Thursday, March 08, 2007

Party over there...

Hi All,

Don't forget to drop by Kimber An's blog and check out the Cyber-Launch Party she's having for my latest release, Sweet Sensation. They party has already started and folks are having a blast! There are all kinds of food and drinks. I just barely managed to slip away from the festivities to come and leave a note for you all. There will be an autographed copy of Sweet Sensation for one lucky party guest. But you have to go to the party and leave a comment to be entered.

I'll be hanging over there today.

See you all there!

  • Star Captains' Daughter, Kimber An

  • much love and peace,



    1. And do try the Blood Wine while you're there. I know the name sounds kind of gross, but it's actually quite fruity.

    2. If Klingons are welcome it should be an interesting party!

    3. Yeah, but I've got to be careful. Once I open a portal to another universe, sometimes really weird things start coming through. But, I'm used to this because I read a variety of genres. I just hope my contemporary reader/writer friends are patient with the occasional weirdness generated on my blog.

    4. I'll be there will bells on!

    5. Hopping over now. Sounds like a fun way to spend my lunchtime.

    6. Whew! That was some party! Thanks Kimber An, for throwing the party and thanks to all the folk who stopped by to help cyber launch my new book. It was a blast! Tyhita and Patricia! Thanks for stopping by. :-)


    7. I'll be leaving it at the top of my blog until tomorrow night, then we'll have the drawing for the autographed book.

    8. I love Sweet Sensation!

    9. Thanks, Jen!

      Jen and I used to be in the same critique group everyone. So of course, I mention her name in the acknowledgments.

      Jen, I'll have to show you if either of us ever makes it to a chapter meeting at the same time. I miss you.... :-(

    10. You're welcome, Gywneth! :*)

    11. And look at ya, Tyhitia, you even won the door prize! LOL.


    12. sorry I missed the party. Was out of town for a funeral. I'm sure you got you and Kimber An got your fun on. Count me in on the next one!

    13. Yes we did, Michelle! We had a great time. Kimber An throws a hell of a party!

