Thursday, February 01, 2007

Romance Junkies and Romantic Times Reviews for Sweet Sensation! And an interview!

Sweet Sensation-my March release-got two great reviews from Romance Junkies and Romantic Times Book Review! Romance Junkies gave it 5 stars and Romantic Times gave it 4 stars. I'm really excited about the reviews that Sweet Sensation and my novella in Cuffed have gotten, because I really think that I finally found my voice in these pieces. Anyway, here are some excerpts from the reviews.

Also, check out my interview on Delilah Dawson's Blog! And if you haven't read Delilah Dawson's newest novel, Something Naughty, what are you waiting for? :-)

Romance Junkies 5 Stars!
"Ex hip-hop artist Sweet Dee was living a nice simple existence until a 'Whatever Happened to . . . ?' show exposed the fact that she'd had producer and record label owner Flex's love child. Her life is turned upside down when Flex reenters her life and insists that they marry. It doesn't matter that Kayla is no longer a baby. He wants both 'his' women living with him as soon as possible... Gwyneth Bolton brings readers into the exciting and sometimes dangerous world of hip-hop with her newest book SWEET SENSATION. We were first introduced to Flex and Sweet Dee in Ms. Bolton's first book I'M GONNA MAKE YOU LOVE ME and I've been anxiously awaiting their story ever since. I've gotta tell you I loved the attitude and spirit that are apparent throughout this storyline. It's full of all the culture and enthusiasm I remember from when hip-hop first became so popular...Deidre and Kayla are so very much alike I just adored the scenes where they expressed their differing views on Deidre marrying Flex and Kayla's plan to become a rapper. The scene where they indulge in a free-style battle is just hilarious. Flex and Deidre may not have been together over the past decade but it's obvious the feelings are still there. They have issues - both past and present - that need to be addressed and there's no shortage of heated moments between them. Congratulations Ms. Bolton on yet another fabulous story!" -- Chrissy Dionne

Romantic Times Book Review 4 Stars!
"Instead of another 'hip-hop' book filled with violence, sex and drugs, Bolton's latest surprises with the sweet story of Flex, a scrawny, preppy high school boy who becomes a sexy music mogul. Readers will root for him to reclaim his former love." - Robin R. Pendleton


  1. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Great reviews, Gwyneth! Congratulations! I'm looking forward to reading Sweet Sensation.

  2. Thanks Patricia! I'm really exicted about this book and want to see what readers will think.

  3. Hey, Gwyneth--

    Congratulations on the reviews! And thanks for the shout out for RISK! Plan on stopping by my site early next week for that interview, okay? :)

    Have a great weekend--


  4. Thanks Ann! I can't wait... :-) And I can't wait until you stop back in March. I just finished Risk. And loved it!
