunt Sophie will probably work your nerves and everyone else's. But don't worry, she'll get hers. And I will be sure to remember your request for bringing the heat... :-) I know you will let me know if it's not HOT enough. LOL.


  18. Congratulations on the contract, Gwyneth! :*) I cannot wait to read those sizzling books! I'm fanning already! :*)

  19. Anonymous9:05 PM

    This sounds awesome! I look forward to it!


  20. Thanks Tyhitia! Thanks Paz!

  21. Kudos on the new contract. The men sound yummy. Can't wait for the first one to come out.


  22. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Gwyneth!!! Congratulations! What exciting news! And of course they're going to do well. You're headed for the top, lady. Your Hightower Honors series sound fantastic! I'm looking forward to them. Best wishes for continued success.

  23. Hi, Bella! Hi, Patricia! Thanks ladies! I've decided I'm just going to have fun writing about these yummy guys and let it go from there. ;-)

