Monday, January 01, 2007

January Interview with A. C. Arthur

Happy New Year, everyone! We're starting off 2007 with a wonderful and talented author, A. C. Arthur. She writes for Kimani Press, Genesis Press and Parker Publishing, LLC. She has some interesting things to say about writing so check it out!

GB: Hello, A.C. Welcome to my blog! Thanks so much for stopping by and chatting with me. I can look at your forthcoming publication schedule and see that you're a very busy woman. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by. So, that will be my first question, how do you manage your time and maintain productivity. Being a mother, a wife, a party planner, a writer… What does your time management plan look like and can we clone it?

ACA: Thanks for the invite, Gwyneth. You can clone my time management plan, but it rarely works! LOL Everyday my goal is to get up as early as possible and write, then get the hubby and kids out the door as swiftly as possible. Usually, I will write all morning except when I'm nearing an event. Now just because I write in the morning doesn't necessarily mean I'm producing much, but practice makes perfect.

GB: Your first novel, Object of His Desire, came out in September of 2003 and this month marks the release of your sixth novel, Corporate Seduction. Congrats! You're certainly doing your thing! So, tell us, what has it been like? What has your journey to becoming a multi-published author been like?

ACA: Thanks. The journey has been educational if nothing else. When you first write a book and try to sell it you have no idea what's really in store for you. Learning how to deal with deadlines and editors and the pressure of producing another book has been a task for me but I wouldn't trade the experience.

GB: You write such wonderful, passionate romances. Have you always wanted to be a romance novelist? Have you always read them? When did you first enter the world of romance?

ACA: Thanks, Gwyneth. If you keep complimenting me I'm never going to stop smiling. When I was in middle school my mother let me read one of her Danielle Steele novels, I believe it was titled Star. I was instantly hooked. Every book my mother had I read and re-read until I would daydream stories of my own. But I didn't actually write a story until my senior year in high school. I wrote essays and reports and entered the school competitions but I hadn't actually written a full-length story and I didn't really foresee writing as my future career. I did finally begin to write my own stories but I put them all in the closet and never let people read them. In 2000, when one of my daughter's became sick and I had to quit my job to stay home with her I began researching African American romances and possible publishers.

GB: Your third novel, Unconditional, deals with the topic of breast cancer. That's a very important and timely topic. What made you decide to include this in your romance? Do you see yourself dealing with such important topics in the future in other novels?

ACA: I wrote Unconditional in 1997. Breast cancer wasn't as openly discussed then but I happened to be on the Internet and saw an article about a woman who had just gone into remission. I thought her story was so touching and triumphant. I wanted a heroine to experience the same thing. I like to talk about important topics in a way that people will be more open to them. I don't want to preach or lecture, just create an awareness. So far, in addition to breast cancer, I've touched on sexual harassment in the workplace and with an upcoming novel the effects of low self-esteem and the world's expectations of women.

GB: Your first novel, Object of His Desire, is billed as an interracial romance. The hero is Italian and African-American. Do you think you will write other interracial/multicultural romances in the future?

ACA: Definitely, I want a fine, passionate Latino man that will sweep the readers and the heroine off their feet!

GB: You write for three publishers, Parker Publishing, Genesis Press and Kimani Press. Do you find that your style of writing changes depending on which press you are writing for? For example, can a reader expect to get the same kind of story when she picks up one of your Genesis Press books as when she picks up your Kimani Press books? I personally think that you have a strong voice and that is the same no matter what. But you do flip your style a little differently… at least in the Genesis and Kimani books I've read. (I haven't read a Parker book from you yet…) But that's just my opinion… what do you think?

ACA: I think you're right. Each publisher has different guidelines for their stories and I try to be obedient and adhere to them…you see I said try. LOL I write series romance for Kimani, which is a shorter story focused primarily on the developing relationship between the hero and heroine. Whereas, for Genesis I have a little more room to explore the suspense plots I love so much. With Parker I’ve been allowed to build bigger characters with intense plots, oh and with hotter sex! In the end I believe that a reader can still expect lively characters with real issues from any of my books.

GB: You will be writing steamier erotic romances for Parker Publishing. Those of us who have read your previous novels know that you will have no problem bringing the heat! You already write hot and steamy very well. But, just for those who don't know, how did you find making that move from romance to erotic romance?

ACA: You know I love to keep it hot! It really wasn't a big move for me since I always wrote hot love scenes, the editors just toned it down. LOL I like for sex scenes to be realistic and realistically sex should make you hot, if not you might want to get in a little more practice. But I did notice that when I first told someone that I was going to write an erotic romance they instantly thought of straight erotica. There's a difference and I had to do a lot of reading to be able to see it for myself.

GB: Your latest release, Corporate Seduction, is a connecting story to your much acclaimed, Office Policy. I see you like bringing the sex and drama right on up in the workplace! But, I also know that you have a professional background as a paralegal. Did that history inform or influence the writing of these two novels?

ACA: Working in numerous law firms has given me so many story ideas I could spend the rest of my life writing about them. Lawyers, their staff and their clients have more drama going on then on the daytime soap operas. Office Policy was influenced by two firms in particular that I worked for and Corporate Seduction came from a few staff members that I've worked with along with one of my favorite chick flicks, You've Got Mail.

GB: I love You've Got Mail. It's one of my favorites too. Well, actually, I love Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks together in just about anything... But anyway... Your novels to date seem to be a delightful mix of romantic suspense and steamy emotion. Is the suspense element one that you enjoy writing? Can you talk a little about why this appeals to you so much? And can you let us know if we can expect more suspense from you in the future?

ACA: I think that suspense is one of those subplots that caters to heavy emotion which ultimately delivers passion in romances. I do enjoy giving readers some sort of mystery to figure out. I like the investigation, the uncovering of facts and all the many suspects. I think it's my nosey nature.

GB: I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed your December Kimani Romance release, Love Me Like No Other. I know that this book is a part of a series--The Triple Threat. Details. Details. Let those of us who will be waiting anxiously know when to expect the next installment. And also, if you can give us any advance information, that would be much appreciated. (Smile)

ACA: A Cinderella Affair will be released in September 2007. This is Adam Donovan's, the youngest Donovan brother, story. Adam is the compassionate brother, the one with sex appeal to spare but a huge loving heart that defies his playboy persona. I wanted Adam to have a woman that played into his best quality and so Camille Davis was born. Camille is a fashion designer so she works among tall, thin, pretty woman all the time. However, Camille is neither tall nor thin and has a step-mother that constantly reminds of this fact. I am finishing up Trent Donovan's story now and am hoping for an early 2008 release date since it has a Valentine's Day theme, but we shall see. The Triple Threat Donovans were only meant to be a three-part series but I’m already getting requests for some of the other family members' stories.

GB: That's right! Go find them some more fi-ne cousins or something. LOL Speaking of upcoming releases, looking at your website, I see you have lots of goodies forthcoming. Can you share a bit about some of the things you have in store?

ACA: I am very excited about my 2007 schedule. My first Parker Publishing release, Within The Shadows, is one of my very favorites. It has everything, suspense, passion, and oodles of romance. I am also trying the waters with my first paranormal from Genesis, Heart of the Phoenix, which boasts a succulent hero who is part Greek God and part phoenix. And of course, my first erotic romances begin with a story in Parker's Love For All Seasons anthology that also features Angie Daniels, Maureen Smith and Barbara Keaton. My story is titled A Snowflake Seduction and for lack of anything better to say I'll just leave you with a mental thought…an erotic snowball fight.

GB: Do you have any suggestions for good books to read? I already know you have the good stuff. So, I'd like to know what you read? Who are some of your favorite authors? And what are you reading right now?

ACA: I am actually reading two books right now, Brenda Jackson's Beyond Temptation and Sins and Secrets by Sharon Page. I also have my copy of Gwyneth Bolton's Divine Destiny with its gorgeous cover and great reviews which is next on my to-read list. I enjoy reading just about anything romantic, especially by Nora Roberts or a new favorite Dara Girard. I've ventured into mainstream and really liked V. Anthony Rivers' My Life Is All I Have and Zane's Afterburn. I like Kendra Norman Bellamy's books as well.

GB: I've read Brenda Jackson's Beyond Temptation. It was really good! It is my favorite in the Forged in Steele Series so far. Although I'm sure I'll be saying the same with the next release. (Smile) And I heard that new Gwyneth Bolton release was pretty good too. You’ll have to let me know what you think about that one. ;-) Anyway… do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

ACA: Don't give up. Keep it moving. That's my mantra. If one story doesn't work, write another one. If one publisher doesn't buy, solicit another one. If you can't find an agent, sell it yourself. Just don't give up. Study the craft and the industry because knowledge is definitely power.

GB: How can readers best contact you?

ACA: Via email, . I check email daily and I answer all my emails because they make me feel important. LOL

GB: Thanks so much for stopping by AC. It's been a pleasure!

ACA: Thank you, Gwyneth. I've read a few of your interviews and you definitely have knack for this.

GB: Awwww... Thanks, AC!


  1. I have got to get 'Unconditional!' It's going on my list NOW!

  2. I'm sure you'll like it, Kimber An. AC is a wonderful writer!

  3. Thanks for sharing. Great interview.

  4. Thanks for sharing this wonderful's truly great..and hey also drop by my my blog sometime and share you thoughts there as well!!!

  5. Anonymous1:44 PM

    AC, you are one busy lady! I'm adding your Triple Threat series to my list. Sounds wonderful!
    Gwyneth, I agree with AC. You do a fantastic job with the interviews. Thank you so much, ladies, for sharing the interview with us.

  6. Thanks, Jen!

    Thanks, Sean Carter! I'll be sure to stop by and check out your blog!

    Thanks Patricia!

  7. As always, a great interview Gwen. You do have a knack for this.
