Monday, November 26, 2007

Meet the Women Who Stole Those Hightower Hearts...

So, I decided to do a little more dream casting. If I had my wish and someone made a movie out of the Hightower Honors Series then these are the women I'd like to see bring the characters to life. And also, here's a little sneak look at the women who are bold enough to take on those Hightower men...

Protect and Serve meet Penny Keys...

The last thing Penny Keys wants to do is go back home to Paterson, New Jersey where she grew up. The thirty-three-year old former video “model/dancer” is currently a successful businesswoman living in California where she owns her own image-consulting company. The hard work she’s done to build a new life for herself is threatened by the trip home. But there is no way she can stay away once Big Mama dies. When she comes back to bury her grandmother, she has no idea that she has to finally face and bury her past once and for all. And Penny can’t seem to escape telling Jason Hightower the real truth about why she left him fifteen years ago. Protect and Serve is an emotional, gritty and gripping story of rediscovered love and trust.

Kerry Washington as Penny Keys in Protect and Serve

Make It Hot meet Samantha Dash...

Twenty-six-year old Samantha Dash is a by-the-book physical therapist and prides herself in being able to keep a strict wall of professionalism between herself and her clients. After working her way through school and graduate school to get where she is, she can’t imagine anything or anyone worth risking it all for, until she meets her new client. Nothing could have prepared Samantha for the feelings she gets whenever she has to deal with “Mr. Surly,” the nickname that she has given the crankiest patient she’s ever known, Joel Hightower. One would think that since he is such a difficult and moody guy, she would find it easy to keep her fence of professionalism safely erected. But no, three times a week helping this firefighter is the three times a week she knows for sure she will be both angered beyond belief and turned on beyond any attraction she’s ever felt. Make it Hot is a steamy romance about trust and openness to change.

Rachel True as Samantha Dash in Make It Hot

Upholding the Law meet Minerva Jones...

Minerva Jones is in danger. The twenty-four year old is on the run from the same people that murdered her brother. When she turns to her brother’s best friend, Stanley Sims for help, he gives her the money to go and hideout with two friends of his and her brother in New Jersey. Once there, she tries to lay low. But there is this pesky detective that won’t stay out of her face. Suddenly, she needs to decide if she can really trust someone she has been told her entire life never to trust, a cop. Not just a cop, a mean, older, extremely handsome cop who seems like he lives to give her a hard time. How can she keep her secrets and continue to resist the persistent Lawrence Hightower? Upholding the Law is a gritty, emotional, urban love story with passion, intrigue and suspense.

Lauren London as Minerva Jones in Upholding the Law

Sizzling Seduction meet Aisha Miller

Thirty-year-old Aisha Miller is a kindergarten teacher and a former battered woman who has finally managed to finish school, secure a teaching job and a more stable life for herself and her son, seven-year-old Cameron. She isn’t really looking for a man. Too bad the handsome and sexy fireman, Patrick Hightower, she gets to visit her kindergarten class begins to insert himself into her life. Sizzling Seduction is a slow burning love story that steadily rises to an uncontrollable passionate heat. It is a story about trust and learning to love again.

Lark Voorhees as Aisha Miller in Sizzling Seduction

much love and peace,



  1. Dang, now I want to read these even more. Those are some gorgeous heroines!

    I wish these were gonna be out so you could sign them for me at RT!

  2. Wow, I love how your mind works and how you visualize your characters...did I say WOW...


  3. Great choices! I love Kerry and Rachel.

    It helps so much to have visual images of your characters. It's the first thing I do before I start writing.

  4. I always thought Kerry and Lark were adorable. I never heard of the other two, but they all look perfect for their "roles."

    C'mon, Hollywood, call!

  5. Anonymous10:34 AM

    They seem like great choices for those characters. If I had Oprah's money (or even 1 percent), I would make it happen for you.

  6. I think you made great choices, but I must ask something offline. I won't ask it here on the blog...

  7. Ann ~ I know. I wish they were going to be out in time for RT too. It would be great to have a new book then. But hopefully I'll be able to come up with some cool promotional item by then.

    Angelia ~ Thanks! I love how your mind works too, girlfriend. That's real! :-)

    Chicki ~ The funny thing is for Kerry and Rachel, they don't really look like the characters as I visualized them or describe them, but I believe they could really embody the spirit of the characters as I imagined them... if that makes any sense. Both of the characters as I imagined them have natural hairstyles. One has sisterlocks and the other wears two-strand twists. It's really hard to find that in Hollywood. LOL.

    Bettye ~ I've always thought Lark was just cute as a button. And she growing up to have a really sophisticated look to her. I wish we'd see her in more roles.

    Shelia ~ And if I had Oprah's money I would return the favor and we'd see My Invisible Husband and Paige's Web on the silver screen. :-)


  8. I love putting a face to a name. Cool stuff, Gwyneth!

  9. Kerry & London are excellent choices.

    Wow, that's Lark? I used to be crazy about this woman on Saved By The Bell

    I think every good writer holds the ability to visualize their characters long before the ink hits the paper.

  10. Tyhitia ~ Now you have me all intrigued. What's your question?

    Kimber An ~ I love imagining what my books might look like on the silver screen... Dreaming is so nice... :-)

    Don ~ Yep, that's Lark. I always have a clear image of what my characters look like, act like and feel like or else I can't write. I have to feel the characters and really see them. For some of these the actors and actresses are just the closest representation I could find for the image in my head either in looks or the spirit of the characters. I always have the image in my head and then I think about what Hollywood actor or actress can meet that image in either looks or spirit. :-)


  11. Were you a casting director in another life? Great choices. I always loved Lark, and I've come to enjoy Kerry and Rachel. I'm not familiar with London but she looks like a great, sassy pick.

  12. Patricia ~ Thanks! Now if only Hollywood would call me... LOL.

