Thursday, July 05, 2007

It's My Blog Anniversary.... (well sort of)

Has it been a year already?

I just realized that I missed my one-year blogging anniversary. I made my first post on this blog on June 28, 2006. I’m very bad with dates and remembering anniversaries. I realized this when I was sixteen and had to find out from my first boyfriend how many months we’d been dating. He looked at me kind funny and said, “Aren’t girls supposed to remember stuff like that?” And I hate it when people ask me how long I’ve been growing my locs. I don’t know. Four years? Five years? Something like that... But, my husband taught me how to remember our wedding anniversary. I just have to think 3/3/99. Now how many years is that? I guess I’m just bad with numbers... But I so wanted to remember my blog anniversary. I was going to do a special post and every thing. But it’s gone now. Oh well, it’s been a little over a year and I’m still blogging. I may have to cut back some due to deadlines. But I think I’ll keep the ole blog a little while longer. So, all together now, “happy (late) blog anniversary to me…” Thanks for hanging with me so far blog buddies.

Much love and peace,



  1. Hey Gwyneth, I can't think of anywhere betta to hang out. I love your blogs...I am unfortunately one of those people who remember everytbing...yikes...enjoy your weekend, Love and Blessings...


  2. Congratulations! I'm number-challenged as well. My husband loves to tease me about our anniversary.

  3. Happy anniversary, Gwyneth! This blog is one of my first stops every day. Please keep it going. You're an inspiration to me.

  4. Woo-hoo! Happy Blogiversary!

  5. Angelia ~ Thanks! You have a great weekend too.

    Kimber An ~ I'm glad I'm not the only one. I can do words... but numbers... they just don't stick...

    Chicki ~ Thanks so much. Awww,,,, :-)

    Rageyone ~ Thanks, Soror!


  6. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Gwyneth, Congratulations!!! I love reading your blogs.

  7. Even though I've left the land of blogger, I still have my blog ho fridays, woot! Yeah, my time to go to yours, Vivi's, Angie's, Cat's, and a few other cool chicks' blog.

    I am TERRIBLE with dates. And please don't get me started on my anniversary! But, I know it was a week before my birthday, and it's been 12--or is it thirteen--years. Damn, don't tell my man I can't remember! He's HELL on me, for forgetting stuff like that, lol.

    I was mad when I forgot my Loc anniversary date this year! It's been three years this last april, since I began my journey. I was always natural, for the most part. I would relax my hair once a year or so, if that. Then I stopped relaxing it all together 10 years ago. THEN...I decided to whack it all off and loc it. Hubby still didn't get why I had to cut it, to loc it. ::Shrug:: I tend to be an extremist ;)

    Happy Blogaversary, Gwyn!!


  8. Tiffany ~ Thanks, girlfriend! I appreciate you. :-)

    Kimberly ~ Yay! It's blog ho Friday! Wooohooo! As a blog ho Monday thru Friday, I can appreciate your special day. :-) I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is bad with dates and stuff like that. And I swear I wish I could remember just how long ago I started my Locs. But every time I start trying to remember years and dates I swear I get a headache. It's good to 'see' you Kimmie. Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  9. Happy bloggaversary, Gwyneth!


  10. CONGRATS!!!! HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY, GWYNETH! (Yes, I know...I'm screaming.) I don't know when my anniversary is either...
    Hee...Keep on gracing us with your wisdom by blogging!!!!

  11. Borrowing from Bettye, Happy Blogaversary! I love your posts but if you need to cut back to get out your even better books, so be it.

    Never occurred that blog anniversaries were celebrated. Another date to remember? Sheesh...

  12. Bettye ~ Thanks! :-)

    Michelle ~ Hey, girlfriend! Thanks!

    Patricia ~ Hey, soror. Thanks! I know another date, right? But I think I'm only going to just celebrate the 1st year. I can't take the pressure of remembering every year. I get a headache just thinking about it.


  13. Happy Blog Anniversary. Funny how time flies when you're having fun.

  14. Anonymous9:52 PM

    I'm so proud of this blog. Happy Anniversary!

  15. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Happy (Belated) Blog Anniversary, Gwyneth. I love the community you've nurtured here. It's a pleasure to sit and chat with you and everyone. I'm glad you're going to keep the community alive a little longer.

  16. Hey Shelia! Thanks!

    Hey Tamika! Thanks, girlfriend. :-)

    Patricia ~ Thanks! We do have some pretty cool folks stopping through and hanging out. That has made blogging so much fun. :-)


  17. Happy Anniversary girlfriend!

  18. Congratulations on your first year. BTW, I missed my 1st anniversary last year, too. Time slips away too easily.

  19. Happy blogversary! Hope to read many, many more posts! :*)

  20. Thanks Suemarie!

    Sharon, glad I'm not the only one... :-)

    Thanks, Tyhitia!


  21. Anonymous9:30 PM

    mjog ahugavert, takk

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