Monday, March 12, 2007

And the second winner is...

The second winner of my first contest is Betty Dowdell. She wins a signed copy of Cuffed by Candlelight. She writes, "Why can I have only one favorite especially since my two favorites are connected by the Divine. But, if I must choose then it is definitely Prince Darwu (Divine Destiny). Fiercely loyal, tall, sexy, strong, handsome, intelligent, determined, a born leader, did I mention sexy?? ... One of the things I loved most about Darwu is his faithfulness to those he loved. He loved his parents and was faithful to the throne, he loved Ourlane and was faithful to the people, and most of all he loved his Divine Mate who he thought was lost to him forever and he was faithful to avenge her death against those he held responsible for it. Even when he found out his mate Kara was a part of The Resistance and he knew her feelings were torn he was still faithful to the Divine's union...Yes, Darwu is worthy of 'super hero' status and I can't wait to see what will happen with our beloved couple in the future."

That means there are only two more copies of Cuffed By Candlelight left to be won. Don't you want to be one of the winners? You can be if you enter today! (Okay, now I really feel like a game show announcer... Come on down! You're the next contestant... LOL.)

much love and peace,



  1. Oooh, a contest. How do I enter??

  2. Hi Kari,

    You can enter on my website! Here's the link:


  3. Oh Oh! kari beat me to it!! I'm going to your website right now!!

    I love contests! and love your blog too!!!
