Monday, March 05, 2007

And the first winner is....

Kristin Felton is the first winner in my first contest! Yay! She won an autographed copy of Cuffed by Candlelight. She wrote, "My favorite is Carlton Harrington III. The reason that I love his character so much is because he was very complex (like myself). Something about his character has made me reread this book over and over. It is definitely one of my favorites."

It's not too late to enter the contest! You might be the next winner. There are three more copies of Cuffed by Candlelight waiting to be won! (I feel like a game show announcer. LOL.)

much love and peace,



  1. Hey, where's mine? :P```

  2. Did you enter the contest? You gotta be in it to win it. LOL.

