Sunday, January 07, 2007

Stupid Stuff in the News and My Two Cents

The Donald vs. Rosie with Barbara in the Middle

With everything going on in the world, you would think that the media wouldn't be taking so much time to focus on this so-called feud. But they are. It's on every channel. So now they have forced me to add my two cents. I didn't want to. They made me do it. I swear... But anyway, the funniest thing to me about this feud and the most newsworthy part of it is Barbara Walters and her serious blunder. (Because I don't care what she is saying, I have a gut feeling that she said exactly what the Donald said she said about Rosie) See, here's what I think happened... Barbara tried to clear up the beef by doing the old two-faced shuffle (some people might see it as being diplomatic or politically savvy. I think it's just classic school-yard two-facedness) I think Barbara called up her boy and was all commiserating with him in hopes that he would just calm down and forget about his public beef. But he pulled the ultimate no-no and repeated everything she said to him in the media. And if she wasn't such a proper white lady, you know she would have been like, 'you motherf*&%@#!' But she just went on air and denied, denied, denied. I just don't understand how the Donald can call his girl out like that. And I know Star is somewhere laughing the rest of her butt off at this mess. As for my two cents, the fact that the Donald let the little drunk/high girl keep her crown is not the only wrong thing he did. His playing Barbara Walters and telling what she probably told him in confidence is just wrong! But it is funny as all get out too. I bet she'll watch who she talks about and to whom now. I'm telling you Barbara you should not talk about people behind their backs unless you are prepared to back it up. That's the first thing us little girls in the hood learn. Doing so is the quickest way to get caught up in some he-said/she-said mess…Umm…

Oprah Winfrey and the School in South Africa

So it seems that some people are mad at Oprah because she didn't build a school in an inner city in the United States instead of building one in South Africa. I have to say first and foremost, Oprah can build a school wherever she wants to build a school with her money. Would it be nice if she built a school in the inner-city here? Yes. Would it have been nice if she hadn't had a Bill Cosby moment and started mouthing off in the media about how inner-city (read black) kids in the United States don't want to learn and only want expensive stuff? Hell yeah! (You wrong for that O. Keep it up and you're gonna have more than ignorant behind 50 after ya) But none of that changes the fact that it is her cash and she can spend it how she wants. The girl children in South Africa need that school. It will provide a safe haven and a way out for so many young women. In a country where some men are still raping virgins and girl babies in misguided hope of 'curing' themselves from HIV/AIDS, are we really begrudging these young women a school? I don't understand how people can fix their mouths to complain about this. Truth be told, the United States is a rich country that could do more to help the kids in the inner cities than Oprah could even with all her money. Like Pac said, "they got money for wars, but can't feed the poor." How we can see our way clear to spend billions every day to bomb and kill when little Tyrone, Johnny, Dick, Jane, and Shaqueeta can't read is beyond my comprehension. But I'll tell you what… I won't be calling Oprah out on this one, not when she's trying to do good work in the world.

But hey, I could be wrong. What do you all think about these two divas of talk and interview and the recent media attention they've been getting? Until next time...

Much love and peace,



  1. Great post as always, Gwen. I too think Barbara slipped up. And the Rosie/Donald thing is so overdone, I'm puking already.

    As far as Oprah goes, at least she is doing good. I agree with you there. There's so much need in too many places. Sad to say, but true.

    It was great seeing at the meeting. Wish we had a chance to chat more.

  2. Interesting post, Gwyn. I don't know squat about Rosie, The Donald, and Baba Wawa -- I truly live under a rock when it comes to that sort of thing. I also hadn't heard the hoo-ha about Oprah either. Reminds me of that line that got EVE OF DESTRUCTION banned from the radio when I was growing up: "Hate your next door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace." We have money for war, but not money to teach, but as long as "God is on our side," it's okay. Phooey.

    About inner-city school kids in the US: my Chromos attend "inner-city" schools--those kids want to learn. Maybe not all of them, but I am on Family Rep boards, Community of Caring Boards, Positive Behavior Incentive Somethings boards and TV Stevie is prez of the middle school PTO. Those kids want to learn. Our Family Rep group is a rainbow of humanity. It makes me crazy when our city schools get a bad rap about learning and violence, but all the school shootings etc. happen in the 'burbs. MAKES ME CRAZY!!!

    But you're right about Oprah's money. It's hers, and she has the right to do whatever she wants to with it--and the fact that she did something good for humanity should be applauded, not denounced.

  3. Kari -- Thanks, girlfriend! You are so on it with your statement that the Rosie/Donald feud is overdone. I heard about it so much this weekend that I finally just had to blog about it. Sheesh! I kept thinking, aren't there other things that could be on the freaking news?!
    It was so cool seeing you at the meeting too! (And you too Miz M!) I wish we'd had time to chat too. Well, at least I can visit your blog and keep up with ya. LOL.

    Miz M -- From your mouth to the world's ears! You're right on with your defense of inner-city schools. These schools and the students in them get a bum rap all the time and it is such bull. I keep thinking, I'm a product of these so called inner-city schools. They made the movie Lean on Me about my high school, East Side High, filmed it my senior year. And I know for a fact that the majority of those kids were there to learn. (I had a wild year when I was a junior) But before and after that I was there to learn too. :-) And I'm proud to say that little ole me, a product of Paterson Public Schools went on to earn a doctorate and even published a few novels. If this inner city kid can do that then the sky is the limit for the rest. They just need people to believe in them. Okay, I'm off my soap box now. See what you started Miz M. :-)

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  5. Donald and Rosie are both out of control. I think he's just drawing this out wayyyyy too long for ratings for his new Apprentice season.

    And as far as Oprah, you're right she can do what she wants with her money and the truth is she does a lot for education in the US. She's given $12 million to Morehouse. (Her most recent donation was $5 million in 2004). When she gave her first donation in 1989, her goal was to put 100 black men through college. In 2004 she was quoted as saying she'd put 250 through college and wants to eventually put 1000 through college. Plus, I imagine she gives anonymously to other US education endeavors on a regular basis. I know I'd be anonymous if I were her (who needs the grief of being criticized?) I know I'm coming across as a defender of all things Oprah -- but dayum -- at least she's doing something, whether here or in Africa. How many of us can say that?

  6. Michelle,

    I know, girl. Believe me, the last thing I want to do is be all on an Oprah band wagon either. But these people need to leave that woman alone on this one. She does so much for so many and she even encourages others to give and help others. And you are right: How many of us can say that, indeed?

  7. because i'm lazy :-) :

    black amazon has a post here that is totally in line with what you're saying.

    and this was my comment at chasingmoksha's on some journalist who derided how much oprah was spending on the school:
    my first thought was--oh, it would've been better if she'd gone and adopted two or three children and properly americanized them. then they would've been worth $40 mil.

    then, how sad that this woman doesn't think those children are worth every penny. should O have put up a half-assed school, that would be falling down in a decade, so the criticism could come then for her pinching pennies?


    but now, the i-pod and sneakers comment, i have to jump on that one later

  8. Forgive me if this double posts. Blogger was acting funky earlier today.

    Ignoring the whole Donald/Rosie/Barbara thing. The View hasn't been worth watching since Meredith and Star left.

    Oprah... Yes, it's her money but she takes a hit for her attitude. What does she expect from American kids who are bombarded with messages about acquiring stuff, and how our society values those who have vs. those who have not? Shoot, her own magazine, which I love, is a walking billboard. Her "Favorite Things" list never includes anything that I can afford.

    My kid goes to public schools and wants to learn. As do the vast majority of the kids I've encountered in the last 10 years. Oprah needs to get off her high horse. (Guess I can forget about a book of mine ever being chosen by the Big O!)

  9. Elle -- Yeah, I'm gonna go on ahead and give Oprah a pass for those comments since she obviously was pissed off and lashing out because of the criticism. But she needs to realize that she was lashing out at the wrong damn people and I won't be giving her any more passes if she keeps pulling the Cosby move. I'm gonna have to call her out... (This is your first and final warning O! We don't tolerate dissing black kids on Gwyneth's Blog.)

    Patricia -- I know and even though I'm giving her a pass, I have to say that the queen of materialism needs to stop tripping. Shoot, she's got me wanting to go to her show in hopes that I show up on the day she tapping her "Favorite Things" episode. She gives big and she spends big. And as much as she gives crap away, of course those kids asked her for i-Pods! If they watch her show at all they probably think she travels with swag. LOL.

  10. I'm not going to comment on the Donald/Rosie/Barbara thing. Hell I just heard about it today.

    What I will comment on is the Oprah thing. I have friends that moved to Liberia to help with their rebuilding efforts, specifically build a school in Balama. I also sit on the board of The Balama Project. I have learned and realized so much in the past couple years.

    American's take for granted what they have. The truth is inner city kids have a school to go to. It may be underfunded (cause there is no money from the community going into it) but there is a school. They may have to be "bused" there, but dammit they have a school to go to. American's have one thing many people in third world countries do not...resources.

    Oprah didn't build a better school, she built A school. There was none. Little girls couldn't get an education, women can't get one. We have schools here and resources. Yes we have homeless, but we have countless shelters and food depots where they can eat. They don't have that over there.

    As atrocious as the crime of rape is, there is healing. YOu can get counselign for free, call the National Rape Crisis hotline for more info. There is no counseling there.

    We have more than we think we have and all children are afforded an education. Their environment may not be one that is condusive to going to school, but they have the opportunity at no cost, guaranteed as a citizen of the US. (And hell let's face even as an illegal immigrant). Those people in that village of South Africa don't. So Oprah spent her money someplace where there was no hope, no resource, no school, no healing, you understand?

    Why is she faulted for bringing education where there once was none.

  11. A to the men, Kimberly! Amen! I can't do anything but co-sign on this one!

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  13. Thought you'd get a kick out of this letter from Trump to Rosie that's been circulating online today!

    Are these people grown-ups? How is one of our country's richest men getting caught up writing this high school teen drama mess? (I know it was probably written by one of his minions???) but he still signed off on it. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I got a good chuckle out of it though.

  14. Thanks for sharing, Michelle! I had me a good chuckle over that one for sure! They are like little kids. I can't even say high school kids, because they are more mature than that.
