Monday, January 15, 2007

Another Review for Divine Destiny!

Black Butterfly Review gave it 5 Stars!

Here's an excerpt:

"Ms. Bolton has really outdone herself in her transition from the genre of romance to that of erotica. The characters exude strength, determination, and sexual sensuality. The sexual scenes in this book are very believable. In most cases, Ms. Bolton's words will leave you wanting, panting, and eagerly anticipating your next encounter. This is not just a book for your to be read pile, it is definitely a MUST read." -- Eleanor S. Shields for Black Butterfly Review

Check out the Black Butterfly Review site! The full review may be posted some time this week but meanwhile check out all their other reviews here:

  • Black Butterfly Review

  • much love and peace,



    1. You go girl! Wonderful review!

    2. Oh, my God, awesome reviews, Gwen!!!! Your books rock! And you deserve every bit of the praise you get.

    3. Thanks, Chicki!

      Thanks, Kari! Your books rock too! And I have a feeling we'll be reading reviews of them in the near future! :-)

    4. congratulations, gwyn...

    5. I have to agree, I read it this weekend and I have to say, "Do Yo Thang," Waiting for the new one...


    6. Thanks, Elle!

      Thanks, Angelia! I'm trying... LOL. :-)

    7. Gwen, you deserve every single accolade! Congratulations, girlfriend.

    8. Go Ms. Gwyneth! I can't wait to read it!

    9. Great review, Gwen!!! I'm so glad you haven't stopped blogging!

    10. Gwen that's soo awesome!!!! Ooohh, hot review for a hot book from a HOT author!!!

      so what do you like writing more, the romance or erotica??? Erotica is probably more fun, huh? (hee hee)

    11. Thanks, Kimber An!

      Thanks, TDJ!

      Thanks, Nancy... Still might... :-)

      Thanks, Barb! That's a good question... I think like them both the same... But writing erotic romance is a little harder in my opinion. To make it really good the sex has to be central to the story and that is harder to do than I realized.

    12. Congrats again on another great review! Keep the good books coming!

    13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    14. Thanks, Michelle! I appreciate it!
