Wednesday, August 01, 2007

August Interview with acVernon Menchan

GB: Well hello acVernon Menchan also known as my girl Angelia. Thanks so much for blessing my blog with an interview. I know that you’re busy on your grind writing wonderful books, insightful blog posts, selling your books all over the place, meeting with book clubs, reviewing books for APOOO, being a wife and mother, and giving back to the community by mentoring young sistahs. Whew! I know your time is very valuable, so I appreciate you taking time away to chat. Your busy schedule leads me to my first question. How? How do you do it all and do it all so well? Do tell…

AM: I guess what has made it relatively easy is that I waited until I had time to do the things I wanted to do. My husband spent twenty-two years as a soldier and we traveled the world, I also have two sons who are now twenty-seven and twenty-two, so I guess it is my turn to do what feeds my soul. Writing and reviewing and talking to my girls really doesn’t feel like work, it is a soul experience, Not only that but when a sister is tired she will get her rest. I have always known that taking care of me shores me up to take care of the rest.

GB: A soul experience… I like that. Okay, you have done what many authors dream of doing. You’ve taken care of your own business and self-published your three books. Having control of your own destiny must be a beautiful thing… Kudos! What made you decide to just go ahead and do it yourself? What has the journey been like as a self-published author? Would you ever consider going with a traditional publisher in the future?

AM: As someone who has spent a couple of decades working for the government I knew that if I really wanted to color outside the lines I would have to own myself. So as with most things I just did it. My first work wasn’t truly self-published, I worked with a vanity press because that first book was written on a lark, was just going to be something for friends and family to talk about. Little did I know about how people would react to my work. Thank God! I am open to anything but in the mean time I will continue to do what I am doing.

GB: Now you know I have to talk about your novels, Black’s Obsession , Cinnamon’s Universe and the forthcoming (soon I hope) Brown’s Possession . These novels are part of a trilogy that you call “Black’s Trilogy” and they give three sides of tantalizing love triangle. I really love the idea of getting three sides of the story and found myself eagerly turning the pages as I read Black’s and Cinnamon’s stories and now waiting not so patiently for Brown’s piece of the puzzle (no rush… but err… hurry up...). Anyway, what was your inspiration for this trilogy?

AM: I am a short story writer at heart. I was working on a series of short stories and one was entitled ‘Whose Baby’. The premise was a guy would call his friend on the eve of his wedding to confess his feelings for her. It was eighteen pages, but that story wouldn’t let me go and became this three book series. Also, I wanted and needed to write about brothers as I knew them to be. Loving, complicated and diverse beings, not just fodder for the six o’clock news. Thus, Black. There are many Malcolm Blacks in our community.

GB: We have something in common. (smile) Many years ago when I was working on my MA in Creative Writing I just knew I was going to be a short story writer and my thesis was going to be a collection of short stories, until one short story refused to end. It is so funny the way a piece of writing will do that to a writer. It really does tell you when it is supposed to end if the writer is listening. I still want to write that collection of short fiction one day… Anyway… In Love Stories of Some People I’ve Known , you give the reader a glimpse of so many different kinds of love. It was a nicely done, very nuanced look at love. So, what made you want to take on love in these shorter vignettes? Can readers expect more of this kind of short story collection from you in the future?

AM: Short stories are my first love when it comes to writing. I can have a conversation or see a situation and rush home to write about it. People fascinate me and have a tendency to tell me the most amazing stories. I will then fictionalize them so they no longer recognize themselves. (giggling). I have a short story on Amazon entitled, “If I Didn’t Know Better,” that story was based on a Luther Vandross song. I heard it, went back home and two hours later I had a story. I have hundreds of those.

GB: Speaking of your shorter pieces… You know I just adore your blog. And I think you have the one of the most wonderful, real and provocative voices out there in the blogosphere. I love the way you make it plain time and time again and bring home such thought-provoking truths in such few words. When I read what you can do with short pieces of prose, it reminds me of how I feel sometimes when I read short stories and poetry by Alice Walker or short stories by J. California Cooper. Okay, I promise there is a question in here and not just me gushing. (Smile) So, let me see… how do you bring all that down home wisdom out in so few words? What inspires you?

AM: Gushing is good… he he… Thanks Gwyneth, you are so kind. I write the way I think and speak. I have been blessed with an ability to say what is in my heart and I seem unable not to do. Some love it, others might not. That is too funny, Ms. Cooper is my absolute favorite short story writer. I love her. I just say it as I see it. When one speaks truth as they know it, not many words are needed. I am inspired by people, my love for people and the love I get back. I am blessed.

GB: I love Cooper too! She’s amazing. So, have you always known that you wanted to be a writer?

AM: Yes indeed, I have been writing in journals all my life. My books are an extension of that.

GB: Has your writing changed over the years? What kinds of changes have you seen in your work?

AM: Oh my God, yes. My first book was a hot mess in terms of the way it was written. And for a hot minute, when people in the know mentioned my mistakes I thought okay I am done. But, you know what, readers had a different take, they wanted to hear what I was saying, so I tightened up my game. I am still very much a work in progress, very much!!

GB: You also review books for APOOO Book Club. How did you get started reviewing books? Do you think that book reviewing helps you in your own writing?

AM: Yasmin Coleman, owner and moderator of APOOO, my sister-friend, sent out a call for reviewers and I raised my hand. It has been one of the best experiences. APOOO reviews with integrity and I love being a part of it. Reviewing has helped tremendously in my writing.

GB: What’s next on the horizon for you? Tell us a little bit about your upcoming projects and give us a sneak peek at some of the things you have in the works.

AM: I am now working on a series of books for young adults. The first one is tentatively titled, What Part of No Is Not Clear to You? My heroine is sixteen and knows her own mind. My kind of girl.

GB: Sounds like my kind of girl too. The novel sounds wonderful! You’re going to have me reading young adult books. LOL. So, who are some of your favorite authors? What are you reading right now?

AM: My all time favorites are James Baldwin, Maya Angelou, Colin Channer, Pearl Cleage, Diane Mckinney Whetstone…there are so many. I have a new favorite, Kwame Dawes, that brother can write. I love your writing also Ms. Bolton. I am reading, Selah’s Bed by Jenoyne Adams and reviewing a couple of books.

GB: Thank you. (Smile) Do you have any advice for aspiring writers about the publishing business? Do you have any specific advice for writers thinking about going the self-publishing route?

AM: I would have to say first and foremost, hone your craft and have faith in your abilities. I don’t know anything about traditional publishing. I am probably one of the few who haven’t even tried. If you are going to self-publish make sure you do your research and are willing to get your hustle on. Writing is the easy part, selling yourself is work.

GB: “Writing is the easy part, selling yourself is work.” Girl, you ain’t never lied. Someone needs to put that quote on a bumper sticker. It needs to be a mantra or something. LOL. Okay, so, thanks so much for the interview and blessing us with your time. I appreciate it. How can readers best contact you?

AM: Thanks so much Lady Gwyneth. I have enjoyed this. You are my sister and a true ‘Write or Die Chick’. I can be reached at or my email or my blog,


  1. Great interview with a smart lady. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for stopping by and checking it out, Lynn!


  3. I am a fan of acVernon Menchan. I was introduced to her writings when Yasmin (APOOO BookClub) asked me to review her short stories, and I knew I had found another author I would always want to read. Her tell it like it is writing is so refreshing. I love it. Thanks for providing this interview so others will know what a truly gifted woman Angelia is.

  4. What a great interview...I love 'ms. cinnamon's' writing style and stories also. :)
    Oh and thanks for the kudos to APOOO...gurl you know I like seeing our name in print!

  5. Great interview Gwyn,

    It was nice to learn about acVernon. I definitely have to look up her work.

  6. Hi, JC, Yasmin and LaShaunda! Thanks for stopping by and checking out the interview.


  7. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I too am waiting with baited breath for the third installment of the trilogy.

    Lawd; that Malcolm Black is some brother. And Angelia's body of work is so impressive. I too thought she reminded me of J California Cooper's stories when I first read her short story collection.

    When I started Black's Obession; I knew that I was hooked. I finished the book in the early a.m. hours and went to the bookcase and picked up Book Two, Cinnamon's Universe and made me a pot of coffee. I knew that I would be up all night long.

    Very few novelists have had me under their spell like that.


  8. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Wow, what a great interview. Thank you, Gwyneth and AC. AC, you're a very thoughtful and thought provoking person. Best wishes for continued writing success.

  9. Thanks to all of you for stopping by...much love, thanks and appreciation...

    acVernon Menchan

  10. Anonymous11:35 PM

    That was a great interview, I am definitely planning on checking out her books.

  11. Excellent interview, Gwyneth! Thanks for adding yet another author to my growing TBR pile. :)

  12. Idrissa ~ I too thought she reminded me of J California Cooper's stories when I first read her short story collection. Cool! I'm glad someone else saw the similarities.

    Patricia S ~ Thanks for stopping by and checking out the interview.

    Tiffany! Hey, girlfriend! You should definitely check out her books. :-)

    Farrah ~ :-) You know it my job to help add to those toppling over to-be-read piles. I figure if I can't see the top of my nightstand because of all the books, why should the rest of you. :-) LOL.


  13. Great interview with a great lady, Gwyneth. You keep adding to my TBR read pile, Gwyneth. Stop it! LOL! :*)

    Angelia, I will have to check out your work. I have to admit, I don't read much romance. When I do, it's usually paranormal. I will definitely make an exception in this case! :*)

  14. This was a great interview.

  15. Another great interview, Gwyneth! I recently learned of Angelia's blog and I've been loving it.

    I'll have to read Black's Trilogy.

    A question for Angelia: Since your first book, to which you refer as a "hot mess" relative to the writing (not story), and you are self-published, have you gone back since you're learned more to polish it a bit? I'm curious how self-published writers might handle that situation.

  16. Hey Tyhitia ~ Thanks for stopping through. I'm not sure if Angelia would classify herself as a romance writer. There are romantic elements in her work, but I don't think she'd label her stuff romance. Angelia, what say you... ? :-)

    Hey Shelia ~ Thanks for stopping through and checking out the interview.

    Hey Patricia W ~Thanks for stopping by and checking out the interview. That's an interesting question too.

    Much love and peace,


  17. Patricia,
    I actually planned to at one point but a great number of loyal readers asked me to leave it alone, they loved it as written and had plunked down money before anyone 'in the know' had an opportunity to read it. What I do now is give it as a free ebook when people purchase my other work directly from me...cant complain when it's free..he he problem was mostly run on sentences and grammatical snafus... I have always been comma deficient...

    I consider my writing, fictionalized truths and I hope I never tell the truth without some romance up in there....

    Love and Blessings...

  18. fictionalized truths and I hope I never tell the truth without some romance up in there....

    I like that. That sounds accurate to me. Your work deals with relationships and has romantic elements, but you're not going to let the dictates of genre stop you from telling the truth of your stories...

