Wednesday, February 21, 2007

APOOO Gives Divine Destiny 5 Stars!

The review from APOOO Book Club is in and they gave it five stars. Here's an excerpt from the review: "As a fan of science fiction and fantasy, I thoroughly enjoyed this read. Ms. Bolton's ability to weave a story with just the right amount of conflict and romance is nothing short of remarkable. In addition, her characters were unforgettable. Long after the last page was turned, I found myself thinking about Kara and Darwu. If you are a fan of romance, with a little mix of science fiction and enough steamy romance scenes to keep your eyes glued to the pages, Divine Destiny is a definite must read." ~ T. RHYTHM KNIGHT of APOOOBookClub


  1. Congratulations, Gwyneth! I am sooo busy, but I will read mine soon! Great review!

  2. Thanks, Tyhitia! I know about being busy, girlfriend. Running to catch up with yourself is no fun...

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM


    Congratulations!!! I loved that book, it was one my favorites.


  4. Thanks, Tiffany! I'm glad you liked it. :-)

