Friday, October 05, 2007

Crank That Holy Ghost... ???

Okay, normally, I'm all for doing what it takes to bring the young folk back to the church. But this song makes me think that the elders may be right about some things being a little too secular...

When teenagers in the church were saying "Ain't no party like a Holy Ghost party, 'cause a Holy Ghost party don't stop..." I thought that might have been a little too much club and too little Jesus... But with crank that... I think the line is forever blurred... What do you all think?

much love and peace,



  1. It's a bit too crunk for me and I love contemporary gospel...Love Detrick Hadden and Stormy Cleveland is always in my cd player...
    I will say though we have a couple churches in our area that would use this music and they have young people in the church in mass numbers...


  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I like old southern gospel. Now I do own my share of Kirk Franklin CDs, but some of this has gone too far. You should be able to tell a church song from a club song.

  3. Angelia and Shelia, I know, right? I love contemporary gospel too, and I even like some of the gospel hip-hop. But I think the line is the one you draw, Shelia, we should be able to tell the church song from the club song. But, like you said, Angelia, the youth would be drawn to the church in large numbers doing the "Crank That..."


  4. Call me old-fashioned...but if youth can really hear the message rather than just vibe to the groove...then I tell em' 'just work it out.' LOL.
    I try and remember...althought I will be the first to admit it...that Jesus says to meet folks where they are...that said...if Crank That Holy Ghost will get more youth to be more ChristLike and want to follow Jesus...I ain't mad at em.

  5. Hi Gwyneth!

    I'm on the opposite side of the fence with this one...I LOVED it! In Cleveland, this type of 'crunk' is pulling our youth toward the church in swarms. Needs evolve, as does the need to get children and young adults back into church. I'm all for allowing youth to praise the Lord in whatever way makes them comfortable.

    On a side note, if something like this was around when I was a teen, I may have never strayed from attending church. I was bored, restless (and pregnant), and nothing there made me feel like I needed to stay. As a matter of fact, I felt forced to leave. But if the elders who had a say took a look at what they needed to do to keep people my age engaged, things would definitely be different.

    We all worship in our own way so what's so different with this? By who's definition are we using to judge this? Just some questions that popped in mind when I watched the video.

    Great post!


  6. Yasmin and Genesis, that's why I say the lines are blurred. It's hard to come down on one side or the other... I have to admit when I watch it and hear the line, "I'm bouncing on them demons. And if you hear some stomping then I'm shouting on them demons..." I'm like, yes! Like I said I love a lot of the contemporary gospel and gospel hip-hop. But when I watched this video, it almost made me see what some of the folks who complained about Kirk Franklin might be talking about... But if it's working in Cleveland like you say, Genesis, then... hey...

  7. Funny video. And I'm too scared too comment. LOL. But it doesn't appear to be the spirit that I was once taught.

  8. The beautiful thing about God is that He never changes. The spirit of the church shouldn't either but the methods may need to in order to serve effectively.

    There are limits of course but who's to say?

    Y'all didn't see that reality gospel singing show on BET last week? There was some stuff that rivaled this. I think one song was called I'm Crunk for Jesus, or something like that. Catch the re-runs!

  9. Don ~ Don't skurred ... :-)

    Patricia ~ Crunk for Jesus, huh? Alrighty then.... I suppose if one must get crunk, it's best to get crunk for the Lord... :-) I didn't catch that show on BET. I saw the commercials it looked interesting. I might have to check it out.


  10. I agree with Yasmin. I'd rather have my kids (or grandkids) dancing to this than singing "back that ass up!"

    Patricia, my daughter tried out for "Sunday Best" here in Atlanda. That show is hilarious.

  11. Chicki ~ I hear you on that one, especially when given a choice between those two... LOL.
