Thursday, January 17, 2008

Throwback Thursdays...

Those Magic TV Moments…

So, I’ve decided to rename Thursdays “Throwback Thursdays” here on my blog. That way I can feed all of my nostalgia whims in the same space depending on what I’m feeling on any given Thursday. Since I’m a pop culture junkie those whims can be old school movies, songs, books or TV shows. And today I want to talk about one of my favorite shows, the show that had a high school senior in “can’t hardly wait mode” to graduate and be able to attend college during the 1987-88 school year. Between A Different World and Spike Lee’s School Daze , I just knew I was going to have the time of my life in college! Granted, the predominately white university I attended was nothing like the show A Different World. It was a different world but that's a different post... And I didn’t meet and fall in love with my own Dwayne Wayne in college. (I had a major crush of Kadeem “Dwayne Wayne” Hardison by the way… But that’s also another post…) Anyway, Dwayne Wayne and Whitley Gilbert’s journey from friends to lovers made a believer out of me. The show where Dwayne and Whitley get married is still one of my all-time favorite TV moments. “Whitley, please, baby, please!” Wow!

And you wonder why I write romance… I’m such a girl! Enjoy…


  1. I LOVED "A Different World" and still watch the reruns every now and then.

    Yes, Whitley and Dwayne's story was a real romance.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I loved 'A Different World' also and isn't it nice to be such a girl...thanks for taking us back...


  3. I used to love that show as well! Who could forget Jada Pinkett-Smith's fiery 'discovery' due to ADW? I remember that episode so vividly! Actually, their whole relationship...from beginning to end! You took me back on that one..

    stay peace


  4. Chicki ~ That show has to be one of my all time favorite shows. I still watch the reruns every now and then too. I'm even considering buying the show on DVD. I think they have it available now.

    Angelia ~ It is nice to be such a girl! I wouldn't have it any other way. ;-)


  5. Genesis ~ I loved Jada on A Different World ! I knew then that we'd be seeing much more form her. They had a great ensemble cast.


  6. You know, I have to say, the hero of My Valentine owes a lot to Dwayne.

    I loved this show.

  7. Anonymous1:16 PM

    "A Different World" was one of my favorite shows. I never wanted to miss an episode.

  8. Oh Lady that was my show. Not only did I love the show but as child I really thought when I went to university I was going to meet Kadeem Hardison and he would marry little ole me. I God how I loved him--Until Vampire in Brooklyn and he was started fallin apart. But he was fine in the

  9. I remember 'A Different World,' but I can't remember specific episodes. I only remember thinking it got better after Denise left. I'm surprised I don't remember the wedding scene. I love friends-to-lovers stories!

  10. Well, I just watched the clip and I can't believe I didn't remember it. I was near tears! And he was soooo cute!

    Unfortunately, the audio was messed up on the clip.

  11. If I recall, NBC had the lock on Thursday nights! You better not call and interrupt during that time. LOL!

  12. Ann ~ A hero who owes a lot to Dwayne Wayne... I have got to read that one. :-)

    Tiffany ~ That show was awesome!

    Wrknprogress ~ Glad I wasn't the only one dreaming of meeting and marrying my own Dwayne Wayne in college. LOL. He was the bomb!

    Kimber An ~ It got way better after Denise left. I agree! And I did cry the first time I saw that wedding scene when it aired. I'm such a girl! LOL.

    Rageyone ~ Okay! Shoot I wouldn't even answer the phone on Thursday night. I was right in front of the TV. We used to watch in groups. LOL.


  13. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I still watch the show in reruns too. It's a classic. The show originally aired when I was in college so maybe that's why I like it so.

  14. Shelia ~ Yep. I entered college after it was on a year and I used to watch it and think, this is what college is supposed to be like. It made me wish I had gone to a HBCU.


  15. I used to love that show! I remember that episode! Dyanwe Wayne and Whitley! Forever! LOL! :*)

  16. I can watch reruns of The Cosby Show and its spinoff, A Different World until the cows come home.

    I'd already graduated from college but hey, those folks had me wishing I'd gone to a Black school. At least it looked as though it would have been more fun!

    Remember how Dwayne went from complete dork to hey-not-bad-after-all? By the time he was working for Kineshiwa(?) and then teaching, he'd become a catch. Easy to understand how Whitley, who wouldn't give him the time of day as a freshman, changed her tune.

  17. Tyhitia ~ I know, right! They are in my top five for favorite TV couples. But number one is Max and Kyle from Living Single . :-)

    Patricia ~ They had me wishing I had gone to an HBCU too. And I have to say even though Dwayne was a dork at the beginning of the show, I had a huge crush on him even then. LOL. When Freddie came on the show and was so in-love with him, I was like, I know what you mean, Freddie! I feel it too. LOL.

  18. GWYNETH!!!

    That was one of the best clips from that show. EVER!

    I remember it like yesterday.

    Thank you soooooo much for that clip.

    Man, I loved Dwyane Wayne's emotions...

  19. "Well, she's got to say yes..."


  20. "Well she's got to say yes."

    Don~ LOL. That's my favorite part next to Dwayne's begging her to marry him. I love it when pastor says that. Me and my girls used to rock that line all the time. Because you know we quote lines from TV shows and movies like crazy.

  21. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Gwyneth, I went to HBCU and that's why it was just good to see a show like this on the air.

    I also forgot that this show was instrumental in starting many of the current AA actors careers...from 2Pac to the guy who plays Neil on Young and the Restless. Who would have thought Jada Pinkett would be where she is today...yes, Cosby & Debbie Allen definately knows how to pick talent. I miss those type of shows.

  22. Shelia ~ Yes they had a lot of great talent coming through that show. I remember when 2Pac came on there as Jada's ex-boyfriend from home. Was his name Picalo or Picado or something like that... Anyway, that show really picked up when Denise left and they brought Debbie Allen on to direct it. I miss good TV...


  23. @ gwyneth: I love that clip. I am about to watch it again. lol.

  24. that episode was on just last night....awwww true love always wins out in the end!

  25. Michelle ~ I'm such a dweeb if I had known it was on last night I would have watched it. LOL.


  26. I thought about you as I was watching it after an early, early morning phone call. If I'd had your number I would have called you -- and likely got cursed out --I'm sure! ha

  27. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Hi Gwyneth,
    Loved that show too! The new shows don't stay with you or give you the emotions you got with the old shows like A Different World, Bill Cosby's Show, amd Martin... They were all my favorites. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
    Natalie Dunbar

  28. Hey Natalie! You are so right. The new shows really don't stay with you the same way. I'd be hard pressed to think of any of the new shows that have moments, or lines that are worth remembering. Sad...

