Sunday, June 17, 2007

Gone for a minute...

This week I'm off to the Rhetoric Society of America's Second Biennial Summer Institute at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in beautiful Troy, NY. I have no idea what the internet capabilities will be. But I do know that it promises to be a very busy week. So, I'll catch you all when I get back.

much love and peace,



  1. Great, have fun!:*) Gwen is very busy. That's a good thing, girl! :*)

  2. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Have a great time!!! Tiffany

  3. I don't have a clue what that could be about, but I trust you'll explain it when you get back. Have a good week!

  4. I will miss you, but of course that's rhetrical...I know, too corny, but I couldnt resist...

    Love and Blessings...


  5. Ok, I thought for the longest time that your did away with your blog because I had my link to it wrong on my blog. I will fix that! But I'm so glad you're still here! Saturday was so much fun. Thank you so much for signing with me. I hate to do them alone.

  6. Can't wait to here about this one. Sounds deep.

  7. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Have a fun and safe trip.


  8. Thanks, everybody! :-) I made it back... It was a very busy week. And Troy, NY wasn't that bad. I had dinner one night at a Mexican/Irish place. Can you say cornbeef and cabbage quesadillas...? I wasn't brave enough to try them, I must say. But maybe next time.


  9. your sessions were very useful for me - particularly our calling cards activity.

    i appreciated it.

    also, you weren't there for the second half of Nan Johnson's workshop, but she was lovin your concept of wreck. and it was a really useful term for us to employ in response to some of her stuff.

    good times.

