Thursday, January 18, 2007

Haven't I seen you somewhere before?

That's me talking to the covers of my upcoming February and March releases… They have me remixing Mary J. Blige and singing, "You know that you remind me of a cover I once saw… Yes you do, awwww!" Take a look at these and tell me if you see anything familiar...

Cute couple, huh...

Well, here they are again...

Just when I found myself trying to like her a little bit...

I find out she's a cover slut... :-) And here I thought my cover was her one and only love...

Thanks, Deatri for showing me the Troublemaker cover.

Much love and peace,



  1. I've heard of writers complain of this. This is the problem you run into when using photo stock houses like Getty Images. This happened to Jennifer Werner (Good In Bed, In Her Shoes) with her first book. Once the book did so well and she had clout behind her name, she could demand that only original art be used for her covers. I long for that day.

  2. You know, Michelle! I was going to name this post 'Getty Images Is The Devil.' LOL. I'm with you on waiting for the day when I can demand original art for my books. This is just crazy.

  3. LOL at Getty Images is the Devil!

  4. They are! I really believe they are. :-) LOL!
