Sunday, March 04, 2007

Tagged once more...

So, the lovely Michelle Buckley has seen fit to get me back for tagging her a few weeks ago. And since I don't want anyone else to feel like they need to return the favor, I'm not tagging anyone this time. But this was a fun one. So, if anyone wants to tag themselves and do it, feel free.

What main lesson have you learned in the month of February?

I learned two things this month. The first thing is that at the end of the day, the things you don't have control over--like what people think about you or say about you--don't really matter in the large scheme of things. And the second thing is that haters will always be haters. They can't help it. It's what they do. To paraphrase Kanye West, hater men marry hater women and have hater kids…

What bad habit do you want to rid yourself of this month?

This month I am going to work on letting go of baggage in the form of negative people--baggage that is crazy, baggage that is negative, baggage that is backstabbing... I'm not saying heads will roll or anything like that. I'm just going to calmly and carefully weed out the people that I now realize don't mean me any good and never did.

What are your favorite muses?

Music is probably my all-time favorite muse. I love all kinds of music. It makes me happy and sparks my creativity. It also means that my CD rack is just as overflowing as my bookshelf and it is hard to tell where I spend the most money, the record store or the book store.

Name one thing UNIQUELY DIFFERENT that you recently discovered about yourself?

Hmmm… I don't think I have anything that is uniquely different about me. I'm a pretty regular girl… I think the one thing that I have that might make my patience snap a little quicker than most people is an incredibly low tolerance for bullshit or fake people...

What is your definition of passion vs intimacy?

Passion is that carefree, indulgent, no-holds barred feeling. It's how you feel when you know that nothing and no one is going to stand in the way of your enjoyment. So it doesn't matter what you learn or find out about the person or thing you're passionate about you're going to have it anyway. And intimacy is when you know all there is to know, warts and all and you're as open with all your own flaws and short-comings, and you are still able to connect and build something real with that other person. Intimacy is what happens when the passion quiets down a little but the love is still there.

What are you vibing too?

I haven't purchased his CD yet, but I am feeling Robin Thicke's "Lost Without U." That song makes me feel all kinds of sexy! And I can listen to it over and over again, because I like feeling sexy. ;-)

What are your favorite gadgets?

I don't have any favorite gadgets. I've never really been a gadget person. That would be the hubby... My favorite gadget of his would be his Rocket Chef. Watching him get all excited to cook and chop stuff up in his Rocket Chef is a treat. I like seeing the hubby happy and excited.

What would be a perfect date with the person you're thinking of right now...A night of spoken words, comedy club, quiet restaurant with dim lights, walk on the beach at dusk, an evening at home?

I think it's a tie between a quiet restaurant with dim lights and an evening at home. I'm a simple girl. It doesn't take much to make me happy.

Last book read?

Just About Sex, Ann Christopher.

What would you re-name it based upon your perception of the storyline?

I actually think the title worked perfectly for the storyline. And I highly recommend it to folks looking for a funny and emotional read.

How many times a day do you look at your blog or the blogs of others?

Too many! I need an intervention for real, y'all. I spend way too much time cruising blogs and checking back to see if anyone commented and what they said… Too. Much. Time. LOL.

Who's your favorite blogger or spot you find lurking around most often?

Most of my favorite bloggers can be found over on my sidebar. These are the ones I try to visit and comment on regularly. If I read the blog and make comments then chances are they are a favorite. If I added them to my links, then they are a favorite. And I love to read, so I'm always looking for more favorites.

If you were to live the opposite sex for the day what name would you give yourself?
John was my father's name. So I guess I'd name myself that for a day.

Describe yourself in 3 adjectives?
Nice and Bitchy and Sincere

One goal you set for yourself for the month of March?
By the end of the month, I want to come to some conclusions about my career in romance writing. It has been a year since the first book came out and I need to decide if I still want to pursue it.


  1. Great answers. Thanks for the peek inside of you. You're not thinking of giving up writing are you? I couldn't agree more with your first two answers. The hater marraige and kids thing cracked me up! Have a happy and relaxing rest of the day!

  2. Hey Michelle ! Thanks for tagging me... *wink, wink*

    Kanye actually says hater n-words marry hater b-words and have hater kids. Since this is a family friendly blog (yeah right) I thought I'd clean it up.

    And trying to have what is essentially two careers is a bit much. And right now only one is paying the bills so decisions will have to be made...


  3. Thanks for adding me to your blog list, girlfriend.
    Here's my answers:
    Feb lesson- love and forgive yourself first... bad habit- no more dirty dishes left in the sink... muses- definitely music, and my awesome critique partners... different? I still have dark roots at 50?... passion-my kids, chocolate and reading/writing romance novels... 30 seconds to Mars is my 'it' band... vibrators, ;)... last book finished, Nancy Warren's Speed Dating, a NASCAR story, and I'm currently reading and loving, Slave to Sensation, by N. Singh, thanks to you... honest, courageous, passionate... and don't mention again that you're not writing anymore or I'll open my big mouth again and tell the chapter!!! Besides, your editor is going to love your new proposal. *)*

  4. Wonderful answers...I like how you think the Hater lineage quote...


  5. Susan ~ Cool answers! And... if you want to be a tattle-tale then nah, nah, nah, nah, nah... LOL!

    Angelia ~ No, I like the way you think! Your inspirational postings on your blog are so powerful. If you all get the chance check out Angelia's blog and browse through some of her posts. You'll find some really powerful stuff.


  6. First off that was a long as blog. I mean I wanted to answer the questions and comments but you know my memory. Hell I had to take notes.
    Okay here goes
    Main lesson - Let Go and Seek Help.
    Looks like we've both got our own version of letting go to do. And that is not my lesson for february it is monthly, daily, weekly, hourly, it's a struggle.
    Bad habit - overeating. I have to learn to put the chicken leg down.
    I read yours and heard Badu in my head "Bag lady, you gone hurt your back..." Girl that falls right back to number one Let it Go!!
    Favorite Muse - I like you adore music. When I listen to music scenes play out in my head. I see pictures, feel emotion. It drives me more than anything. I love music.
    Uniquely different - Hell everything about me is unique. I'm one of a kind baby! And THAT is not a new discovery
    Passion vs.Intimacy - Passion - rip my clothes off and thrown me down on the floor...
    Intimacy - slowly peel away each layer of my clothing, gazing directly in my eyes. Wanting and needing to see and feel every f\trenble and emotion I have to his every touch and action.
    Is this what you meant or is my mind always in the gutter. Your answer was much deeper. Maybe I should just default to yours:)
    vibing to? - The blues. I grew up listening to it (family from Texas) and refused to like it as a form of rebellion. Now it has captured and drawn me in.
    BTW - Robin Thicke has a good CD. To quote one of my friends "Girl he got a song on there that fool begged so hard I damn near took off my panties and mailed it to him."
    Fave Gadgets - You did say this was family friendly right?
    Perfect date - a small, intimate, smoke-free, blues club
    Last book - Beauty and the Beast by Deatri King Bey and Risk by Ann Christopher - wouldn't change the title
    Blogging habits - once a day maybe more. I only check yours consistently.
    Fave blogs - Yours and Morgan Hawke's
    My name as a man - Just call me your Majesty
    Three adjectives - Sexy, Smart, Silly
    Soo you're saying your a Nice, sincere, bitch? Uuuh isn't that one big contradiction.
    March goal - submit
    to comment on your inner conflict on whether to continue I must quote two films.
    Poltergiest "Don't go into the light Carol Anne."
    The Wiz Sung by Lena Horne "If you believe within your heart, you'll know. that no one can change the path that you must go. Belive what you feel and know your right because the time will come around when you say its yours..."

    Damn I'm going to go have to put on my Wiz Soundtrack now.

  7. K. D. King ~ Girl you've got some quotable in your response!

    "Girl he got a song on there that fool begged so hard I damn near took off my panties and mailed it to him."
    This one made me want to run out and get that Robin Thicke CD today! LOL

    "Fave Gadgets - You did say this was family friendly right?"
    This one has me laughing my butt off! And it has me shaking my hear too! Girl!

    "Sexy, Smart, Silly"
    That sounds about right... I say that was you...

    "Soo you're saying your a Nice, sincere, bitch? Uuuh isn't that one big contradiction."
    Exactly! In fact that's a more apt description for me. I'm a contradiction. I like that.


  8. Anonymous9:16 PM

    LOL! Love your blog, Gwen.
    I sure hope that last comment about not writing was a joke. Hang in there...

  9. Keep writing, chick! You're da bomb!
    As for Robin Thicke, I think all of the hype is funny. Yes, he can sing, but when he came out a few years ago, with long hair, riding on a bicycle in a video, with Beethoven playing as a background track to his R&B, no one knew who he was. His stage name was just Thicke. He got a haircut and changed his persona a little, and just like that, he blew up. How strange. He always had the same voice. By the way, his dad is Alan Thicke; the dad from Growing Pains.

  10. Delilah ~ Thanks, girlfriend! I hope you won't mind if I stick around after the Cuffed chat tonight to chat with you about Something Naughty... I loved the book and would love to be in on the discussion... :-)

    Tyhitia ~ Thanks! You da bomb too, girlfriend! And I heard that Robin's dad is Alan Thicke. They look so much alike too... I've got to get that CD. Or maybe I'll just get the single for "Lost without U." I usually have a three song rule for buying CDs. I need to hear three songs I like before I spend the money on one.


  11. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Gwen, your book is in my overstacked TBR pile (still!). This deadline is kicking my behind and I haven't read anything yet, but I'll still crash your chat tonight. :)
    See ya there!


  12. Delilah ~ I know about deadlines. They do make it hard to do just about anything else... "See" ya tonight! -- Gwyneth
