Friday, February 09, 2007

Eddie, Eddie, Eddie...

Just when I thought I might have to take you seriously... Just when I thought you might be on the verge of making a comeback...

You come out with this...

I'll be honest, I haven't seen the film yet. I probably won't go see the film. From what I've seen of the previews, I can't imagine who would want to see the film. But if there is an audience for "Flava of Love, "I Love New York," and "Soul Plane" I guess there must be an audience for "Norbit"... I have no words. What do you all think?


  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    I am at a loss. Eddie is at the point in his career where he should be slowing down and taking better roles. Whatever happened to working your way up? Jamie Foxx went from being Wanda to Ray and Will Smith went from being the Fresh Prince, to Ali. But then there are people like Martin and Eddie, comedic legends that make poor choices. It's a shame. But, hey, what can we say? Child support is expensive.

    To Eddie's credit though, he does know how to work a movie role. Everytime he opened his mouth to sing in Dreamgirls, I heard that donkey from Shrek. Every single time.

    Not sexy.

    I have spoken.

  2. That is so right, Tamika. He is definitely not following the 'work your way up model' with this one.

    And it totally slipped my mind that he has to pay child support for all those kinds he had with his ex-wife (not to mention the possible kid with Scary Spice). I guess a brother has to get in where he fits in and get the check... It just seems like such a waste of talent and money. But I'm not a film critic, so what do I know.

    And as for you hearing the donkey from Shrek every time Eddie Murphy opened his mouth, I am cracking up at that. ROFL. Now I can't get the dang donkey out of my head! LOL.

  3. Yes, from just the previews, this Norbit movie looks very disappointing. I loved Eddie in Dreamgirls. He reminded me of the Eddie I liked from BH Cop, Coming to America and Harlem Nights.
    *lol* @ tamika - Oh yeah, child support is truly expensive!

  4. TDJ ~ Yes the Eddie of Beverly Hills Cop, Coming to America, and Harlem Nights... What ever happened to him? I though he might be making a come back better and stronger after Dream Girls... Oh well... guess I was wrong...

    And y'all are killing me with the child support. LOL. But at least his trifling behind had a prenup. I actually hate that he did though. That woman should have gotten paid like Micheal Jordan's wife is about to get paid. I think they both had about five kids too... hmm... the only difference is the prenup and Eddie didn't have mistresses all over the country... that we know of... He seems to be making up for it now though...

  5. I agree. When I saw the commercial all I could think was, "This is one I'll be sure to miss." But I guess everybody's got to pay the bills...

  6. Oh geez...I watched Flava and I'm now watching I Love New York as well as every other reality show I can find. (Hanging my head in shame...)

  7. Chicki ~ I guess so... so pathetic... I saw the previews and all I could think was this man must really hate black women.

  8. Nancy ~ Oh... say it ain't so... say it ain't so!

  9. I'm sure I've mentioned I don't 'do' pop culture. Right? My 13-year-old X-Chromo does an Eddie imitation of his James Brown impersonation that had us all cracking up a few weeks back. "Too hot in the hot tub!"
    Owes lots of child support, huh? You know what I tell Y-Chromo? KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS.
    The donkey from Shrek . . . OMG, that will be in my head for the rest of night!

  10. Monica ~ And amen again... and add another sigh...

    Miz M ~ That James Brown impersonation was funny... And as for the child support, I don't think he owes back child support of anything like that. We're just making the observation because he is recently divorced. I wouldn't want to start any rumors... As far as I know he doesn't owe it, but we are assuming he has to pay it because he and his wife just spilt. :-)

    LOL. Now I have the urge to sing, "you wonder how rumors get started..." LOL.

  11. This movie will probably do great at the movies cause our people will be right their watching...

  12. Rose ~ Hate to say it... sad but true...

  13. Anonymous11:41 AM

    It defies my comprehension, but Gwyneth was right when she said there's an audience for everything. I just don't get some movies, TV shows and books. But there are millions of people who run out to watch or read them. I guess that's good, though. How boring would it be if everyone liked the same thing?

  14. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I hear you and agree with you. I'm definitely skipping this movie. Not even funny.


  15. Patricia ~ Good point. It would be a rather dull world if we all liked the same thing. But the idea of Norbit still makes a body wonder... LOL

    Paz ~ I watched a few minutes of his special on BET and they showed some clips from it. And I thought, normally people try and show the funniest out-takes so that people will rush in to see the film. And there wasn't a funny clip in the bunch, not a one.

  16. Gwen,
    You're right. I don't want to see that film either. My boyfriend and mother want to see it. I think it's ignorant, and agree with you and Monica, that it is a poor depiction of sisters. It's very insulting to me as a young African-American woman.

  17. Okay, I don't get this one either. I try hard to support Eddie since we went to high school together. (No big deal.) But some of his stuff, like Norbit, and what about Bowfinger leaves me shaking my head. We won't even discuss his first attempt at a recording career with "Party All the Time".

    My husband swears that all his characters sound either like Donkey or the dragon from Mulan, even his character in Dreamgirls. Interestingly, I found him to across as fairly savvy and directed in his choices when I saw his interviews on Inside the Actor's Studio and the BET special, "Murphy's Law".

    I'm guessing he makes enough off the Shrek series alone to pay anything he needs to, which is why he can go off the beaten path and do movies like Norbit.

  18. Tyhitia ~ Yep!

    Patricia ~ you went to high school with Eddie? Cool. I think that's the thing for me, I get a small since that Norbit might not be that far off the beaten path for him in terms of his views about women. It just seems to be the most pronounced and overt expression of it to date... And y'all are killing me with that donkey. I had just gotten it out of my head. LOL.

  19. Sadly this movie was #1 at the box office. Made $33 million. My $7 the folks behind Norbit will not see!

    The movie looks dayum insulting to black woman!

  20. I don't know what's going on with Eddie. And he's supposedly going back to standup too. I guess we're going to have Raw -- the Sequel, where he can get out his frustrations over Nicole (his ex) and Melanie B (aka Scary Spice). I'll keep watching. Taste aside sometimes, he is one funny brothah.

  21. Michelle ~ I saw that! That film grossed 33.7 million bucks or something like that. Amazing!

    Wendy ~ Yes, he can be funny. It would be interesting to see him do stand-up again. But if he is on some ole woman hating tip after the divorce and his baby-daddy drama with Scarey Spice, he can save it. I guess he can joke about how his clever prenup stopped Nicole from "getting half." :-(

  22. I totally understand where you are coming from. That Norbit movie has such stereotypical roles in it, just sickening...

  23. Rageyone ~ I know! Pathetic....

  24. I think Eddie does have an issue with black women. I remember he was talking about getting with a light skinned, long-haired woman so he can have some pretty babies. (Was that from his stand-up in Raw?) And now he's dating Babyface's ex, who is of course light skinned and long-haired. He was on the Red carpet at one of the award shows bragging about how good his woman looked and that she had fixed all in him that was broken. yeah right...

    excuse my disdain for his shallowness and his focusing so much on how a woman looks...that is so played out...

    BTW, another woman-hating movie I won't be going to see is Chris Rock's "I Think I Love My Wife."

    Come on black men, get real...where's the love?? Sorry just had to vent on V-Day!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Michelle ~ I can't remember if it was from RAW or not... But I'd be willing to bet that his new stand-up act has a bunch of prenup jokes in it since he didn't have to pay Nicole "half."

    I hadn't heard about the Chris Rock movie. But given his track record on the big screen -- can you say Pooty-Tang -- I don't think I'll be rushing to the theater to see it...

  27. Okay, as usual I am the one who opposes all. I am clearly not a feminist (whatever the hell that means). No, Norbit is not a movie I would want to see, but hell I don't like comedies PERIOD!! (There are some exceptions to the rule).
    What am I missing? I dont see it as an insult to black women, a slap in the face to plump women or any of that. From the previews, I really did see it as a movie about some dweebie guy (ie Bowfinger). So help me out and understand why I should be upset or rather why everyone else is

    Kimberly - the opposing one

  28. Kimberly ~ You just want to be different all the dang time... You're just contrary on principle aren't you? LOL... The movie is an insult to women, fat women, black women, and all my taste sensibilities! But.. Okay... we can just agree to disagree on this one. :-) Love ya!

