Sunday, October 21, 2007

Teach Me Tonight: Gwyneth Bolton - Sweet Sensation

Laura Vivanco at Teach Me Tonight: Musings on Romance Fiction from an Academic Perspective has done a wonderful analysis of my latest novel, Sweet Sensation . The funny thing about writing fiction as someone who has done literary analyses on the works of others is that I'm usually not aware of themes in my own creative writing. Reading Laura's great analysis I was reminded of the time I presented a paper on Nalo Hopkinson's novels at the Blacks in Science Fiction conference at Howard University a few years back and Nalo was in the audience. After my paper I talked with her for a moment and she told me that she had no idea that all the stuff I was talking about was in the novel but she could sort of see it after listening to my paper. (I'm paraphrasing here; it was a little while ago.) I'm also reminded of when a colleague in my department read I'm Gonna Make You Love Me and told me she loved how I worked in critique of masculinity in there. I had no idea there was one in there. But, here is what I've come to understand. As much as I try and keep my academic self separate from my creative self, they do merge often. So, when I look at Laura's analysis and what she found in Sweet Sensation it makes sense that she'd find all this cool stuff about the power words and language... I'm a rhetorician by training. I guess I can't keep them separate after all...

Anyway, check out Laura's analysis here:

  • Teach Me Tonight: Gwyneth Bolton - Sweet Sensation

  • much love and peace,



    1. Anonymous1:32 AM

      Gwyneth, that was a very thorough review of your book. It shows that she not only found your book entertaining, but it also made her think on a deeper level.

    2. Gwyneth,
      I loved that article, I like when readers and reviewers go means you gave them something to think about...


    3. Gwyneth,
      That was a wonderful review! It's amazing what readers pick up in a writer's works. By the way, you never told me that you met Nalo Hopkinson! :*)

    4. Shelia ~ Yes it was very thorough. I have to say that even though I write about popular culture and popular genre fiction as an academic, it still felt strange to have a novel that I wrote taken up by an academic.

      Angelia ~ I guess I did, huh... :-)

      Tyhitia ~ I didn't tell you? Oops, my bad. Girl I've met her several times... Once at WisCon, once at Blacks in Science Fiction and... okay only twice... But she was also kind enough to let me and my colleague Yolanda Hood publish an essay she wrote when we did the special issue of FEMSPEC on black women's speculative fiction and magical realism... :-) Did I tell you that Tananarive Due, Steve Barnes were also at the Blacks in Science Fiction conference and I also met them at DiversiCon once? And Octavia Butler was the keynote at the Blacks in Science Fiction conference. But that was the second time I'd seen her speak I also saw her at another academic conference? Because I don't want you to think I'm holding out...


    5. I love 'How'd That Get There?' moments in reading and when others read my stories. I think this is a tremendous compliment for you, Gwynth! I'll go read the review now.

    6. I just read the review. It's so fascinating how people can reveal things in another's writing. Very interesting.

    7. Kimber An ~ How did I get there moments are cool! Thanks for the sweet comment you made over there. :-)

      Chicki ~ I know! That's what I love about Literary Criticism and Literary Analysis. Being on the other side of it is a cool experience for me and I'm excited that Laura took the time to engage my novel in that way.


    8. Very cool! I think that our deepest thoughts come together without our knowledge in our word , sentence, and theme choices. It's how the author's true beliefs and value enter into her work.

      Keep doin' it, Gwyneth!

    9. Patricia ~ I think you are on to something. I like the way you describe it. It's funny how what's in you finds its way to the page...

