Friday, March 09, 2007

Giving New Authors a Try…

This is a topic that has come up often on the web, but I thought it might be interesting to discuss here. Let's face it, some of us don't like to try new things. Or... we find something we like and we just stick to that. Some of us tried something new once and it disappointed us. So, we vowed never to try anything new again. It's a nice safe way to live... And a somewhat sure way to avoid disappointment (until the tried-and-true disappoints us… but that's another post…)

Anyway, when it comes to books, I can see how this method can come in handy. Books are expensive. And--unless you are a true bookaholic and have a book buying habit that defies all reason--it stands to reason that you would stick to what you know. And I do realize that as a bookaholic and a new author my views on this topic are so biased I can't claim anything but biased. However, I am going to try my best to present an unbiased… Aww… forget it…

Let's just change the whole flow of this post… Here's the thing, in my humble opinion, even my favorite authors were new authors to me at one point in time. There was a moment in the bookstore where I picked up a book because the cover looked interesting or I had heard something about this author, whatever... And I took the book home on the slight chance that I might like it. And lo-and-behold I did like it! And I gloomed on to the author, read her back list if she had one, or waited for her next release if it was a first novel. That's how relationships between authors and readers are made. Isn't it beautiful? Ahhh...

So, it's always funny to me when I hear people say they only read author "X" because author "X" never disappoints and they seldom try anyone new. I have my automatic buy authors for sure. But even the most prolific of them can't write fast enough to keep me in book buying and book reading heaven forever. I need to try new authors because my toppling over to-be-read pile demands that I keep it toppling over. It's like that monster plant in Little Shop of Horrors, "Feed me, Gwyneth…"

Anyway, I thought I'd put the question out there to you all. I love trying new authors and it's not just because I am one or I play one on TV. I like feeling like I am discovering new talent and I am one of the first to be in the know about how wonderful this new author is. What about you all? Do you try new authors regularly? Are you more conservative and stick to your tried-and-true? Have you discovered any new or new to you authors that you want to tell us about? What are your thoughts on the topic?

Happy Reading,



  1. I may be a bit biased as well but I agree. I have always tried new and different, that's why Urban Mystic, Jaquar Wright and Leesa James are jamming on my music box right now. If I had never tried new authors...I would still be reading Nancy Drew...smiles...Thanks Gwyneth...
    Love and Blessings...

  2. speaking as a "someday I will be published" author, I would be everybody's best friend if they stepped out of their comfort zone and ready my book!

    As a reader, I do have my favorites, but I'm always on the look out for a captivating cover or a title that catches my eye - and of course a really good blurb!!

    And I agree, Gwen, those new authors can become your new favorites in no time!

  3. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I do stick to some of my favorite authors but I do try and read stuff by different authors. You will never know if you like it if you don't at least give it a try. I know there are authors who I had never read before and now they are some of my favorites.


  4. Angelia ~ Jaguar Wright has a powerful and amazing voice. That girl can SANG!

    Barbie Jo ~ And when you are published, I'll be the first in line to try you out. :-)

    Tiffany ~ Thanks for commenting. I'm with you! In fact, I have my favorites and I'm constantly looking for new favorites...

  5. I've always loved to browse, searching for those diamonds among the doo-doo. This is probably why I don't really like to order on-line. It's always wonderfully helpful when a friend or Blog Bud raves about a new author. I feel doubly reassured it's worth the cash to try.

  6. Writing two books a year leaves me with less free time than I used to have, but I do try to make it a habit to read (the book in question will probably be sitting out prominently for a couple of months while I spend maybe fifteen minutes a couple of nights a week reading a chapter (maybe two, if they're short.)

    I don't really have favorite authors; I have favorite books. Maybe I'm weird, but I honestly can't say that I have never been disappointed by an author (unless, of course, I've only read one book by them.) Nothing against the others. Some stories just move me more than others.

    If I read five books a year, one or two are by new authors. I've made some nice discoveries that way. And I pass on my books to a friend who reads avidly.

  7. Kimber An ~ I'm a book store browser too... But I've been known to shop on-line for books as well... Aww... Who am I kidding? I'll buy books anywhere and everywhere I can... :-)

    Bettye ~ Yes, I'm finding that I don't have as much time to read as I used to. I'm still sorting through how I feel about that... I do love writing... But curling up with a good book is so appealing...


  8. I love reading new authors. For years I stuck to my favorites -- James Patterson, Pearl Cleage, John Grisham, Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. But in recent years I got turned on to Eric Jerome Dickey, Bob Mayer and Jennifer Crusie, Francis Ray, Michelle Stimpson and a few others. There are so many great writers out there. Prayerfully, someone will feel the same way about me...

    On another note, I loved your comment about my little grandson on my blog.

  9. I like to give authors new to me a try. As long as the blurb picks up my interest, I'll pick up the book. Sometimes it's a hit and other times it's a miss but for the most part, I'm glad I tried. There are a lot of good writers out there!


  10. I read new authors a lot. Lots of freebies at the RWA National conference, you know. But I'm a reader. One of my crit partners recently mentioned that I get 100% of my entertainment from reading (as opposed to TV or movies). She's right. That's why the public library is my friend.

  11. I like to sample new works by unknown (to me) authors while waiting for my favorite authors' new releases.
    As a relatively new author, I'd like to see more people do this.


  12. Chicki ~ That was a great post about your grandson! It made my paranormal mind just start to plotting. :-) Way cool!

    Paz ~ A girl after my own heart! I'm a blurb girl too. Give me a good blurb and you've got me.

    Miz M ~ That's something to think about. I suppose if you really read a lot, you'd be more inclined to try out new authors by sheer necessity.

    Bella ~ As a new author, I can only concur... :-)


  13. Great post. I will admit I go in phases. Phase one - all new authors(at least new to me). Phase two - go with the tried a true. Phase three - switch it up. Tried and true and a little bit of new.
    Rinse, lather, repeat.

    And I'm not talking new author either, new category (usually within romance though. romantic suspence, regency, western, sci-fi, fantasy, medieval, etc.). But as someone who definitely has a "stick to what you know" phase. I will say sometimes when you're in the mood for something nothing else will do. I think those readers just are always in the mood for XYZ author. My problem comes when they read other authors and automatically dislike them because they are NOT XYZ author. Either realize you don't want to try anything new and DONT. Or truly read something new with the realization it is NOT XYZ author and if it sucks dont give up all together just pick up another author.
    Currently I'm in the "my books will be someday published and not only will I be new, but they will be different (for my target audience at least)" phase,I find myself ALWAYS checking out new authors now. I guess I'm trying to put that karma in the book reading universe.
    Hope it works.

  14. KD King ~ Phases seems like a nice balanced approach to reading. I don't think I'm anywhere near as structured. I do know that I try to squeeze in something new on a regular basis and when my favorite authors come out with a new book, I move them to the top of my pile. And sometimes I buy books by new authors that I never get around to reading... But I figure as long as I own them they will be there and I may get a chance to read them one day... eventually... LOL.

    And it can never hurt to put good book-buying karma into the universe... At least that's the creed I've been living by... or the way I explain away my yearly book expenses... depending on how ya look at it... LOL. :-)


  15. Gwyneth,
    I agree that we should try new authors. I usually go in kicking and screaming, but I end up loving the author anyway.

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  17. Tyhita ~ Kicking and screaming works just as well... at least you are still willing to be forced try new authors... LOL...


  18. I'm late to the discussion but I love reading new authors as well as those I've enjoyed before. When a writer really wows me, then I find myself greedily searching for everything that author has ever published, and devouring it all just as quickly.

    But I love reading folks I haven't read before. I find new favorites, I read genres I might not have tried before, and it keeps my reading fun. I hope that I'll be on everyone's new author list in the not too distant future!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Patricia ~ You will be on my list for sure. :-) I enjoyed your Kwanzaa e-book. That was a really nice sweet romance story. So I'd be willing to try you again. :-)

