Thursday, March 01, 2007

March Interview with Ann Christopher

This month I have the pleasure of interviewing my soror, Ann Christopher. She has some interesting things to say about her work and writing. So check it out!

GB: Hello, soror! Welcome to my blog. I'm so excited to have you here and to have a chance to chat and find out more about you. So, I'll start with the basics--what I do know--and then ask for more, more. I know that you are a lawyer and you left your practice after the birth of your second child in order to raise your children. And I know that this is when--luckily for us romance readers--you started writing your own romance novels. But what I don't know is how you manage to find time to write with little ones at home. Your third novel is being published this month. What's your secret to being so productive?

AC: Hey, Gwyneth! Thanks for having me! I like to get out and visit a little!

Productive? I dunno … I've been spending a lot of time on marketing lately, but it's all good. The kids are both in school full time now (Praise God!) so in theory I'm writing during the day. And then I also write after dinner.

And, BTW, you've got some nerve asking anyone else about productivity when YOU'RE a full time college instructor AND writer, LOL!

GB: I read that you've always read romance novels. And anyone that visits your website, knows that you read lots of books and let readers know what you are reading. You read widely and it shows through your own amazing prose. Can you talk a little bit about why you think it is important to take time to read and remain engaged with the written word, even as you are trying to busily put your own words out there?

AC: Well, Stephen King, in his wonderful book, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, says that if you don't read, you don't have the chops to write. I agree. I read for fun and to learn. I can discover how to write--and how NOT to write--by reading other people's books. Sometimes I learn more from the bad books than the good ones, LOL. Every now and then I'll hear about an author who says, "I don't read other people's stuff," or, "I don't have time to read," and I just scratch my head.

GB: So, your third novel, Just About Sex, will be out this month. (I have my copy and I can't wait to be done with my contest judging so that I can read it. Why, did I agree to judge! I want to read Ann's book, now! Whew. That felt good. I needed to vent. Anyway…) Your third novel is coming out in March 2007 and your first novel Trouble--which I loved by the way--was released this past summer in July 2007. What has your life been like so far as a multi-published author? Has the journey to publication held up to your expectations? Is it everything you thought it would be?

AC: It's been great--a true blessing. I LOVE hearing from readers--one nice little note in my inbox or comment on my blog makes my whole day.

Before I was published, I heard authors say that you never really "make it," and you never really stop worrying, but I didn't believe that then because I thought getting published was like getting to the Promised Land. Now I do believe those authors. I still worry, only instead of worrying about getting an agent or an editor, I worry about print runs and sell-thrus.

GB: As I said, I adored Trouble. I also loved your second novel Risk. And I know I'm going to love Just About Sex. One thing I noticed about your writing is the wonderful details and descriptions. You really tap into all of the reader's senses and get them to really be in that moment with your characters. I sat in on your workshop on the five senses and writing at the Romance Writers of America Conference in Atlanta this past summer and it was excellent. But even that didn't prepare me for all of the sudden craving some homemade spaghetti after reading a scene in Risk where the hero Justus proves that he can make it hot in the kitchen as well. I thought, no this woman does not have me sitting here wishing I could get me some of that spaghetti. LOL. Can you talk a little bit about the importance of details, description and delighting the senses? And let us know how you became so great at it?

AC: Oh, I'm glad you like the detail, including the spaghetti scene! Here's the thing: I love to eat, and to cook. Food is one of life's great pleasures. So I like to write about it whenever I can. That's safer than eating it all the time, LOL!

As for the other senses, I think sensorial detail is an important part of a romance novel because it helps keep the sensuality level high. The readers want to know: what kind of sheets are on that bed? Satin? Flannel? What does the hero's hair feel like? Coarse? Silky? Even better--what does the hero SMELL like? Those sorts of details really make a book come alive, IMHO.

GB: So, like said, I've read the first two books and I’ve read the blurb on the back of the third and I'm noticing a theme. Lawyers. I know you're one. And looking at your website and seeing the tag, "Provocative Lawyers… Overwhelming Problems… Undeniable Passions…" I think it's pretty safe to say that we'll be seeing lots of lawyers in the future from you. So, can you say a little bit about why you are so intrigued by lawyers as leads? Might it have a little something to do with the fact that you met your own leading man in Law School? Or, is it just the fact that lawyers and love makes for all kinds of juicy stories?

AC: They say "write about what you know," and I know lawyers. But also--as you know--more conflict makes for a more exciting book, and I think lawyers, by the nature of their jobs, are surrounded by more conflict, and may be a little less likely to back down from a conflict. Many of them are also very driven, and that makes for interesting characters.

GB: So in Trouble, we have a younger heroine who is a law student and an older hero who has his own law practice. In Risk we have a younger hero and a slightly older heroine who's a lawyer working hard to make partner. Can you say a little more about why you decided to play with age differences in your first two novels?

AC: Hmmm … I'm not sure it was a conscious decision to play with age. But with Risk, the heroine was uptight, and I wanted to push her waaaay outside her comfort zone. And I think/hope Justus did that. J

GB: You've created some rather hot, sexy and brooding heroes so far. I adored me some Mike Baldwin in Trouble and loved me some Justus Robinson in Risk. So, how do I make this into a question when all I really want to say is 'have mercy, those where some hotties'…. Hmm… Well… Can you talk a little bit about what goes into your hero making process? Yeah… Characterization… How do you manage to create those lovable, realistic, characters? And just so folks don't think I'm stuck on the hot guys, I really loved the character Maya and think you did an excellent job at creating such an adorable little girl. So fill us in on some of your great characterization secrets.

AC: Oh, I'm so happy! Can you hear me clapping with joy? I'm really glad you like the characters, ESPECIALLY the heroes. I put lots of love into them!

Creating interesting characters--it's a lot of fun. I like to watch people and see what they say … and what they don't say. What about their body language? Does it match what's coming out of their mouths?

Also, people have many sides. No one is all good or all bad. Everyone has strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots. I like to explore them.

GB: Okay, I know that this is an annoying question for an avid reader like you… But enquiring minds want to know what writers read. For real… I asked a bunch of people… LOL. Anyway, what are you reading right now? Who are some of your favorites?

AC: I just discovered romantic adventure writer Cherry Adair, and am reading Hide and Seek, which I really like. I just picked up an early copy of J.R. Ward's Lover Revealed (yay!!), so I'll probably start that later (I read several books at a time--I have a short attention span.). My TBR pile is teetering and threatening to take over the whole house. I have several Beverly Jenkins books I haven't read yet (hanging head in shame) and I--like you--am making my way through a stack of RITA contest books.

GB: What's next in the pipeline for Ann Christopher? Can you give us a sneak peak at the March release, Just About Sex, and what we can expect in the future?

AC: JAS--I had lots of fun writing it, and lots of giggling at the keyboard. It's the story of Dr. Simone, a sex-therapist who writes an advice column. She runs afoul of attorney Alex Greene when she prints a letter from his disgruntled ex, so he sets out to teach Simone a little lesson. And that's all I’m going to say about it! ;)

Look for my next Harlequin/Kimani Press novel, Sweeter Than Revenge, in January.

GB: How can readers best contact you?

AC: I love to hear from readers through my site at

GB: Thanks for stopping by the blog, soror!

AC: Thank you so much for having me! This was fun!

That's all folks! Be sure to check out the authors scheduled for the coming months:

April~Sheila Goss
May~Michelle Buckley
June~Delilah Dawson
July~Patricia Sargeant

much love and peace,



  1. Nice Interview, I read and enjoyed Trouble, I will have to get her I know why I write, it's to earn enough money to purchase all the books I want...

    Love and Blessings


  2. Gwyneth,
    I appreaciate you introducing us to writers we weren't aware of, but gosh, I already have a huge bin of books waiting to be read as it is! Not enough time to read like I want to!:*) Cursed full-time job!

  3. I love your interviews, Gwyneth. You rock at them. Now I have to check out more books. It sounds great.

  4. Sounds great! I love that you were able to stay home with your children. So many don't have that choice.

  5. Hi, everyone--

    Gwen--thanks again for having me!

    Angelia--I'm so glad you liked TROUBLE. :)

    Demon Hunter--I'm glad I'm not the only one with a scary TBR pile!

    Kari Lee and Kimber An--I hope you do get the chance to check out my books at some point. Kimber An, yes, it is a huge blessing to have that time with the kids. No question.


  6. Angelia ~ Tell me about it! LOL. When I add up how much money I spend on books each year, I'm amazed. It's like I need a second job to pay for them all.

    Tyhitia ~ Finding time to read all the great books that are coming out these days is so hard. I feel your pain, girlfriend. And since misery loves company, I keep finding new authors and great books for all of you to check out so that you can all experience my level of conflict. [insert evil laugh here]


  7. Kari ~ Thanks, girlfriend! Welcome back!

    Kimber An ~ Thanks for checking out the interview!

    Ann ~ Any time, soror, anytime! Good luck with your wonderful new releases.


  8. Great interview, Gwyneth! Another book on the TBR pile.

    Ann: Hey Soror! I just won a copy of Trouble from Patricia Sargent's Feb contest and look forward to reading it. I like writing that speaks to all my senses and I hope to learn how to incorporate that skill into my own writing. And having a hottie for a hero doesn't hurt!

  9. Love the blog, Gwyneth. I'll go look for your books and those of the company you keep. Thank you.

  10. Excellent interview as always. I admit I have not read Ann Christopher, but her books should be arriving in my box today from Amazon.
    I put it in my cue when Gwen was tagged to include an excerpt from a book she was reading. It intrigued and captured me so I bought it.
    And now I know there is HOT SEX in it!!!! Wooo Weee, I can't wait for the weekend. (Uuuh that's a little depressing that reading will be the highlight of it).
    And Gwen Amazon is tripping cause I should be gettign Sweet Sensation today and it says "Has not been shipped." WTF????
    I look forward to a good read. (I'll be sure to eat before readign it though so i'm not drooling with desire and hunger)

  11. Patricia ~ Thanks! That should be a tag line on my blog... Making to-be-read piles bigger one book at a time. LOL

    Writer on Board ~ Thanks for dropping by!

    KD King ~ Thanks! I just posted your Walk for Healthy Babies link on the side bar. And you definitely want to have eaten when you get to the spaghetti scene in Risk. But even if you have you might still have a sudden craving for some home made spaghetti I swear. LOL.


  12. Patricia W.--Hi, soror! Today is my 20th anniversary with DST--can't believe it! Love Patricia Sargeant! Hope you like TROUBLE!

    Writer on Board and K.D. King--hope you both enjoy the books! Thanks for checking them out!


  13. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Hi, Gwyneth and Ann!

    Wow, ladies! What a great interview. Thank you so much for sharing. Ann, I received your announcement about Just About Sex tonight. I'm sooooo looking forward to reading it. I'm going to get it this weekend. Gwyneth, you're right. You should rename your blog Building TBR Piles One Book At A Time. [[smile]] All the best! Patricia

  14. great interview!

  15. gwyn, you should think about coming over to history--oral history is hot and you have a way with interviews :-)

    I haven't read Soror (hey!) Christopher, but I look forward to doing so.

  16. Patricia--How are you? I haven't forgotten about your interview on my site. I need to get working on those questions...

    Jennifer Talty--Nice to "see" you! I've seen you over at the Crusie Mayer online class site--is that the greatest thing since sliced bread, or what?

    Elle--hey, Soror! Thanks for commenting!

  17. Great interview as usual. Can't wait for mine!

    Had to get you back, you've been tagged. Check out my blog -- anyone that visits your blog is welcome to complete the tag as well.

    Have a wonderful rest of the day and a great weekend!

  18. I totally need some romance. If I paid you could you call me up and read me one of your books on the phone?

  19. Hey, looks like this was the hot spot today! I'm in Tusla giving a lecture and I haven't had a spare moment to check e-mail or anything until now.

    Patricia ~ Thanks for stopping by!

    Jen ~ Thanks! Sorry I'm gonna miss you on Saturday. I'll be in Tulsa still.

    Elle ~ Oral history, me? Girl, please... :-) I'm no historian. LOL. I'll leave that to you.

    Michelle~ I thought you were my girl! You tagged me... Dang! I'll do it when I get back from Tulsa.

    Garrett ~ That would a hell no... But thanks for visiting the blog. Peace!


  20. Oh damn, I am almost on the floor crying. I was scrolling through the comment and read yours saying "Hell No..." and wondered well who the hell is Garett and what did he say? So of course I scrolled up.
    Hey they come on every blog and well you know phone "actresses" DO make good money. Its a work from home career, you'll have more time to write...
    No seriously I just had to comment on that. Looks like word is getting out about your blog.

  21. KD King ~ You are too funny. I kinda felt bad after I typed it. But then I thought, whatever. He needs to know...

