Thursday, October 04, 2007

This Is How We Do The Old To The New...Thursdays

It's about a beat...

Have you ever heard a new song on the radio, automatically loved it and couldn't figure out why? Did you then hear an older song that you used to love and realize that the new song samples the old one?

Because I love music--all kinds of music--this happens to me a lot. Sometimes it's just a snippet of the beat sampled and it takes me a minute to place where I've heard the beat before. Sometimes it's enough for me to tell right away where it comes from. In any case, I thought I'd try something new on the blog and devote Thursdays to music that makes the old school new again. And first up we have a song that had me stumped like crazy. You see I had never purchased a Beyonce CD or a Destiny's Child CD. And I was pretty much content to never purchase one. Not that I have anything against them... But, I have a three-song rule when it comes to buying new music and I've never made it there with them.

Until Beyonce's latest CD B-Day ... I loved "Ring the Alarm." But I didn't love it enough to buy the CD. I loved "Irreplaceable." But I didn't love it enough to buy the CD. I was really feeling "Get Me Bodied" and even envisioned myself working out to that song--when and if I ever start an exercise routine. But it was "Upgrade U" that made me finally, after months and months, buy the CD. I thought what is it about this song that made me finally crack? Then one day I was listening to my Best of Betty Wright CD and heard this song:

Girls Can’t Do What the Guys Do… (Betty Wright)

Then I knew what it was about Beyonce's song that initially pulled me in. It sampled Betty Wright. It adds a little hip-hop flavor but it's that old school feel that sparks the fire in me. I really liked "Upgrade You." And, while I might have liked it without the sample--maybe--I think it was the sample that made it possible. The lyrics are sassy and boastful and ironically bold and brash. Beyonce is boasting like a boy on this track. So I guess the 21st Century version has girls doing what the guys do and doing it very well. I like that. So in light of my blog getting an upgrade, here's Beyonce:

Upgrade U (Beyonce)

much love and peace,



  1. Gwyneth,
    I love you and I love this blog, I have never purchased Beyonce either but I did check it out at the library and it is on my computer, can't work without music, I am a music junkie and love it all from old school, to new school, hip hop, the blues, gospel, I could go on and that Upgrade U works for me as well...and I didnt even get the Betty Wright angle, and I love Betty Wright...did I say I love this blog...


  2. That's true for me too. It's the little old school touch that gives the song a different flava.

    I'm with Angelia. I love this blog too. And the new design is great!

  3. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I did not know Upgrade U sampled a song by Betty Wright. I have purchased a Beyonce CD in the past but I haven't purchased her latest one but I have some of the songs on my mp3 player though. I love to listen to music and I always have my mp3 player on. I cannot study without my music.

  4. I never bought a Beyonce or Destiny's Child CD. I actually like her better with DC. I loved "Survivor" and "Independent Women". If I buy something it will be her with DC.

  5. I really like Beyonce. My 10 year old sings Irreplaceable, which is just too funny.

  6. Angelia ~ I'm a music junkie too. My CD collection is crazy. And my husband is also a music junkie. So I had to cut back, because we both can't have that addiction. LOL. So I have the three song rule for myself, but he is the buy it as soon as it drops person i used to be. And we have something in common with our love for Betty Wright! Yay! I just adore her.

    Chicki ~ Yes. I always wondered why I always got so hyped and wanted to dance as soon as it started playing... It was the opening sample!

    Tiffany ~ Hey girlfriend! I think the only thing of Beyonce or Destiny's Child that I had was a CD single of the song "Soldier" and a cassette tape single of their first hit "No, No, No." LOL. I have liked a lot of songs by the group but with a three song buy rule...

    Tyhitia ~ Yeah, remember when Destiny's Child used to make those strong woman songs like "Survivor" and "Independent"? How did they go from that to giving lap dances on the BET Awards talking about "I'll cater to you..." LOL.

    Ann ~ I can just see it. It's a great song. I know I sing along every time it comes on. I even do the motions from the video, pointing and all. LOL.


  7. Album covers sure have changed over the years. I like when an old school beat is upgraded into what's currently jumping.

    On another note, and I know everyone is tired of me saying because I am too, but beyonce is SO DAMN FINE! (money shot @ 4:23 of the video).

    Nobody f'ing with Beyonce and Jay Z. Perfect power couple.

  8. Anonymous1:50 PM

    A lot of the new stuff samples beats from old songs. I get so many CDs free because of reviews and interviewing folks that the artist definately has to have at least 4 songs on the CD for me to spend money on Gerald Levert's last CD and the new one from Jill Scott. I think I have just as many CDs as I do books.

  9. i love the look.

    i love betty wright, too, but boy this song is depressing to the feminist in me :-p

  10. Fabulous blog! Makes me feel like bursting into that Sound of Music song - it's so witty and pretty and gay!

  11. i meant the new look of the blog--the colors are just marvelous! ;-)

  12. I'm not sure I do the song-switch thing, but I do the music-time-travel-thing. I hear a song and I'm instantly back in the moment I first heard a shadow of it's former self or back to a time when I felt the same way the song makes me feel. I listened to the new Alicia Keyes song at and I'm getting the album. She is amazing.

    What's also amazing is how like novels music can be. You listen to it and it strikes a chord inside you, just like a novel can. Sometimes it's so unpredictable too. When it does happen, it's love.

    Now, can anyone explain to me why I listen to Alicia Keyes, Weird Al, and Opera? It's not a trick question. I really don't know. (cue the rolling of eyes here)

  13. Don ~ I'm not even made at you. Beyonce is a bad sista. And I like Beyonce and Jay Z as a couple. But they aren't my favorite hip-hop couple. That would be Mr. and Mrs. Nasir Jones... Nas and Kelis. ;-)

    Shelia ~ I feel you girl. We have just as many CDs in our house as books too. It's a dang gone shame the amount of money we spend in the book and music stores...

    Elle ~ Thanks soror. I knew you'd like the colors. ;-) And you are so right, I love Betty Wright to death, but that song is in serious need of a feminist upgrade. :-)

    Tula Neal ~ Thanks! Now that's cool! Breaking out into song is one of my favorite things to do. Ask anyone who knows me and they tell you it's nothing for me to just start singing or rapping... LOL.

    Kimber An ~ Great comparison between books and music. Oh, and if I could explain your eclectic tastes in music then maybe I'd be able to explain my own... I have no idea why I can go from listening to some hip-hop to rock to country and have favorite songs in all of these genres... :-)


  14. I've never bought Beyonce or the gals either but I like her stuff, especially the solo stuff. My son told me I should get B Day. Maybe I'll pick it up.

  15. Ahhhh! Nice post! Thanks for the info!

  16. Patricia ~ I'm enjoying B-Day. It did take me a minute to buy it. But I'm glad I did. :-)

    Mystery ~ Thanks! And thanks for commenting! :-)


  17. Oh yeah, when it comes to the old and the new, the old will win out every time! I was listening to James Brown at work just the other day when I recognized something I'd heard in a later tune.

    Long live old school!

  18. *laughing at me watching Beyonce video again*

    Sound has mad swagger.

    Gwyneth, I agree, Gerald Levert's album is a good listen. RIP.

  19. Bettye ~ Oh yeah, it's hard to listen to any hip-hop, especially from the eighties and not hear a sample of James Brown. Not only was he the hardest working man in show biz, but the most sampled.

    Don ~ :-) You and Beyonce... should Jigga be concerned? LOL. I guess I'm gonna have to check out the Gerald Levert. I've heard a couple of tracks that I liked.

