Thursday, February 01, 2007

I Got My Author Copies of Sweet Sensation!

So, speaking of Sweet Sensation... I just got my author copies in the mail! Yay! (You don't realize what a big deal this is for me. Usually folks are calling me saying 'I saw your book in the store' before I hold my author copies.) Anyway, they changed the cover a little. They made my name smaller so that you can actually read it. Yay! I'm very glad about that. I know most people say the bigger your name is on the book, the better. But what does it matter if it is not readable. Anyway, I'm doing the happy dance right now because I'm holding my fourth novel in my hands. And I wanted to give you guys some music so you can join me. So here's Erykah Badu's "Love of My Life" to jam to. It is perhaps the best hip-hop love song ever. And it was on the soundtrack for what is probably the best hip-hop romantic comedy movie ever, Brown Sugar. And, I hope one day people are saying that Sweet Sensation is the best hip-hop romance novel ever... Oh wait, DeltaReviewer already said that about Sweet Sensation. :-)

So, here's Erykah Badu:

Happy dance with me! :-)


  1. Congratulations, Gwen! I'm doing the happy dance with you!

  2. Ooh, it's the day all aspiring authors dream of, the day we hold our novels in our little hands for the first time.

  3. Congratulations Gwyneth...You are one prolifice Writer, Woman...You should have sent us a photo of your happy dance with Erakah music playing...

    Love and Blessings

  4. I'm doing the happy dance with you, girl! And having your name bigger is always a good thing.

  5. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Congrats on the cover, I can't wait to read the book.
    you got me wanting to go home and watch Brown Sugar. I am not into romantic comedies, but damn that movie is in the top five of my favorite movies of all time.

    "You're my air"

  6. Tyhitia ~ Thanks! I see ya, girl! Work it!

    Kimber An ~ I know. I still get all exited.

    Rageyone ~ Thanks!

    Angelia ~ Thank you! And trust me you don't want to see a picture of me happy dancing. Think Snoppy in Charlie Brown. LOL. It's wild!

  7. Chicki ~ Thanks! I see ya dancing. Looking great, sista!

    Kimberly ~ Brown Sugar is up there for me to. So I leave you with this. "To the perfect verse over a tight beat... To hip-hop."

  8. Anonymous11:34 AM


    i've been missing you (though i know i've been the one absent!!). trying to catch up on all your good news. congratulations

  9. Yay!!! Can't wait to read it, Gwen. YOu rock!!!!!!!!!

  10. Hey Elle! Long time no see! :-) i take that to mean you are busy writing that dissertation. SO it's all good. :-)

    Aww... Kari.... No, you rock! :-)

  11. Anonymous1:02 AM

    I know someone that is excited about Sweet Sensation and I can speak for her as well as myself when I say, Congrats!

  12. I know the feeling of getting that case of books. It is a happy moment for every writer I think -- and it never gets old. Great Delta Reviewer review. I'm gonna check this out when it's released. I didn't know the characters were first introduced in I'm Gonna Make You Love Me though. Do I need to read that first?

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Tamika ~ Tell your momma I got her.;-)

    Michelle ~ You know what I'm saying! I wasn't expecting them that early either so when I saw the box I got too-too happy. And even though the characters were introduced in I'm Gonna Make You Love Me, Sweet Sensation is a stand alone book. You don't have to read I'm Gonna Make You Love Me first.

  15. You go Ms. Gwyneth! I've not been book shopping in a few weeks, but when I do, I'll be picking up your collection.

  16. TDJ ~ Hey, girlfriend! You've said the magic words! "Book shopping" Now I have the sudden urge to make a trip to the Barnes and Noble. Oh, sure, I'll tell myself I'm only going for the coffee and a comfy spot to grade papers.... But, I'll leave with a bag of "must-have." It's my one true addiction.... Thanks for the trigger. ;-) LOL. But anyway... enough with that rant... If you get one of the books be sure to let me know what you think.
