Sunday, February 18, 2007

Rats! Tagged Yet Again!

The wonderful Bella tagged me. And this time I have to give six to ten weird things about me. So, here are some quirky little idiosyncrasies that I bet you’re just dying to know about me.

1. I refuse to drink or eat after other people, not even my husband. He thinks this is funny, by the way, since I will kiss him and share all the other intimacies that spouses share, but won’t let him have a sip of my soda or take a sip of his after he’s taken a drink from it. I’ve been this way ever since I was a kid, for as long as I can remember. So, I probably won’t be changing any time soon. In fact, once when I was five I had a fit because my grandmother took a sip of my soda. Five-year-old me decided to turn the straw around. And dear grandma said, "You ain't doing nothing but putting the germs on the inside." Horrified five-year-old me didn't finish the soda. Grandma did however. LOL.

2. I have a very low tolerance for pain. So low that I don’t like hearing about it. If someone is around me and they start talking about anything remotely painful, bloody, etc. I make them stop. I think it's because I have a pretty vivid imagination.

3. From the time I was eleven until the time I was sixteen, I wanted to be an emcee. I had skills too. LOL.

4. My family nickname is Kitten. My father gave me the nickname because of the way I used to ball up under my mother and sleep when I was a baby. There are still members of my family who don’t know my real name. In fact, when I was in high school I was at an uncle’s house after a funeral and I’d given my boyfriend at the time the number there so that he could call me. He kept calling and asking for Gwen and they kept telling him he had the wrong number. Finally he wised up and asked for Kitten and they gave me the phone.

5. Oh, and even though I still have to ball up in bed to get to sleep at night, when I wake up in the morning I’m all over the bed and I have wrapped all the cover around me, much to my husband’s delight. LOL. So I guess I’m a wild sleeper and a cover hog. LOL.

6. I’m very, very shy. People always act so shocked when I say it. But it’s true. Honest.

That’s it. That’s all you get today. A girl has to keep some secrets. And I’m doing my blog buddies a favor and I won’t tag anyone this time. But if I’m tagged again, I will get you my pretties. *evil laugh*

much love and peace,



  1. Thanks for sharing, I Love insight into people...I was squeamish about the drinking thing also, but I will drink behind my husband, but others...can't do it. Hope you are enjoying a day off...


  2. Great post, Gwen. Uh, I mean Kitten! (hee hee) And here I thought that was going to have been given to you by your husband! It's fun how family names stick around.

    The eating and drinking thing? As long as it's my family, I have no issues (and as long as they are healthy). Hell, in desperate circumstances I've chewed my kids gum! (hey, no where to throw it out, and swallowing it is just yuck. but I guess so is re-chewing.) I'm a mom and I do wierd things. (not all the time though! honest!)

    I can see they shy thing. But I bet you can be a real wild-woman when you want to be!

  3. Shy?!? You?!? Is this the same Gwen that sings & dances at our meetings?!?!?!?!

  4. Angelia ~ Thanks for stopping by!

    Barbi Jo ~ Someone told me that once I have kids I'd get away from that out of necessity. I can't even imagine it. But we'll see... LOL

    Nancy ~ I don't know what Gwen you're talking about. But I do know that you have never seen me singing or dancing. And if I wasn't the only black chick in the chapter I would think you had me confused with someone else. But I guess you're just plain confused. LOL.

  5. I am totally with you on the pain thingy. I don't like to hear about the pain others have experienced and will generally stop them from telling me as well.

  6. 1. Germs
    Yeah I used to be that way, but I have done a complete 135. I can't say 180 cause chewing some kids gum isn't something I would do (even it is my own kid).

    2. Pain
    Big Ole Wuss!!! I would regal you with my tales of injuries and such but I dont want you passing out while reading your blog comments.

    3. Emcee
    Guuurl, now THAT doesn't surprise me at all. I think you should still go for it. Uuuh and you know all types of wonderous concerts and events you go to, get me tickets as well :)

    4. Kitten
    Quote from Wedding Crashers "Call me Kitty Kat."

    5. Wild Sleeper
    Your husband must really love you. He was up every morning cold and shivering cause your tail stole all the covers (and probably whacked him a few times in the night). Hope you make it up to him every morning;)

    6. Shy
    Shoot, I would have a much easier time believing that Stevie Wonder could see. Shy? You? You must mean shy on the inside, right?
    I’m not calling you a liar, per se. It just shy is not a word I would us to describe you.
    Crazy – yes
    Unstable – sure
    Shy – no

    Oh well I guess you learn something new everyday.

  7. Rageyone ~ Okay! You know!

    K. D. ~ I'm convinced... you're just a smart-ass. I should have tagged you. I really should have tagged you.... And I am not crazy. But if I am... you would know... It takes one to know one. LOL. Love ya!

  8. Yeah! I missed the bullet! Hey Kitten! Hee

  9. Michelle and Kimber An ~ Evil! Just evil, I say! Do y'all realize the pain I went through growing up with that nickname and having kids scream "meow?" LOL. Next time I get tagged, I'm tagging the both of ya and K. D. too. LOL.

  10. Uhmmm...keep your tags to yourself! meow!!!

  11. Michelle ~ I'm gonna have to tell you like we used to say back in the day... It's on now! LOL.

  12. I agree with the germ thingy. I don't drink behind my boyfriend or eat behind him, but he will drink and eat behind me. I am a huge germaphobe.

  13. Listen Kitten,
    I wasn't trying to offend. I was simply making an observation. No need to get haughty. Now go drink your bowl of milk ;)

  14. Tyhitia ~ I know the germs stuff is real. LOL.

    K. D. ~ You crack me up, girl. One day, it will be your turn and I'm gonna love it.

  15. I feel you on #1. I won't share with my hubby, parents, or anyone else. Perhaps if the plate is big enough and I cut a small piece for you, before I start then it's ok. Other than that, no can do. No mixing!

  16. TDJ ~ I'm glad I'm not the only one! I guess I'm not weird after all. Whew! LOL.
