Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I made it! I'm in Miami!

After being on airplanes and sitting in airports since around 6:00 am, I'm in Miami, y'all. The Romance Slam Jam officially starts on Thursday morning. YAY! I'm going to try and be good and give updates while I'm here. But I am in Miami, y'all! LOL. And I'm with my romance reading and writing folks. So, there is no telling how much time I'll have to post. :-)

Anyway, I thought I'd leave you all with the Will Smith cut that has been playing in my head since last week--Miami.

much love and peace,



  1. Have enough fun for me too, girl! Oh God, I need a vacation. VACATION!! Oh my, I'm drooling. Have fun!

  2. Ooh, have so very much fun!

  3. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Gwyneth, I hope you have a fantastic time at Romance Slam Jam! I hope to join you there next year. All the best!!!

  4. Gwyneth, while you're having such a blast in Miami, I hope you can pop into Susan Grant's Cyber-Launch party for MY FAVORITE EARTHLING over on my blog today and tomorrow!

  5. Yay, you are so lucky. I'd love to be in Miami right now as the rain has turned to snow here once again. And we are supposed to get a storm this weekend. I'm sick of snow already.

  6. Anonymous12:01 PM


    I hope you have a great time!!

  7. Tyhitia, Kimber An, Patricia and Anonymous ~ Thanks I'm going to try and have enough fun for all of us. ;-)

    Kari ~ More snow? Say it ain't so! I'm really going to have to make sure I soak up the sun here.


  8. Trying not too be jealous...Have fun for me. I'll be there next year definitely. Have a fabulous, wonderful, terrific, sun filled, fun filled, time.

    And remember extra mints in the Mojito.

  9. KD King ~ I had an extra mojito just for you. :-) It was good too. :-)


  10. Gwyneth, have a blast! And I'm sure there's the makings of another hip-hop romance in that locale!

    BTW, I just started "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" and I'm loving it. Had to force myself to put it down to get my son off to school, and me off to work, this morning.

  11. have a great time!

  12. Patricia ~ Well, you know you will have to let me know what you thought of it... I hope you like it. It's my first novel and will always be special to me for that reason.

    Rageyone ~ Thanks! I had a blast!

