Friday, June 01, 2007

June Interview with Delilah Dawson

GB: This is really an exciting day because I get to welcome an author who is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. I first met Delilah Dawson a few of years ago at the Romance Writers of America conference in Reno. Although I had already read her two Genesis Press books, EBONY BUTTERFLY I and EBONY BUTTERFLY II, meeting her and seeing what a warm, genuine and sincere person she was, had me anxiously anticipating her St. Martin’s Press books. It’s a pleasure to welcome Delilah Dawson to my blog. Welcome, Delilah! I’ll have to start by asking you the question that I ask every writer that comes by -- time management… How do you do it all and do it all so well?

DD: Hi Gwen! Reno seems like such a short time ago, doesn't it? How do I do it? Like most other authors, I have a very busy life, with a day job, a full family life and this passion for my books that won't let me be. I have stories in my head, and all they need are people to read them and enjoy them. The characters in the story monopolize my daydreams, and make me passionate to get the stories down on paper. I lose some sleep, I juggle my busy schedule and somehow I manage to write my story down, piece by piece (usually between ten to midnight). Having fans encouraging me along the way helps tremendously.

GB: I read on your website that you have always loved to read romance novels. How long have you been reading them? And when did it occur to you that you wanted to write spicier ones?

DD: I think I was twelve or thirteen when I read my first romance novel, whereas before that I read lots of Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden books. I had two schoolmates (conniving troublemakers!) that would "borrow" their mother's Jackie Collins books and let me read them while I pretended to read my science books in class. LOL! I knew I wanted to write spicier novels because, for me, the intimacy goes deeper into the character's psyche, and really helps me "get" them better.

GB: I also read that you like to do photography in your spare time. That’s amazing! Tell me, can we look forward to a nice coffee table book with your photos in the near future?

DD: From your lips to God's ears, Gwen! I'm still working on becoming a better photographer whenever I get the chance, and I find it to really satisfy my creative side as well. I have a semi-collection of my favorites, so, hey, who knows? Maybe someday …

GB: When I met you in Reno a few years back, you had just gotten “the call” from St. Martin’s Press. I remember thinking at the time that it was like every writer’s dream call. So, you know I want you to share some of that here. Come on tell us about the day you got that phone call… Help some of us hold the dream and keep hope alive…

DD: LOL! I'm grinning right now, just thinking about it! It was one of those nights, where I told myself I'd write first, then check my emails last (to give myself incentive because I'm sadistic like that). So when I finally got around to it, I noticed an email from Monique Patterson. My first thought was, "What fool is trying to play a joke on me like this! Pretending to be Ms. Patterson?!" No way! Then I realized it was real and I SCREAMED! Mind you, I was in a tiny closet that my husband had converted into my personal writing space, so I was jumping around and screeching. I honestly wasn't expecting him to hear me from the kitchen and bust in as if I was getting jumped. Long story short, that moment was absolutely incredible! I'll never forget it, and will always think of Monique as my Fairy Bookmother for the lovely surprise. (Smile)

GB: Amazing! I think every writer out there would love for her dream editor to read one of her novels and just e-mail her out of the blue. I would have screamed too. LOL. Anyway, one thing I absolutely adore about your novels is the very creative ways you go about bringing fantasies to the page. In EBONY BUTTERFLY I, you use a woman’s scandalous diary and an ever so willing accomplice to bring about some very steamy encounters. In TRUTH OR DARE, well, let’s just say playing that particular game has never been so H-O-T! And because of your latest novel, SOMETHING NAUGHTY, I will never look at advertising and ads in the same way again. How do you come up with these very sexy and very clever ways of writing spicy romance novels? Give us a peak at what goes on in the mind of yours.

DD: Thanks so much for your comments! (Smile) As for what goes on in my brain, well, I don't know, I swear. I like to watch people and sometimes the stories start from the way two strangers will interact with each other, or even how they react to something. Other times, an idea is like a Post-it note in my head with a tag line like "Truth or Dare.” But the truth is my muse has a naughty, sensual nature, I guess. And it all comes out in the writing. I go into my zone and the ideas just pop up. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!! ;-p

GB: The other thing that I love about a Delilah Dawson novel is that in addition to the heat we also get the sweet. The stories pack a very sexy punch for sure, but they are also wonderfully romantic and emotional. Is this important to you as you write, making sure that both factors are there?

DD: Yes, it's very important for me to write the kinds of books that years from now will still make me smile. Hormones and heart strings. I like sexual tension and heat, but I need to know that it means something to the couple. Technically speaking, the physical act of sex is pretty basic (part A goes into part B), regardless of how kinky it gets. But the emotional language of love is far more fascinating and revealing to me, so I try to interweave the two.

GB: In EBONY BUTTERFLY II you give readers short erotic stories. In the anthology, MR. SATISFACTION you give readers a novella. And you have written three novels. Which do you like best, short stories, novellas, or novels? Can we expect more of your shorter pieces any time soon?

DD: Novellas are probably the easiest for me to write, but I enjoy writing all lengths. While writing my full-length novels, I will often have a small story that will try to interrupt me (and I will do my BEST to ignore), but when I can't make it disappear, I compromise and write a quick short piece. Needless to say, I have a folder full of short stories waiting for a bigger life (sigh). If the Writing Gods are kind, they will find their way to bookstores someday.

GB: What do you like to read in your spare time? Who are some of your favorite authors?

DD: I love to read suspense, romance, westerns, chick lit, erotica, police procedurals and anything else that captures my attention. Favorite authors? Wow, there's just a ton of them, and my tastes change with the moon, so I'll just say that there's too many awesome authors to mention. At the moment, I'm trying out some first-timers or lesser known authors just to switch my stride.

GB: Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

DD: If you really truly want to write, do it! Don't say you want to, but really do it, then send it out to publishers and agents (but do your homework first and be discerning!). Fight for your dreams. Sometimes, the people who love you most will try to deflate your dreams because they're afraid you'll get hurt if you fail. They mean well, but pay them no mind. It took me five years of serious writing before I was published. I've had lots of rejections, verbally and in writing. There were times when my determination was flat-lining and I would wonder if it was time to quit. But I'm lucky enough to have people who encouraged me to keep going (and have I mentioned that I'm stubborn?). So surround yourself with at least one person who will believe in your dreams with you! In the end, you may find out that (like me), good news comes when it is least expected.

GB: How can readers best contact you?

DD: Feel free to email me at or drop by my website: . I have monthly contests, a newsletter (free mini-stories!), and a message board. (Smile)

GB: Thanks so much for stopping by and granting an interview Delilah! I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule. For those of you looking for that HOT summer beach read, you would do well to pick up any of Delilah Dawson’s novels. You won’t be disappointed. Happy reading!

DD: Thank you, Gwen. That was fun! Have a great summer! (Smile)


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Great interview, Gwyneth and Delilah! Thank you so much for taking the time. Delilah, I very much agree with your observation that the intimate scenes help get into the character's psyche. So true. They way the express themselves physically and verbally in intimate settings provides a clues their vulnerabilities. And, Gwyneth, thanks so much for posting to my blog. Your comment made me smile. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Wonderful interview, Gwyneth and Delilah! I think you're right about loved ones sometimes being seemingly discouraging out a desire to keep us from getting hurt.

    But like birds, we have to exercise our wings. We might fall a time or two but left to ourselves, we'll figure out how to fly.

  3. Another great interview...loved ones focus is to keep us safe...we decide for ourselves how to soar...
    off to purchase more books, honestly Gwyneth...

    Love and Blessings...

  4. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Thanks Patricia S, Patricia W and Angelia!

    Back when Gwen and I were in Reno, we stayed up late with some friends discussing characterization and what it takes to keep going in this business when it seems the odds are stacked against us. And it still stands true tday. It all comes down to perseverance and loving the stories. So, if you're an unpublished author, hang in there!

  5. Patricia ~ Thanks for stopping by! I think that the intimate scenes do help get into the character's psyche. That's why I'm always amazed when I hear writers who say they will go back and add a love scene or write "insert sex scene here" and keep going with the story. And I'm amazed when I hear readers say, I just skip over the love scenes... If the scenes are doing what they are supposed to be doing emotionally in the story, this should be impossible...

    Patricia W ~ You and Delilah have given me a new way of thinking about discouraging remarks from family and friends that's for sure... I'm going to have to let this marinate in my mind for a minute... :-)

    Angelia ~ Since I know that you actually love to buy books as much as I do, I'm patting myself on the back right now for a job well done. ;-)

    Delilah ~ Reno was fun... So was Atlanta... I won't be in Dallas this year. :-( So you will have to have fun for me if you go. ;-)


  6. I hope your success continues for a long time.

  7. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Enjoyable interview! Love the questions and answers. I could've kept reading if there as more. ;-) Thank you Gwyneth and Delilah.


  8. Hi Kim! Hi Paz! Thanks for stopping by and checking out the interview, ladies. I appreciate it!

    much love and peace,


  9. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Thanks for the comments, everyone. :)
    Gwen, I won't be in Dallas either, but I'm definitely looking forward to being in SF next year. ;D
    Hope to see you there!

  10. i'm reading Something Naughty now thanks to Gwyneth's recommendation. Great job on the book Delilah! Great and insightful interview too!

  11. Hey Michelle!

    I loved SOMETHING NAUGHTY. Delilah Dawson brings the heart and heat together very well in all her books... :-)

