Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Things that make you ask why... Crazy People

Why do crazy people always seem to latch on to me? Seriously. Do I have a sign on my head that says, "Come here crazy person. I want to be your friend." And why is it that I never realize that the person has issues until I'm knee-deep in the friendship or relationship. I just look up one day and realize, "Hey this person is a nut." Or, to quote an old saying from the south that my mom used to say, "This fool is fool!" Anyway, I'm only bringing it up because I do think that sometimes we can look at patterns in our lives and maybe, just maybe, I'm attracting all these lunatics for a reason. But you guys would let me know if I was crazy right? You wouldn't let your girl walk around here thinking she's sane and she's really got a few screws loose, right? And what about you all? Do you find yourself attracting the same kind of people and not realizing until too late how nuts they are? And how do you get rid of a crazy person? And I realize this post is not PC and it's not cool to make fun of the crazy people. But if they would just leave me alone, I really wouldn't be writing this post. So, I'll have to be un-PC today...

Much love and peace,



  1. You know what they say: keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you're getting. Whatchoodoin to attract all the crazies??? :-} Hope they stay in your neck of the woods and as far away from me as possible. I got some anti-crazy spray if you need it. Have a good week. Craziness and all!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous4:04 PM

    LOL! Too funny. I hope the crazy people soon let you go.

  4. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I totally understand where you are coming from. It is as if you have a magnet for those that are needy or have issues. Ugh! Maybe it is because you have such a giving personality. I dunno. I do know it is hard to change those things about ourselves so you may as well realize you will continue to attract those kinds of people. All I can say is, do your best to try and help out the crazies.

    Probably not what you wanted to hear, but it is what it is.

  5. Michelle ~ LOL. I'm telling you, girlfriend, the latest crazy folks have me doing a serious reflective, "maybe it's me?" LOL. I may need that anti-crazy spray...

    Monica ~ I hope they let me go too... trust me I do...

    Rageyone ~ I think you're on to something. I've noticed that I am more inclined to listen to folk, lend an ear, etc... just being really open and what not... That must be a flag to crazy people because before you know it they are just there all the time and becoming more and more crazy... Something to think about for sure...


  6. Anonymous1:17 AM

    God sent the crazies to you for research purposes. Roll with it. That's how I view it.
    And when I've had enough of them, those nuts are going in one of my books!
    Research ov-ah!


  7. I'm really feeling you on this one! For years before we moved to Atlanta, it seemed like every new person that came into my life had some SERIOUS issues. It took me a long time to realize that I opened myself up to their craziness by allowing them to see my empathy/sympathy for their situation. Some people have radar that says, "There's a sucker. Let's get her!" When we moved here, I made the decision to keep my guard up against people's sob stories and not act unless God tells me to.

  8. Gwen,
    Not to brag, but I have a crazy sensor. I'm sure you're talking about trifling people who are users? I hope you don't mean certifiablely crazy people. I used to be a mental health counselor and worked with schizophrenic, paranoid, bi-polar, etc. people.

    Or you may mean the stalker-type friends. I had a crazy "friend" that I had to get rid of, but she still tried to contact me through other people. Some crazy people are dangerous. I'm going back to school to become a licensed psychologist, so maybe I can help you relieve yourself of the crazies?? LOL.

  9. I haven't known you long but I quickly discerned your generous spirit. So I think rageyone hit it on the head (and Michelle in her own inimitable way). Folks figure out they can lean/depend/leech on you and so they do.

    But don't change who you are. Work on your ability to discern and separate the crazies from the worthwhile. Hold back a little until you're sure folks are walkin' straight ahead. Then, let your generosity loose, that you will continue to receive as a blessing for all your giving.

    Any ideas for Gwyn on how she can do this, folks?

    I'll start...

    You know folks is crazy (yes, I know that's bad grammar) when they wear all designer clothing but never have money for lunch. They borrow from you and promise to pay but never do and look at you indignantly when you offer a gentle reminder...or need to borrow a little bit yourself!

  10. TC ~ That's a thought. I can see some of these folks making some pretty interesting characters for sure...

    Tyhitia ~ You need to hook a sista up with that sensor. And as for certifiable...I'm thinking at least two of them might need some meds on the real...

    Chicki ~ I might have to follow your lead on that. If it helps cut the craziness...

    Patricia ~ That's what I need better discernment in this area... I'm laughing my behind off at your mock test. We need to come up with a list for sure. "You might be a tad bit crazy if..." LOL.


  11. Just checking on you! How are things in Crazyland! I think Patricia's advice was right on!
    Don't change who you are. Work on your ability to discern and separate the crazies from the worthwhile. Hold back a little until you're sure folks are walkin' straight ahead. Then, let your generosity loose.

    Although, my experience has been some folks can hide their craziness for years! Hee. Hope you're having fun in MIAMI.

  12. You know I read this post and thought "is she talking about me?"
    So I guess that answers the question of do I think I'm sane.
    As far as your sanity, well...you're just as sane as I am:)

    Believe it or not I don't attract too many crazy people. I really can't deal with them and I think I give off the vibe that says "You better step away, before I pull out my shank." (oh yeah straight from Chicago! Don't let the GA zip code fool you)

    In all seriousness maybe it is the classic example of "opposites attract." when you are completely open there is no telling who will walk through that door. Recognize who the "crazies" are, then give them the boot and close the damn door. (changing the lock wouldn't hurt).

  13. KD King ~ I'm not talking about you. You my girl! And you're crazy in a good way. :-)


  14. Gwyneth, I could have written this post! Beware of the nuts! They will drain all of your good sense. *lol*

  15. TDJ ~ You ain't neva lied! LOL.
