Tuesday, June 12, 2007

More Great Summer Reads...

Because I really care that you will have enough to read this summer…

I heard about this book a few months ago when Deatri King-Bey sent out an announcement about it on a few list-serves that I’m on. I love paranormal and speculative fiction. So, I immediately placed it on my to-buy-soon list. I didn’t get around to it until a month or so ago and the book didn’t arrive from Amazon until a couple of weeks later. Once it came I picked it up and started reading it. Big mistake… I couldn’t put the book down. I had to spend the rest of the day and into the night reading. Don’t you just hate that? Anyway, this book has it all. It is part inspirational, part paranormal, part romance, part suspense/mystery/intrigue. I loved it! Normally, big ole sinner that I am, I don’t tend to gravitate towards inspirational novels. But this one was so engaging and enthralling and the message was so subtle that it had me really thinking about God and life in ways that I found refreshing. The only other works of fiction that had such an impact on me were Octavia Butler’s PARABLE OF THE TALENTS and PARABLE OF THE SOWER and Sandra Jackson-Opoku’s THE RIVER WHERE BLOOD IS BORN. This book is right up there with the greats of African American speculative fiction in my opinion. T. Rhythm Knight has a real talent for storytelling. And if I could find more inspirational novels like this one, I’d be one inspirational reading fool! I found this book to be different and refreshing and the blending of genres worked wonderfully. If you have ever wondered about life and if God has a plan for your life, or thought about your purpose, then this book will make you think some more. :-) This is a must read.

Here’s the blurb:
Mia Mitchell has been having premonitions for most of her life. While most consider her premonitions a gift, she considers her gift nothing more than a curse. Little does Mia know, her gift serves a special purpose in God's kingdom. As Mia battles the worst premonition of them all, demons are hell bent on destroying her. Will she be obedient and follow the urgings of her guardian angels, Kenu and Victor? Or, will she surrender to a disobedient spirit? You will have to wait until the dust settles to find out if God and his angels or Satan and his demons will prevail.

CREEPIN’, L. A. Banks, Donna Hill, Monica Jackson, J. M. Jefferies, Janice Sims
Here’s another book that I picked up and started reading as soon as the mailman dropped the box off. I’ll tell you I must have super sonic hearing when it comes to that mailman dropping a box. It’s as if my brain can smell the books or something. Anyway, this book came in my box of monthly purchases from eHarlequin. And I only meant to read a few pages. But you know how that goes with a good book... It didn’t help that the first story was by L. A. Banks and I puffy heart love me some Leslie Esdaile/L. A Banks/Leslie Esdaile Banks. That woman can write the ABC’s and I’d be like, wow, what a wonderful rendition of the ABC’s. But anyway, this anthology is a paranormal erotic thriller. What a combination of genres, authors and stories! These stories give new meaning to hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Each story has the elements of HOT SEX and revenge... really great combinations. L. A. Banks starts it off with a werewolf story that is just amazing. I love her vampire huntress series and after this story and her story in the VEGAS BITES anthology, I can’t wait for her new werewolf series… I’m chomping at the bit to read more of her werewolves! I just adore L. A. Bank’s voice and her flow. And this story did not disappoint. Donna Hill’s story is a hot and steamy remix of the film THE ENTITY. And Lord have mercy, this one might have you a little scared to go to sleep. What would you do if at any giving moment, sleeping or wake, you could be assaulted by some unseen entity that used sex to literally drive you out of your mind? This story had a nice surprise ending that really kicked up the horror-level a lot. I loved it. Monica Jackson’s twist on vampires was great. It reminded me of that old school advice folks used to give women who were always trying to find out if their man was cheating or keeping secrets. Be careful when you go out hunting and searching, because you never know what you might find… This one is lighter and has several funny moments. I liked the voice a lot. The writing team of J. M. Jefferies brings the voodoo to the anthology with a twisted and sexy revenge tale. What would you be willing to give up to get revenge on a man who cheated on you? The villain in this story is such a low life that he gets exactly what he deserves. And finally Janice Sims brings us into the world of Nephilims with the descendents of Fallen Angels living and loving right here on earth. All I have to say is the world building was amazing in this story. Amazing! I was totally captivated by the world she created and the characters. And Sarai was one bad-ass avenging angel. I hope she makes this into a series. All in all, if you are in for a nice mix of paranormal and erotica with some revenge, spice, intrigue and horror thrown in for good measure, this anthology is a must read.

Here’s the blurb:
A Woman Scorned Is A Force To Be Reckoned With . . . Welcome to a world of werewolves, vampires, demons and mere mortals, where, in the name of revenge, five women are about to live out their wildest fantasies—even if it means crossing over to that other side . . . Five of today's most provocative authors invite you into a realm beyond the limits of your sensual imagination, where anything can happen—and does. In these stories of bloodlust and vengeance, of scorching desire and otherworldly fantasies come true, you'll encounter five women who thought they had it all, until a betrayal takes them on a feverish journey to the dark edge of vengeance. Fueled by lust and deception, these women are going to let their voracious appetites guide them as they take justice into their own hands . . .

DARING DEVOTION by Elaine Overton
What would you do if your man worked in a dangerous job and suddenly got a promotion that put him in the line of fire even more? The thing I really loved about this novel is the way Elaine Overton showed the struggle that Andrea went through. On the one hand she wants to be the supportive fiancĂ©, but on the other hand she could be supporting him right out of her life... for good. Reading this book made me realize that I could never be a romance heroine. Sad but true… I’d do all the wrong things. I’d be plotting to get my man out of the dangerous job... saying all kinds of negative things to drop seeds of doubt. It wouldn’t be pretty and it wouldn’t be romantic. But Elaine Overton’s gift is she created a wonderful, real and conflicted heroine who had the doubts, issues and struggles, but handled herself like a truly stunning romance heroine should. And the hero, fire fighter Calvin Brown… LAWD. HAVE. MERCY. HOT.... And I’m not just talking about those fires he puts out…

Here’s the blurb:
Detroit social worker Andrea Chenault has always believed she can live with the fear that every firefighter's wife knows. But as her long-awaited wedding day approaches, she's tormented by secret doubts. Because it's becoming clear that deadly fires are targeting the man she loves beyond all reason. Calvin Brown is the bravest, strongest man she's ever known, and he's taken her to heights of passion she never knew existed. But as the circle of flames draws ever closer, Andrea wonders if even her overwhelming love for this man is strong enough to survive the terrible thought of a life without him...

BLUE SKIES by Adrianne Byrd
Nobody does enduring romance like Adrianne Byrd. Nobody! One of my all-time favorite books by her, MY DESTINY, was one of the first African American romance novels I read that took you through some years and showed the evolution of a relationship, the growth. She does it again with Sydney and James in BLUE SKIES and I loved it. It takes skill and creativity to take the readers on a journey of romance that spans some time. Sometimes when people meet, they don't get it right the first time. Sometimes it takes a minute to realize that you've met the love of your life. This novel moves back and forth between the space of about three years. And it will have you captivated on every page. It has everything I love about her novels, the funny, the sexy, and the emotional. And it adds the drama and suspense to the mix. I loved this book and it is going right along side all of my other Adrianne Byrd books, on my keeper shelf.

Here’s the blurb:
Air force fighter pilot Sydney Garret was born to fly. No other thrill came close enough to shake her—until she met Captain James Colton and found a reckless passion that led to fifty-five hours together as husband and wife. When they went their separate ways, Sydney's heart understood what her pride refused to admit—that someday, somehow, fate would reunite them. But no one imagined that it would be a matter of life and death… When Sydney's plane was shot down over enemy territory on a routine reconnaissance flight, James and his crew were deployed on a dangerous search-and-rescue operation where every second counted. But James was not only going in after one of the military's finest pilots—he was also racing to save the woman he loved.

Politics and Sex… This novel had all that and then some. I’ve heard people say that folks don’t want political issues in their romance novels. Well, if they are as smartly handled and executed as they are by Langhorne, then they don’t know what they are missing. This is an IR novel and I usually don’t read a lot of them. I got turned off by the ones that spent too much time talking about why the sister couldn’t find a good brother and comparing white men to black men, etc. A few years ago, I stumbled on to Karyn Langhorne’s first novel A PERSONAL MATTER and like this one it only had a black woman on the cover. It was only after I’d read a little ways in that I realized that I had picked up an IR and by then I had fallen in love with the voice and the story. And thankfully the novel didn’t have all the issues that I didn’t like about IR novels. UNFINISHED BUSINESS takes two people that couldn’t be more different and shows us that love doesn’t have to follow any political party. And it doesn’t care if you live in a red or a blue state, if you lean to the left or the right. The chemistry between the two leads is sizzling. The way the author weaves in the political issues is amazing. By the time I finished reading this one, I realized that the author made me fall in love with a damn Republican! LOL. Now you know that ain’t right! But it was a great read and I highly recommend it.

Here’s the blurb:
Black activist Erica Johnson wears her causes on her sleeve—literally. With her class of beloved fourth graders depending on her to represent their concerns, Erica's ready to confront golden-boy conservative senator Mark Newman. And she's willing to suffer through a night in jail and a battle of wits with a real-life war hero, if it will help get the children the money they need. Mark Newman's a worthy adversary. But there's a more human side to the ambitious politician with the dreamy blue eyes—from the physical pain of his war wound, to his grief over his wife's death. Though they disagree on every hot-button issue, Erica and Mark can't resist their attraction or ignore the unfinished business between them—much to the delight of those trying to use this new relationship against the senator. And when Erica starts receiving some particularly vicious hate mail she has to decide if this handsome dream from the right/wrong side of the political fence is worth risking her heart for . . . and maybe her life.

July 2007
Woooweeeee! Wayne Jordan brings in the heat with this one. I’m talking had a sister fanning herself several times throughout the read. LAWD. HAVE. MERCY. HOT. The characters in this novel have an instant attraction and find themselves in a passionate “no-strings” affair. Neither one of them wants to catch feelings… But they can’t control it. I have to say that this story was not only hot but also very emotional. And the novel had the beautiful use of language that I have come to expect in this author’s novels. The man can spin a phrase and have you thinking, ohh… that sounds so pretty… The prose is very visual, very poetic. And did I already mention that there were lots of really hot love scenes? Because there are… In any case, this is another book that you won’t be able to put down. Note, this is a July release. But those of us in the know, know that you can get all your Harlequin category romances a month early from eHarlequin. :-)

Here’s the blurb:
Barbados sugar plantation owner Shayne Knight fantasizes about escaping into the arms of a beautiful stranger—and lovely, sensual travel agent Carla Thompson is the answer to his secret desires. When he's called away suddenly, he vows to return to the island hideaway they shared and turn their no-strings affair into something more. But he's too late. Carla awakens, blissful and in love, and discovers Shayne is gone. She's hurt, mad and outta there. Soon she discovers he did leave her something besides memories. She's pregnant! But to claim the man and the love that was meant to be, she'll have to discover paradise all over again.

In stores August 2007
Last but not least, I got to read an advance copy of A. C. Arthur’s August release because I’m so cool and so fly… Ha ha ha… No seriously… I am so fresh and so cool… Okay… But really, I loved the first book in the series so much that maybe I hounded her just a little to get a chance to read the second one… I don’t know… It’s all a blur… I can't remember exactly how I came by this advance read... ;-) All I know is I loved this book just as much as I loved the first book in the series, LOVE ME LIKE NO OTHER. And she has me feigning for the third installment. Maybe I should drop a few not so subtle hints and she'll let me read that one in advance too... Hmmm... Anyway, this is the promotional quote I came up with for her after reading the wonderful novel: A. C. Arthur’s latest addition to the Triple Threat Brothers Series proves that fairy tales can come true through the healing and redemptive power of love. The attraction between Adam and Camille is powerful and instant and it makes for a page turning, can-not-put-it-down read from beginning to end. The heat levels are high in this novel, scorching hot! And, when all is said and done, readers will realize that in this hip and sexy remix of the fairy-tale, Prince Charming doesn’t have anything on Adam Donovan! And ladies… Cinderella NEVER had it so good! This is one for the keeper shelf.

And here’s the book blurb:
Adam Donovan is living the high life, buying and selling real estate, becoming a very rich and notable man. But when his next acquirement comes with a very attractive opponent he knows he’s seen before, Adam is for once thrown off his usually casual canter. Camille Davis has enough on her mind dealing with the loss of her father and the rise of her fashion design company. She’s in no mood to deal with her step-mother or the insane deal she’s made to sell her father’s home. A face-to-face confrontation with the man that wants to buy the property doesn’t go over much better since he’s also the star of the sexually explicit dreams she’s had for the past nine months. Can Adam and Camille come to terms in the board room…and the bedroom?

So, that’s it for now. And I promise, I will only give you more hot books to read for the rest of the time I have this blog… Hey, it’s not my fault. The blog does have the subtitle, “Reading and Writing African American Romance.” I’m supposed to tell you about all the great authors and books out there…. Until next time…

Happy Reading…


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Oh! My! Gawd! I should NOT have read this post. LOL! I want to reach each and everyone of these books and I already have books from my 'To Be Read' pile, which are holding up my ceiling. LOL! I guess I'll get your recommendations and start another pile. ;-) Thanks!


  2. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Paz, I'm with you. :) Gwyneth, you're killing me. :) I don't know how you find the time to write all of your wonderful, wonderful novels and still read so many books. You must be a master time manager. LOL! (I've printed out your post so I can get these books. LOL!)

  3. Paz ~ Yes, go ahead, start another pile. You'll read them all eventually... :-) I don't think I'd know what to do if I ever really made it through my to-be-read pile... ;-)

    Patricia ~ I'm about to go on a strict no reading diet... at least until I'm done with deadlines. But I find that if I go for too long without cramming in a reading spree, I get moody. And no one likes to see me moody... :-)


  4. Thanks for recommending these reads, Gwyneth! I'm going to be doing some reading after July 1st, when my manuscript is due (I'm actually targeting the big send-off for June 26th) and I'll have more time to curl up with a good book. A couple of these (won't say which ones) sound right up my alley!


  5. Bettye ~ Good luck sending the manuscript off early. That's always a good feeling... I've been having a mini reading spree since the semester closed. But I think it's time for it to end... I have to get serious or my entire summer will fly by...


  6. Anonymous1:10 PM


    Thanks for the recommendations. Actually I was looking for something to read and I believe I just found what I was looking for. A couple I have read but some of the authors I have not even heard of.



  7. Hi Tiffany! Glad to be of service. :-)


  8. Are you throwing more hints, Gwyneth? LOL

    I've only read one of the books on your list and that's Daring Devotion. I second that recommendation!


  9. also, did I thank you and throw you many, many hugs and kisses for your kind words?? if not, here ya go!!! :)

  10. Yep, AC... I'm throwing mega hints, none of them subtle either... But don't feel pressured... Just make sure I get to read that third installment in the Triple Threat Series. LOL.


  11. This is bad. I already have books gathering dust on my shelf and now have to add these...thanks for recommending them. Plus some are my favorite authors...woohoo.


  12. I know about that, Bella. I just keep telling myself that one day, I'll have free time and then I'll be so happy that I have a wonderful collection of books to keep me busy... LOL.


  13. Gwen, I was trying to comment on your recent post, but couldn't. Okay, so this comment is meant for the post you made about the Dagger Brothers. You can move it, if you can.

    I haven't read this series, but I want to. I checked out Sharon's pics. All I can say is DAYUM!!! She picked the PERFECT line. up!!!!!!! Not only is Sharon a hella of a good author, she obviously has some serious skills in casting!!!


  14. Yeah, Kimberly, I disabled the comments up there so that folks would comment on Sharon's blog. But They look yummy don't they? Mmm Mmm, good! LOL. And I agree, Sharon is a talented author! I loved AGAIN and I can't wait to read her latest novel and novella. So many books so little time...


  15. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Hi Gwyneth,

    Thanks for the reading recommendations! I've already got several of them in my TBR pile. Thanks also for reviewing Creepin'.
    I'm so glad you enjoyed the stories in it. I definitely had fun writing Avenging Angel.

    Continued blessings to you,

    Janice Sims

  16. Hi Janice!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I loved "Avenging Angel." I hope you make a series out of it. :-)

