Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Romance Slam Jam and Emma Awards

It's almost that time of year again! The Romance Slam Jam will be held in Miami Florida this year! I'll be there with a lot of other very talented authors. I can't wait! Going to Miami from Syracuse in the middle of March is going to be such an inconvenience for me... But, I'm going to try my best not to think about all the cold and snow I'll be leaving behind for Miami sunshine... ;-)

Check out the website for more information. And who knows, maybe I'll see you there...

  • Romance Slam Jam 2007

  • Also, the nominations are open for this year's Emma Awards. So be sure to get your nominations in! There were lots of wonderful award-worthy books written this year by some stunning writers. (And I wouldn't be mad at you if you nominated a certain newcomer named Gwyneth Bolton for your favorite new author). :-) But honestly, there were so many wonderful new authors in 2006 that I'd truly be happy to see any of them win, Ann Christopher, Deatri King-Bey, Patricia Sargeant, Sheila Goss and Phyllis Bourne Williams, just to name a few. So anyway, here are the categories:

    Emma Award Nominations for 2007

    Award Guidelines

    The Emma Awards for Romance Slam Jam 2007 will be decided on by the attendees of the conference. Each conference attendee will submit their choice for the individual categories and the books. Books eligible for the awards must have been copyrighted/published between Janaury 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006.

    The voting categories are:

    Book of the Year
    Favorite Anthology
    Favortie New Author
    Favortie Hero
    Favorite Heroine
    Favortie Book Cover
    Favorite Sequel in a Romance Series
    Favorite Steamy Romance
    Favorite Romance Suspense
    Favorite Inspirational Romance
    Favorite Novella
    Favorite Author

    We will start accepting nominations the first week of February 2007 through February 27, 2007. Please send your nominations in attachement form to

    You can download the form from their website.

    Much love and peace,



    1. Oh, how exciting, Gwyneth. I'd nominate you, but they don't know me from Adam (Eve, actually.) However, I heartily encourage everyone who can nominate you to do exactly that.

    2. You've got my vote, hope you have fun down in the 'ami. That's Florida girl slang...

      Love and Blessings

    3. Florida? In March?
      That's when/where RWA needs to hold their conference.
      Good luck, girlfriend!

    4. Kimber An ~ I know you would if you could and that's all that matters. :-)

      Angelia ~ The 'ami, huh? Well I guess I better start saying it that way. I'm headed to the 'ami y'all!

      MizM ~ :-) Florida in March! Can you think of anything more horrible? *g* I mean really... I feel so put upon to have to drag my behind down there and pull myself away from this wonderful Central New York winter, not to mention the Lake Effect Snow! Ummm... But, I guess I gotta do it.... And if RWA decided to have their conference in Miami in March, I guess I would have no choice but to attend that too. ;-)

    5. Congrats, Gwen. Have fun for me! Wish I could be there!:*)

    6. Gwyneth,
      I've heard so much about you from Denise's blog that I decided to stop by. I'll also nominate you even before I buy your book, which I intend to. I believe in authors supporting other authors.


    7. Tyhitia ~ Well, you know... as much as it will kill me to go out of my way to have fun in Miami... I will try my best to have some fun for you too... ;-) I'll even have a couple of mojitos for ya! That's what friends are for. :-)

      Bella ~ Thanks for stopping by! I believe in supporting other authors also. I think it's because I love to read so much...

    8. I hope you win too! Best wishes.

    9. Okay, I keep trying to download the form, but everytime I hit download, it says it encountered an error and my internet shuts down. I'll keep trying though. That is so cool.

    10. Maybe I'll go to Slam Jam this year. I've heard a lot about it. I'm not a romance writer, but I love being around lots of readers and writers all in one place! You got my vote girlie!

    11. Patricia ~ Thanks! I just hope I'm in the running... LOL.

      Kari ~ Thanks, girlfriend!

      Michelle ~ Now you know that would be great! I hope you can come. It is worth it to connect with readers. And well... it's Miami... You should go. :-) I've had a great time every time I've gone. This will be my 4th time going, my 2nd time as a published author with a book on the shelves. Last March my first novel had just been released and it was great to make the connections with readers.

    12. Have fun in Miami (which I know you will) and please remember when you're having a sip for me, I like extra mints in my Mojito's.

    13. I'd be glad to do that for ya, K. D. King!

