Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I'm sending you all virtual flowers, cyber hugs, and lots of yummy Internet chocolates. If you close your eyes you can almost smell the roses. For those of you dealing with this big snowstorm that hit us here in Central New York, I sent some webilicious hot cocoa with marshmallows. Enjoy yourselves!

much love and peace,



  1. Happy V-Day to you too, girl! You're not in Oswego County, are you? I saw pictures of people shoveling the snow from their roofs -- unbelievable! That's one of the reasons we moved from Jersey to the ATL. Winters are much kinder down here. Stay warm.

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you as well, Gwen. It's cool down here. We are praying for snow, or at least freezing rain. South Carolina sucks in the winter because it rarely feels like it, unless you live in the northern part of the state where they actually get snow! :*(

  3. Happy Valentines, Gwen!!!

  4. Happy Valentine's Day to you, thanks for stopping by my spot today...

    Love and Blessings

  5. Backatcha girlie! Happy V Day!

  6. Happy Valentine's Day, Gwyneth! I'll dig my toes into a sandy beach if you'll toss a snowball for me. (I miss the snowstorms--being inside during the storm, that is--but not maneuvering and dealing with the snow.)

  7. Chicki ~ I'm not in Oswego County, thank God. But it is piling up out there. I didn't know you used to live in Jersey! I'm from there originally. I'm still a Jersey girl at heart.

    Tyhitia ~ Trust me you can have this snow if you want it. Come on, take it. LOL.

    Rageyone ~ Hey girl!

    Nancy ~ I hope you're enjoying this snow, girl!

    Angelia ~ Your welcome, girlfriend!

    Michelle ~ What's up, girlie?!

    Patricia ~ Deal! I'll throw a snowball for ya! I've been wanting to play in the snow all day. It looks so pretty right now.

  8. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Happy Valentines Day/Snow Day/Wednesday!!!

  9. Kimber An ~ Yes, virtual chocolates are the best, You can have as many as you want and not gain a pound. Go ahead, have another... :-)

    Tamika ~ Not having to teach today was a bonus. I never thought I'd see the day when the University closed for snow. But whooopie!

  10. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Happy V-Day! :)


  11. Back at ya, Delilah! -- Gwyneth

  12. HVD!!!!

    I will have to decline the internet chocolates. I OD'd on sweets and was a half a step away from a sugar comma.
    I managed to stop shaking, the headache has gone away, adn low and behold my sight has returned.

    I'll take the flowers though.

    Stay warm

  13. K. D. King ~ Ohh... next year I'll be sure to sent the sugar-free chocolate. ;-)

  14. Same to you, Susan! I hope you've been getting lots of writing done with your snow days. :-)
