Monday, June 11, 2007

E-Spire Entertainment News: Five Questions with Gwyneth Bolton

E-Spire Entertainment News: Five Questions with Gwyneth Bolton

Writer buddy Shelia M. Goss interviewed me recently. :-) Check out the interview and leave us a comment.

much love and peace,



  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Hey Gwyneth,

    I'm glad to see that more people are taking notice of your talent. Congrats on your interview...


  2. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Hi, Gwyneth. The post-a-comment link wasn't working on the E-Spire Entertainment News site, so I'm posting my kudos here. Great, great interview. Your ideal weekend sounds like mine - slipping in a little writing, too, though. I'm very much looking forward to your Hightower Honors series. The stories sound fantastic. Very best wishes for continued success.

  3. Anonymous3:00 PM


    Great interview!! I can't wait until the Hightower Honors series comes out, I am really looking forward to reading it!!


  4. Gwyneth,
    Congratulations! Movin' on up to the Eastside! You go girl! :*)

  5. Hi Tamika! I hope the reading is going well... :-)

    Thanks, Patricia! Back at ya!

    Tiffany! Hey, girlfriend! I can't wait for the Hightower series to come out too... Really, I can't wait to see what kinds of covers they come up with...

    Hey Tyhitia! Thanks, lady! :-)


  6. Great interview. Your coming projects sound awesome.

    Can I say the heroine on the cover of I'm Gonna Make You Love Me is cute?

    But you didn't answer one burning question. You said: "When I'm not writing or teaching or grading papers or watching my favorite television show..."

    You can't tease like that! What's your favorite show?!

    PS - Your ideal weekend sounds a lot like mine. Man, I miss book shopping.

  7. Great Interview, I posted over there as well, glad to know you will keep me reading for a long time to come...

    Love and Blessings,,,

  8. Loved the interview! Having the support of your family is crucial. My husband and daughters are supportive, but I can't imagine my sister reading one of my books...

    Great advice for us aspiring authors too.

  9. Great interview!!! How did you like the tables being turned on you? :-)

  10. Nice interview, Gwyneth. I left a comment over there too.

    My sister and I, unbeknownst to each other, both were bitten by the romance bug. (I thought she only read business and science fiction; I don't know what she thought about me.) We're both aspiring authors.

  11. Gwyneth,
    How nice to see someone interview you for a change!

    Your Hightower series sounds exciting, and nice and compact (I'm not a fan of looooooong series.) I'll definitely be reading them when they come out.


  12. Annie ~ LOL. I love the guy they used as the hero on I'M GONNA MAKE YOU LOVE ME. He looks nothing like the hero in the novel. But when I say the cover, I was not mad. He is FINE! And as for my favorite shows... right now, HEROES and GREY'S ANATOMY are my can't miss shows.

    Angelia ~ Thanks, sis! Much love!

    Michelle ~ Thanks! I have to say, I don't like the tables turned... I like to put others in the spotlight. LOL.

    Chicki ~ Family support is crucial... I'm glad you have it.

    Patricia ~ That's so funny! I can just picture the two of you reading and loving romance and not saying a word to each other. Funny!

    Bettye ~ Yes... I guess I had to take the heat eventually. LOL. I just picked up your latest books and can't wait to read them.

