Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Two More Reviews for Cuffed!

4.5 Stars from APOOO BookClub
"Cuffed by Candlelight by Beverly Jenkins, Gwyneth Bolton and Katherine D. Jones is a compilation of three romantically, erotic short stories with the connecting theme being an involvement in law enforcement. Otherwise the stories could not be more diverse... Handcuffs Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry by Gwyneth Bolton is a hip-hop influenced wild ride of a story. Police Officer Tamara Downing is working undercover to bring down Murder Row music's Tommy Coles. Coles' music business is a front for drug activity and prostitution. Just when she is about to close the case, DEA Officer Lance King intervenes. Lance and Tamara's lives have been linked since childhood and he feels a need to protect her. Tamara is not interested because what she wants from Lance has nothing to do with protection. What she is going to find out is Lance has his own plans where she is concerned... I recommend this anthology to anyone interested in romantic heat and diversity in stories. Prisoner is a historical, romantic adventure. Gunns and Roses boasts contemporary flavor, while Handcuffs is cutting-edge and hip-hop influenced. What they all have in common is unbridled heat." Angelia Menchan for APOOO BookClub

3 stars, VERY GOOD from Shades of Romance Magazine
"Cuffed by Candlelight is the opening act in Parker Publishing Noire Passion line. I found that all of the heroines in the three novellas were strong women and it gave the anthology an edge that most do not have - tasteful erotica... Gwyneth Bolton's novella, Handcuffs Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry, was a perfect end to this anthology. This novella has characters that are true to life and easy to relate to... Ms. Bolton's novella was entertaining and the characters were interesting. The history of the main characters gave a deeper understanding to the passion between them and the use of the handcuffs were a classy end to this anthology." ~ Renee Motley for Shades of Romance Magazine


  1. I guess one of my identities has been revealed...I loved the story I want more of Tamara and Lance...


  2. Congrats on such great reviews. You deserved it, your story was FABULOUS!

    BTW - How the hell does one leave a review on Amazon. I wanted to write one for the book.

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Congratulations on the great reviews. I haven't had the chance to get this one yet but I am looking forward to it.


  4. Angelia ~ When I saw the review I thought, hey, that's Acveron Menchan whose blog I adore! She didn't even tell me she was a reviewer for APOOO too! You are just doing it all! You go girl!

    K. D. King ~ Thanks! I think you can just go to the book's listing and click write a review.

    Tiffany ~ Thanks! I hope you like it. But I know you'll let me know if you don't. :-)


  5. Congrats, Gwyneth!! The books keep coming! Amazing! Keep it going! :*)

  6. That was a wonderful review, can't wait to read it. I'm a sucker for anything hot and men in uniform.


  7. Tyhitia ~ Thanks, girlfriend!

    Bella ~ Thanks! Yes, a hot man in a uniform does hold a certain appeal... LOL. :-)


  8. Congrats Gwyneth! Keep 'em coming!

  9. Thanks, Patricia! I'm trying... :-)

