Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fun with fellow writers...

The book signing today was wonderful. I had a great time laughing with my fellow Central New York Romance writers, Nancy Henderson, Ellen Hartman and Christine Wenger. The Rivers End Book store in Oswego New York is a really cool independent bookstore. The book lover in me was very happy. Did I happen to mention that I puffy heart love bookstores? And do you want to know the best thing about this wonderful bookstore? When I checked out the romance section, they had little black romances sitting next to little white romances... Romance novels were clearly judged by the content of... well… their content… No Jim Crow shelving in this store. And they had lots of chocolate on hand because somehow they knew that romance writers and readers like chocolate. I sold some books, had some laughs, and listened to my very talented writer buddies read from their wonderful books. In the words of that poet Ice Cube… today was a good day.

much love and peace,



  1. Sounds like a good day! It seems that signings at independent bookstores are more comfortable than those held at the big guys.

    When you get a minute read my blog entry for today.

  2. Woo-hoo! Good for you, good for them, good for all of us.

  3. Thanks Chicki and Kimber An!

    Well, I'm off to Troy NY now... See you all when I get back.


  4. Great, Gwen. Wish I could have been there, having fuun! :*)

  5. I've always found that independents are romance-friendly. I love the idea of their shelving practices.

    Glad you had a good day. I hope all goes well in Troy.


  6. How nice, love the photo

    Love and Blessings...

  7. Glad you had a good time. I get more incensed by the shelving thing everytime I walk into Borders (where I never spend money because of this issue but it's a dropoff point for my carpool so I use it to scout what's new!)

  8. It was fun. I had another book signing today in Ithaca that was fun as well. I like group signings better I think.

