Friday, January 18, 2008

Seven Random Things About Me

Because Ann Tagged Me…

1. I’m a Leo and so are three of my four sisters. Odd. Right?

2. I used to be a huge New Edition Fan and I still know all the words to the songs on their first two albums. Go ahead ask me to sing “Popcorn Love.” I dare you… Isn't Ralph cute?

3. Gwen Guthrie’s “Outside in the Rain” is one of my favorite songs ever. I puffy-heart loved this song during my junior year of high school. And I still love it. I want to write a steamy love scene where the hero and the heroine are outside making love in the rain.

4. Coming up with random things for these tags is really hard for me. I really can’t think of anything random enough that would still be worth typing out for you all to read.

5. Yes, I know number 4 was sort of cheating. But I don’t care. I’m a rebel. I buck the system every chance I get. *Insert evil laugh here*

6. I’m addicted to the Food Network and I don’t even like to cook. I like watching people cook though. And there’s something about knowing the secret life of cheese puffs that’s so oddly entertaining… I blame Rachel Ray really. My addiction started with her dang 30-Minute Meals. Now I’m watching all kinds of Iron Chefs and partying with Paula Deen… I need an intervention!

7. Living Single is my favorite television show ever. I still mourn the show. I could never really get into the show Girlfriends -- even though I watched it -- because for me they could never compete with Living Single . I even know all the words to the theme song… "Check, check, check it out… Check, check, check it out… Do what you want girlfriend. Cause it’s your world… We are living single… Ooooo… in a 90s kinda world, I’m glad I’ve got my girls… Hold your head up, what? Hold your head up, that’s right… Whenever this life get tight you gotta fight, with my home girl standing to my left and my right, true blue and tight like glue…" Oh, how I miss that show...

I'm not tagging anyone because I'm a rebel and I buck the system every chance I get. But if you're reading this and feel like sharing seven random things about yourself, have at it.


  1. I'm with you on "Living Single!" My feelings were so hurt when it was cancelled. Maybe if the network had kept it going for a few more years, the cast might've had better career success. Latifah is the only one out of the bunch who's really doing anything.

  2. Okay here goes...

    1. I am a Capricorn woman..
    2. Though I write a lot and can talk up a storm, am usually pretty quiet...
    3. I am known for loving music, all music, but most don't know I love country music also!
    4. I am almost six-feet tall
    5. I love clocks
    6. I can read and understand German
    7. I am a caffeine addict...


  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I with you about the Food Network. I can't cook either but I love that channel. My favorite shows are Iron Chef and Paula's Home Cooking.

  4. I loved New Edition. Their second album was my favorite. I know. every. single. word. I was in love with Ralph.

  5. I'm a Living Single kinda gal, too! Even though my girls and I were a few years ahead of them, it was like reliving the late '80s for me.

    And you are one bad taggee! (Okay, so that's definitely not a word.) But I feel you. I love reading them but I hate doing them.

    Did you see Bobby Flay get whupped by Peter Kelly on last night's Iron Chef America?

  6. Hah, omg, I totally forgot about New Edition.

    It was Menudo for me, though.

  7. For what it's worth, I thought Ralph was the cutest of New Edition, too!

  8. Gurl! Who didn't love NE? LOL I like Ronnie...umm hmm...

    Okay 7 random things

    1.) I'm a aquarian and live up to the typical aquarian descriptions

    2.) I love to eat ketchup with plain potato chips (otherwise I won't TOUCH a plain chip)

    3.) I'm extremely literal, which surprises most people because of my imagination... but when it comes to speaking, hidden meanings fly above my husband HATES

    4.) I don't like toasters because I can't stand crumbs... I'll throw one out before I clean it which makes me go through toaster quite frequently

    5.) My mom and I look identical. Her friends are always mistaking me for her and vice versa.

    6.) I'm 5'2"... people usually assume that I'm taller

    7.) My daughter and I wear the same size clothing and shoes and she's only 14...

    Mama Deep...I would have never guessed you were that tall. How beautiful! I used to love that rap... I wish I were a little bit taller, wish I was a I can't think of who rapped it but it used to be my

  9. Chicki ~ Wasn't that the show! Man, I miss that show so much. I could watch the re-runs all day every day. And the way they ended the show was just wrong. They network really left us hanging with that one. Can you tell I'm still bitter? LOL.

    Angelia ~ I love music too, I even love some country music. And I'm usually quiet too. But I'm always thinking. LOL.

    Tiffany ~ Girl, yes! I love me some Iron Chef America. And I am fascinated with Paula Deen for some reason. It's like I have to watch her. I even watch her son's little traveling show.

    Tyhitia ~ New Edition was the bomb! And you just take you eyes off of my Ralph. LOL.

  10. Patricia ~ The show just rocked! They need to have a reunion show or something. And I saw Bobby Flay get his butt kicked last night. LOL. I was starting to think the show was rigged. It seems like no one ever beats an Iron Chef. But since I'm also addicted to Bobby Flay's Throwdown, I have seen him get beat before.

    Ann ~ When I was in the 8th grade I used to where all kinds of I love New Edition buttons on my jacket and I had one button that said "I hate Menudo." :-) It was all about NE for me.

    Bettye ~ I just knew I was going to grow up and marry Ralph... :-)

    Genesis ~ Ronnie? No way! It was all about Ralph. We're both short; I'm about 5'3. But I love plain potato chips. :-)

  11. I’m a Leo and so are three of my four sisters. Odd. Right?

    I'm a Leo, my ex's current wife is a Leo, as is his sister, his mom and his first wife (I need a LMAO smiley)--somebody is a glutton for punishment!

    And around here we LOVE Dinner: Impossible :D

  12. Leo, hmm? Meow! I'm not a Leo, so that's the best I can do.

  13. "Yes, I know number 4 was sort of cheating. But I don’t care. I’m a rebel."
    You're my new hero. Plus, your last two posts have given me a major case of TV nostalgia. I used to love "A Different World" and "Livin' Single". I haven't seen them in years though--the reruns are on cable, and if I had cable I'd never leave the house. I'd just sit around all day watching my old favorite sitcoms and the Food Network.

  14. Amie ~ Sounds like your ex-husband grew up in a house full of Leo women and doesn't know how not to be with on. Poor man... LOL. I honestly don't know how my mom did it raise four of us... Some Leo can be a bit much, *cough* but not me though... *cough* And I love "Dinner Impossible" too. I told y'all I need help. I watch every single show on the dang network and haven't made one dish.

    Kimber An ~ Leos roar...:-) Loud.

    Bettie ~ I think the writers' strike has me nostalgic for my old favorites. Not having cable is a good idea. I need to think about that one.

  15. G' head. Sing "Popcorn Love" I dare ya! =)

  16. "Not having cable is a good idea. I need to think about that one."

    No, don't give up cable! Cable is a wonderful, glorious thing. The reason I can't have it is 'cause I have no self-control. I watch the TV guide channel, for goodness sakes. I get side-tracked on those infomercials featuring cooking devices of dubious provenance and efficacy. And ooh, reality shows on E! Can't resist those. The "E" definitely stands for "Evil!"

  17. lol @ I am a rebel and I buck the system every chance I get

    Me too, it seems. And New Edition was the bomb group when I was a kid. I hate they got cheated on their childhood royalties. Especially considering how many groups stole their formula, afterwards.

  18. Lainey ~ I'm singing it now... "Popcorn love, well it's more than that to me... Popcorn love, just wait they will see... Popcorn love, every morning noon and night... Popcorn love... Don't ya know, don't ya know, don't ya know... It's the real thing girl... I go to school. And then I come back home. The first thing that I do-oo is call you on the phone. The things you say. Really make my day. I need you girl... In every kind of way... Don't ya know..." Have you had enough... Shouldn't have dared me. LOL. Now dare me to sing "Cool it Now." LOL.

    Bettie ~ I have no will power either. I'm watching Rachel Ray's travels right now... Urgh...

    Don~ I knew you were a rebel. :-) And that's messed up the way New Edition got robbed. That was just foul.


  19. Anonymous11:22 PM

    what are the guys from new edition doing now, i wonder? i, too, enjoyed the shows you mentioned.


  20. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Gwyneth, we have so many things in common. Girl, I still have that album of New Edition. I recall standing in long lines just to get their autographed. I remember being crazy about crazy Bobby B when he sang Mr Telephone many good memories. Besides Prince and The Jacksons, New Edition was the only other artists that I was goo-goo about.

    Living Single--I still watch that show today. I think FRIENDS stole their idea from that show. I hated when LS went off the air. I guess I gravitated towards the show Girlfriends because of Living Single. Now it seems Girlfriends is on its last leg.

  21. Shelia ~ I loved "Mr. Telephone Man." My sister and my best friend had the biggest crushes on crazy Bobby Brown. But for me it was all about Ralph. And I tried to get into Girlfriends, I watched the show every week until last year when it competed with Heroes coming on at the same time. And once they got rid of Toni, I was really done.

  22. love your seven things you rebel rouser! You are too funn -- 4 AND 5 were cheating! ha!

  23. Michelle ~ I know. I cheated. After doing so many of these things, I really can't think of much that I haven't shared already that I want to share. I'm really going to cheat if I'm tagged again. I'm going to start reposting the lists of linking to them. {insert more evil laughter here}


