Thursday, October 11, 2007

This Is How We Do The Old To The New...Thursdays

It's about a melody...

Today's melody is so tough three stunning artists from three different generations laced their vocals over it. The first is Eddie Kendricks with "Intimate Friend." The second is Sweet Sable with "Old Times Sake." And the most recent is Alicia Keys with "Unbreakable." And I know I clowned Alicia Keys's song on this blog before... And honestly her song is my least favorite of the three. But I figured I'd include it anyway. The song really shows how the right melody will have you humming and singing along even when you don't like a song. (Yes, I know all the words to "Unbreakable" and sing them whenever the song comes on the radio...What!?) But my favorite of the three, the one that takes me back to my, err... youth... is Sweet Sable's "Old Time Sake." I love that song!

"Intimate Friend," Eddie Kendricks

Gotta love that voice... Nothing like a smooth falsetto...

"Old Times Sake," Sweet Sable

When I hear the words, hip-hop love song, Sweet Sable's "Old Times Sake" comes immediately to mind...

"Unbreakable," Alicia Keys

It's about a melody...

Have you ever found yourself drawn in by an old melody in the guise of a new song?

much love and peace,



  1. Girl,
    I love me some Eddie Kendricks,
    you took me you know since you started this you have to keep it up...I love this...


  2. I know Angelia. LOL. I'm gonna be on the hunt for real because despite popular belief you can't find everything on You Tube. LOL. But I'm gonna try and keep this up. We'll see... And wasn't Eddie Kendricks something... Mmmm... that voice!


  3. I remember the Sweet Sable jam. There's something about the melody itself that brings an inner joy to the person who hears it.

  4. Don ~ I love that Sweet Sable joint! Love it!
