Sunday, January 14, 2007

First Review for Sweet Sensation!

The first review for my March release, Sweet Sensation, is in. Monique Bruner from the Real Page Turner Reviewers gave it 5 Stars and called it the best hip-hop romance ever! Here's an excerpt from the review:

"Sweet Sensation is one of the BEST hip-hop romances ever written. It has all the elements of hip-hop – love, sex, violence, revenge, lyrical flow and money. Bolton has penned an eloquent all encompassing love story that highlights the importance of family. Sweet Sensation is embedded in the world of hip-hop music and will touch your heart, develop a love of rap music, and rise to bestsellers list in no time." -- Monique Bruner for Real Page Turners

But you can find the full review here:

  • Real Page Turners

    1. Beautiful cover. Conveys a strong woman, as well as a beautiful one. Does it carry the following warning label:

      "No babies, puppies, or small fluffy ducks were harmed in the making of this story."

    2. Kimber An,

      The cover is growing on me. At first, I didn't like it. I realize that I like couples on my romance novels... Or if it has to be one person, I'll take the shirtless guy over the lone woman... :-) I also think that my name is way too big and you can barely read it. But I like the vibrant color red. Anyway, to answer your question, no babies, puppies, or small fluffy ducks were harmed in the making of this story.

    3. Oh, good. That's a huge relief. I'll go get it then. I also prefer shirtless males.

    4. Pssst, hey, Gwyneth, I blogged Sweet Sensation today under the entry on Nichelle Nichols and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    5. Congratulations, Gwyneth! There's nothing like a good review.
      Wishing you great sales.

    6. Kimber An -- Thanks a bunch!

      Bettye -- Thanks so much! And thanks for stopping by my blog. :-)

    7. congratulations! i can't keep up with you, ms. prolific!

      at least i'll know there's something out there as a comfort read if, erm, WHEN I finish the defense.

    8. Elle -- WHEN you defend the dissertation then the books will still be here. LOL.

    9. Anonymous2:56 PM


      Congrats on the review...I read the review and I cannot wait to read this one.


    10. Hey, Tiffany!

      Thanks, girlfriend! I appreciate it. :-)

    11. Congrats on the great review. Adding this to the list!

    12. Thanks, Patricia! I think you'll like it. I had a blast writing it.

    13. Hi Gwen--Congrats on all the fabulous reviews girlfriend. You racking 'em up! Your writing is only surpassed by your generosity. You go girl!

    14. Thanks so much, Susan!

    15. Congrats on the great review! I know how hard it is to write a good book and it's nice when it's appreciated.

    16. Michelle -- I know, right! A review that gets your work and likes it is the best. The only thing that compares is a letter or e-mail from a reader saying they loved the book. Those affirmations mean the world to the writer working in relative solitude. At least they do to me.

    17. Anonymous5:39 PM

      I loved your blog. Thank you.
