Sunday, November 26, 2006

Puffy and Kim

First, I know he's going by Diddy now. But he will always be Puffy to me. Puffy just fits him better. His entire presence is kind of Puffy, if you think about it. All fluffed up and nowhere to go… But that's another post… Second, I do realize that in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter if Puffy feels that he's ready to marry Kim or that she's pregnant with twins and about to give birth to his children yet again without the ring. I know that marriage isn't for everybody. And if Puffy is grown-up enough to realize that he isn't grown-up enough to be a faithful husband, but sort of grown-up enough to be a halfway faithful boyfriend, then that's a good thing, well… sort of. And at the end of the day, who really cares? There are wars going on, children starving, and much more interesting celebrities with much more interesting crap going on in their lives (if that’s your thing.) But, Essence Magazine has deemed Puffy and Kim's story newsworthy by placing the giddy, happy-go-lucky couple on the cover. And far be it from me to argue with the magazine that used to be the bible of professional black womanhood (Looking for a new bible of professional black womanhood, by the way. See recent issue with Puffy and Kim on the cover. Essence's continual downward slip has fallen too low to salvage. But that's another post…) Anyway, I don't really care if Puffy marries Kim or not. And, I don't care that she's having twins. It kind of irritates me that Puffy is pimping his girlfriend's pregnancy to help out with the "Press Play" record sales. But not in a real, 'I'm so-oo angry' sort of way. More like a 'look at what this fool has to stoop to now to get sales' kind of way, or in a 'first, Biggie's death and now this' sort of way. But the actual fact that Kim sat there and told Essence magazine that she didn't care about the whole Puffy and J-Lo thing (even though reading between the lines, it was clear as heck to me that the chick was and still is heartbroken), didn't really bother me enough to blog about it. Kim isn't the first silly girl to take a lying, cheating SOB back. She won't be the last. And truth be told, maybe Puffy is really doing her a favor by not walking down the aisle. I'm not even going to enter the discussion about whether or not Kim is just a cold, gold-digger who's having babies for the loot. So what if she is? Can you think of a more fitting guy to get taken for the loot than our commitment phobic 'thought-I-told-you-that-we-won't-stop' friend, Puffy? In my humble opinion, if he persists in knocking sisters up without the ring then let the gold-diggers have at him. He has the money to keep making glossy, glittery, the-death-of-hip-hop videos, so he has the money to pay child support. And maybe if he knocks enough women up he won't have any more money to make his glossy, glittery, the-death-of-hip-hop videos anymore. Hey, a girl can dream can’t she? So, I guess I really don't care enough about Puffy and Kim tying the knot to make a great observational blog post about it. I care more about Puffy staying the heck away from the studio, unless he’s going in as a "producer" and never-ever-again as an "artist." I think he's a talented producer. But that would be another post, and probably one my alter ego should tackle… oops… she doesn't care that much about Puffy as a producer or artist to write about it either… Oh well, maybe I'm way off and have missed the boat entirely. Maybe, there are valid reasons why I should care. What are your thoughts on the matter?

much love and peace,



  1. I think the best we can do is to teach our own daughters not to get into such messes in the first place. It seems Hollywood would have us believe this is all normal and what love is really all about, that nobody is or stays happily married. There are good, strong men out there of every race. I found one. Any woman can.

  2. I'm with you on that one, Kimber An! Teaching our daughters not to fall for the crap is very important.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Ugh, I had to delete my last post for grammatical reasons. Sorry! What I was trying to say is that we need to raise our sons to be good husbands and fathers too. My son is very blessed to have his Daddy around, but many are not so blessed. I've talked to teenage boys and they don't want their kids to grow up without dads like they did, but they don't have any father figures in their lives to teach them. My brothers were in the same boat, so I know the reality. What can be done for them?

  5. Kimber An,

    We must be on the same wave-length today! I was thinking after I responded in agreement to your post that what we need is to do a little better raising our boys. I think that there are lots of ways for us to do this and what works for some won't work for all. But I do believe that the first step is being there and talking to them--really talking to all the youth about these crazy images and ideas they are being bombarded with.

  6. First of all, I agree with you about the downward spiral of Essence magazine. I used to be a subscriber and devoured it every month. Nowadays I wait until I go to the beauty salon and I mainly glance through it.

    On the Puffy issue, I agree. He needs to stay out of the studio as an artist. He does a much better job behind the scenes.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, because I probably am as I don't really follow celebrity gossip, but isn't this woman the mother of his ohter child? Is she not the one who was suing him for a boatload of child support? Yet, she is having more children for him? I don't understand it. I guess it is that going after the money that is intriguing to her. Personally, I don't agree with it.

    I know that I am no one to judge, as I have not been in her shoes. But, she is definitely not using common sense (to me). Who is not to say that Puffy won't pull the same thing again? Get with someone else in the midst of their relationhip.

    As far as I am concerned, I couldn't/wouldn't place myself in her shoes.

  7. Rageyone,

    This is where I show that I follow popular culture a little too much... Somebody call for the intervention, please... Anyway, Puffy does have another child with Kim. But she isn't the one suing him for the huge amount of child support. That would be the first baby momma, Miya or Mya or something like that. She's the mother of his first son and Kim is the mother of his second son. Kim also has a child by Al-B Sure, remember him... See, I told you I need an intervention...

  8. Oh, I didn't realize there was another lady before Kim. Honestly, I don't follow pop culture that much. When I get those e-mails with photos of celebrities I sometimes wish names were included because half of the time I have no idea of the folks are in the photos.

    Now, on the other hand, ask me about a sports figure and I may know the answer. :-)

  9. I'm too busy keeping my children out of the candy in the check-out stand to pay any attention to magazines. The only way I know anyone is if she's someone I won't let my husband watch on t.v. He says I'm 'territorial.' ;) Uh, yeah, darn-tootin' I'm territorial! Find a good husband and make him feel like a hero every day. That's my philosophy.

  10. I'm completely clueless about all of this pop culture stuff. The only reason I know Briteny Spears tossed her loser was because it happened on election day, so Jon Stewart covered it on The Daily Show.

    I know enough about human nature, tho', to tell Y-Chromo (he's 16): KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS.

    He gets so embarrassed.

  11. Rageyone -- LOL. You're response reminds me of the time when I was in Atlanta and a friend took me to--of all places--Justin's (the place Puffy owns). Anyway, the entire time I was there, I kept saying I wanted to see someone famous and I complained that I hadn't seen anyone famous yet. And my friend said, you're seeing them, you just don't know you are. Turns out there were a bunch of sports figures in there and I hadn't a clue who they were.

    Kimber An -- "Make him hero for the day." Hmmm... I would but then the hubby might get spoiled and get the big head... ;-)

    Miz M -- "Keep it in your pants." Priceless! LOL.

  12. My hubby doesn't get a big head, Gwyneth. I've recognized it as an emotional need. I fill that need and he's even more heroic for me. I think some people have called that a 'love language.' It's how he best feels love.

  13. Oh, and it's not 'hero for the day.' It's 'make him feel like a hero EVERY day!' ;)

  14. Kimber An,

    I was thinking of my hubby... He would get a big head for sure :-) I have to make him feel like a hero for a couple of minutes once in awhile... You know... ration it out... :-)

  15. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Pop culture can be interesting, but when taken to the extreme it can also be nauseating. Our society has become obsessed with celebrity, and it starting to work on my last nerve.

    Read what I wrote in my blog in the entry, "So Tired."

  16. You're right, Denise! Great blog, by the way! I posted. I think it's crazy that we get so caught up in some of this craziness. That's why I'm a little disappointed in Essence for even giving this crap the cover. I mean, seriously, how are you going to have a "Take Back the Music" campaign against rap and then turn around and put this fool on the cover advocating the nonsense he's advocating? Crazy!

  17. Thank God I only have one daughter. Now I just have to teach my boys not to dish out the crap;))

  18. blessings gwyneth. you must have heard the conversation that some of us were having at work regarding essence and the p.diddy and kim story. i discovered your blog today while reading blogging in black. thanks for posting. i will stop by again. best wishes with the novel. keep flowing. much love, peace, and creativity, ananda

  19. Anonymous11:41 PM

    i don't know what's up with essence here lately...most definitely a disappointment. beauty shop reading at the most (like you, rageyone.)

    and we should all agree that puff should stay away from the mic and stay his behind in the studio...

    and isn't he the biggest pimp ever? i added to his empire when i purchased a $22 martini at justin's in atlanta...guess he pimped me, too...

  20. Ananda -- Hey! Thanks for stopping by! I wish I could have been a part of the discussion you and your friends were having at work. I'm sure that you all didn't mince any words. And I'm sure lots of sisters are having the same conversation about Essence and the Puffy cover. It's crazy.

    Madame Z -- Glad you made it back safely from your travels! I'm co-signing on everything you said, especially the part about Puffy pimping you when you purchased that $22 drink. That's enough to make me channel Chris Rock, "God, Lawd that's a lot of money." Puff must have James Bond up in there shaking the Martini's, not stirring them... LOL!

  21. I agree Essence is not the mag is used to be. I have noticed it recycles the same subject year after year. No freshness. I want to elevate. After reading is since I was a teen, I feel it is time for some elevating pieces they haven't done yet.

    As for P. Did, Kim knows what she got herself in, I just hope other young women don't look to that for guidance.

  22. I'm with you Shai! Kim knows exactly what kind of man she has. More power to her...

  23. Diddy will always be Puffy to me too for the same reasons! LOL. Interesting posts and comments. From reading that article it really made me question the sacrifices women make for the men they love but that seemingly don't really love them. And the fact that they have to break a part of their relationship down to the JLo years -- that was just a hot mess. (For the record, when he was with JLO, Kim did sue for a bunch of child support - it was mentioned in the article.) Looks like I need an intervention too with the celebrity gossip!
    I hope the young generation of girls we are raising are taught what real love should look like, feel like and be like. Sacrificing your self-respect and dignity should not be a part of that equation.

    @ Kimber An -- trust me it ain't that easy finding a good man -- what was your secret, besides the hero thing! :-)

  24. Michelle -- Dang, I must have missed that part. I got all caught up in the 'he was still trying to get back with me the entire time he was with J-Lo' stuff. I kept thinking, and you think that's cute... that's not cute... But it looks like we both need that intervention, girlfriend. :-) LOL.

  25. okay, so I live in the world of country music. although I can get my "groove on" to hip hop when I hear it (and totally embarrass my family!). I remember the whole Puff-JLo thing. But she went thru that "phase" too. She's got committment issues (don't make me go there) and it's a 2 way street. Luv her perfume, think she's a talented singer/actress...but give it up girl, you've got issues. Although I must say the pic of him and Kim looks really nice. No wonder people can't see the "jerk" behind the mask.

    I agree, we need to tell our girls to beware....there are alot of wolves out there!!

  26. Hey Barb!

    Don't get me started on J-Lo! Between her and Halle Berry I'm not sure who deserves the "maybe it's me" award the most. Those ladies seem to give relationship drama a new name! At least J-Lo and Mark Anthony seem to be lasting.... for now...

  27. Thanks, Dera! Trust me when I find a replacements I'll be shouting it from the roof tops!

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