Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Fifty ‘Leven Cents on Puffy and Kim's Spilt...

I know I shouldn't be happy that Kim and Puffy (And I know he's Diddy now. But I don't care. He'll always be Puffy to me) broke up. I know that I'm a romance writer and I'm supposed to be all about the love. But if you've read my blog before, you know how I feel about Puffy and Kim. All I can say now is I hope the sista has finally seen the light and leaves his ass for good. I knew when I saw recent gossip that he was running around with some other chick and his twins are barely seven months old, that Kim was in for heartache the likes of J-Lo all over again. But it looks like Miss. Kim ain't having it. Time will only tell... Take my advice girlfriend, run as fast as you can. (But don't forget your child support!) And for the record, I think her silly behind will take him back yet again after the sting of his latest affair wears off. And he still won't marry her... What do you all think? I'm sure you all saw it coming...

much love and peace,



  1. Anonymous1:26 PM


    I agree with you, I hope she has finally seen the light. I hope she doesn't get back with him down later on because I don't he will ever settle down and she should know this by now.


  2. I know, Tiffany. If she takes him back again... Yikes! He's a ho.


  3. She loves her man. Didn't you read the Essence's article?

  4. LaShaunda ~ Sure did. LOL. Poor child. She need to love his triflin' behind from afar....


  5. Oh no, sorry, but I don't think she has learned from the prior incident with J-Lo. I believe that if given the opportunity, she will take him back.

    I also believe that she is going to take him to the cleaners for child support. Didn't she want some outrageous amount for her first child with him?

  6. Rageyone,

    That was his first babymama that wanted the large payment. But I'm sure Kim is going to get her share too. I hope she takes him to the bank. ;-)


  7. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Unfortunately Puff Daddy will not marry Kim never will. If he continues to be single(unmarried!) she will always have hope and will take him back every time. Puffy will get married it just will not be to Kim. Sad but true

  8. Of course we saw it coming. Why do women continually have children with men who never marry them? Idiots. I know there are single mothers, but once is a given. If you keep having kids by the same man, or different men, then you get what you deserve---and yes, I'm a woman! LOL!:*)

  9. That is sad. Some women subconciously believe they don't deserve to be treated any better, I think.

  10. Anon ~ You're right, Puffy will eventually marry some other poor woman after he's done having his fun and he's ready to settle down. And it won't be Kim that's for sure.

    Tyhitia ~ Mmmmm.... hmmmmm..... yep!

    Kimber An ~ Yes, that's the sad part about it. And that's why, even though she gave that idiotic interview in the magazine-that-shall-not-be-named a little while back, I kinda feel sorry for the girl...


  11. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I've wiped the tears of laughter from my eyes. Gwyneth, you absolutely crack me up. I love your posts. I didn't hear that Kim and Puffy (yes, he'll always be Puffy to me, too.) have broken up - again. When in the world will she learn? I always cringe when I see him with other women. I feel embarrassed for her. I wish she'd find someone else. Maybe that will end her fascination with Puffy.

  12. Patricia ~I know! I wish she would find someone else also. I mean dang, she's a beautiful woman. She does not have to put up with Puffy's funny looking behind. She needs to take her money and run. Puffy will always be a ho. He's all like, "thought I told ya that I won't stop... enh enh.. enh enh..." I'm telling all my sistas ya can't change a ho into a husband...


  13. "His entire presence is kind of Puffy..."


  14. I'm betting she'll take him back. I wish she wouldn't. When Diddy decides to marry, it will likely be another woman.

  15. Enlightening, Gwyneth! And here I was, thinking that Puffy (I, too, choose to still call him that) and Kim had broken up before he took up with J. Lo, not because he took up with her.

    Damn, I'm out of it.


  16. Chesya ~ Thanks! ;-)

    Patricia W ~ I bet she will too. So sad...

    Bettye ~ Yes. He was even still coming around and messing with Kim when he was having that big public relationship with J-lo and Kim took that too.. The article in the magazine-that-shall-not-be-named was actually an enlightening look into the mind of one sad sista...


  17. She needs to take the child support check and run. She already got $30k/mth for their oldest -- the twins should be worth a good $60k/mth -- (she got preggers just in time, how convenient... :--)

    Homegirl is set (SMH)

  18. Michelle ~ I know. She is set for now. But I heard Puffy had another child with yet another woman and that's why they broke up. At the rate he's going, he's gonna child support his way into the poor house. So Kim better put some of that money aside for a rainy day. LOL.

