Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My Fifty ‘Leven Cents on The View

The show wasn’t really all that great until Rosie came. Even when they had Star on there, I hardly ever watched. (For some reason, I never really liked Star all that much… Oh well, that’s another post…) The View seemed to be made up of fake chicks, except for maybe Meredith. She seemed real. But she wasn’t really interesting. So I didn’t watch it much. And then Rosie came on and it was suddenly interesting. I found my self tuning in for the hot topics and not even watching the guests they had on. I just wanted to see what Rosie was going to say next. And Rosie’s presence even gave Joy a voice and she became a little interesting too. Who knew? And finally people started checking that annoying Elisabeth! Sheesh. Talk about people who make me wanna holla and throw up both my hands! Elisabeth is the kind of person I try to avoid. And that’s why I knew even last year when Rosie made her first appearance on The View that it wasn’t going to last. It was doomed to fail. I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did. Rosie may be crazy, loud and opinionated, but she was also real. Real folk can’t last long with fake folk all around them. Soon they will have to cuss the fake chick out and there goes the neighborhood. I’m pretty sure Rosie realized that fake chicks were all around her when Barbara played her out in that whole Rosie versus The Donald debacle. The big blow up with Elisabeth was probably just the last straw. And the argument was so silly, really. Rosie didn’t call the troops terrorists… Now… she did sort of imply that the United States government was a terrorist… But that too is another post…

At the end of the day, I blame Rosie for this. That’s what she gets for surrounding herself with fake chicks. And that’s what she gets for trying to have a rational discussion about war and politics with an idiot. That’s why I stay away from fake chicks and idiots. I hope Rosie learns from this. Now what will I do at 11:00 in the morning. I guess I’ll have to write… Oh well… Bye, Rosie. If you get your own show again, I’d watch…

Much love and peace,



  1. Great post and I agree with your points, I think Rosie went in knowing she wouldnt last, she has been in the game too long to not know...smiles...she just needed to get back out there for a minute...shake things up and move on...marketing at it's finest...

    Love and Blessings

  2. I am not too familiar with what happened because I never did like or watch the view. You're right, though, Rosie is real and I like real people and bubble-headed idiots. I love Barbara Walters though... :*)

  3. Angelia ~ Yeah, she had to have known if she watched the show at all prior to signing the contract, that she wouldn't last. Just like I know if I was on the sho, even though I'm not a violent person, at some point I might just leap across the table and try to shake some sense into that annoying Elisabeth... :-)

    Tyhitia ~ Bubble-headed idiots can be kind of amusing to watch for a very short period... LOL. And you do realize that Barbara Walters is the fakest one... She is so fake that she created a show where women are supposed to be frank and open about their views and she rarely is with hers. I don't think I've ever watched a show where she was really real and not doing her "la-la-Barbara Walters-journalist-two-sides-and-I'm-playing them-both" thing.... The chick is two-faced... But I respect all that she has accomplished, especially as a pioneering woman in the field of journalism...

  4. I watched The View Hot Topics segements for a few years, when I was home with the two youngest. After that, it was necessary to switch the channel but I enjoyed hearing the different viewpoints on the issue of the day.

    I liked Star and Meredith. Once they were gone, I knew the show was doomed. Elisabeth was always annoying. Her predecessor, the Asian reporter whose name escapes me, came across as much more intelligent and thought-provoking.

    Rosie? They knew what they were getting when they signed her up...and she knew too. I think it was always intended to be short-term, to shift the focus away from the Star debacle and Meredith's departure. I just think they believed they could manage the inevitable controversy. Ooops!

  5. Ooops, Gwyneth, I meant to say that I DON'T like bubble-headed idiots. I don't watch The View so I don't know how Barbara Walters is on there, but I do know that she assists other women with getting their careers off the ground. She assisted Iyanla Vazant with getting her short-lived talk show...

  6. Never watched The View. I listen to women talk all the time anyway. Besides, it conflicted with my Star Trek re-runs!

  7. It's been years since I've watched The View, but I did catch the Rosie/Elisabeth exchange on YouTube. Very interesting.

  8. Hi Farrah! I'll tell ya, you can find just about everything on YouTube. LOL.


  9. I stopped watching The View when Lisa Ling left.

    Gwyneth, I agree with your assessment that as soon as it was announced Rosie was joining the show she was doomed.
    Lots of folks can't stand a woman who speaks her mind and sticks to her guns.

  10. I ditto every word you say. Rosie is outspoken and rubs some the wrong way, but she's for real and that's golden!

  11. Lady Bronco ~ Sad but true...

    Monica ~ Yep! Not a lot of real ones left...


  12. I completely agree with you, Gwen. Rosie is a real person, and she didn't fit in with the rest (the reason why I don't watch the show). And I never like Star either--and like her even less now.

  13. Hey Chesya!

    Yeah, I had very little patience for Star from the get-go. But during that whole Star's wedding stuff, she really worked my last good nerve. I can honestly see why she was fired... Lawd, don't get me started on Ms. Star Jones-Reynolds... LOL.

