Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sing, Celebrate... Sing, Sing Celebrate...

For a King, celebrate...

Since Monday is the day we celebrate a man of vision and strength who worked with others so that this country might live up to its promise of freedom and justice for all, I thought it would be cool to see this old video celebrating the man and his legacy. Let's all take some time on Monday to think about how we can continue to make "The Dream" a reality.

Much love and peace,



  1. Being a Trekkie, I always think of Dr. King's advice to Nichelle Nichols who portrayed Uhura on the original Star Trek. She wanted to quit the show because she didn't get to do much. He told her she couldn't because her just being there represented an optimistic future in which race would no longer be an issue. She took his advice. Whoopi Goldberg and Mae Jemison were inspired to greatness by her. The next Star Trek series, Next Generation, had two African Americans and three women in the regular cast.

    I'm planning blog entries on Nichelle Nichols and Majel Barret in the future, by the way.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Kimber An. I can't wait to read that post!

  3. I think I'll write it tomorrow since that's the day set aside for such tributes.

  4. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Thank you.

  5. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Blizzard warnings were issued for parts of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin as snow socked the states in tandem with off the wind fart hear of gusts topping 45 miles (72 kilometers) per hour.
    The shower -- 10 days before the hit of winter -- took its greatest sounding in Minnesota, where as much as two feet (61 centimeters) of snow had fallen in some locations, according to the Inhabitant Sickly Appointment (NWS).
    The constitution's largest burg Minneapolis was junior to a blanket of off-white 17 inches (43 cm) profound, the worst snowfall to charge the big apple in more than 19 years and the fifth-biggest on record.
    As an incriminate in of the simoom's hardness, Minneapolis-St. Paul Universal Airport -- a travel heart with expertise in contending with venal unwell -- was keep quiet down in return the maiden time in years.
