Friday, November 24, 2006

It's Here!

I held Divine Destiny in my hands on Wednesday! I got my author copies and already read through it once. It's pretty dang good if I might say so myself. I kinda like it. :-) Honestly, I can't believe that I've had three novels published this year. I feel so blessed and I also feel like this is almost unreal. When I wrote my nonfiction book and got it published, I thought "well, heck, I can finally write my novel since I wrote a book." And now I'm holding my third novel in my hands! It's my first paranormal romance and my first erotic romance. I love to read paranormals and I love to read erotic romances. But you could have never told me three or four years ago that I would be publishing in these areas... I'm so thankful and I just wanted to go on record saying how thankful I am! I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday weekend.

much love and peace,



  1. WOW! That's all I can think of to say.

  2. Congratulations! Well-deserved.

  3. Kimber An -- That pretty much sums up how I feel. Words really can't express how happy I am. :-)

    Miz M -- Thanks!

  4. That is wonderful! Congrats!

  5. Awesome cover! Can't wait to get a copy!

  6. Thanks, Nancy! -- Gwyneth

  7. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Congrats! Congrats! **I want my copy** Congrats! Can't wait to read it!

  8. Don't worry, Ty. I got you, girl. I got you... ;-)

  9. Anonymous12:54 AM

    late--i couln't keep up in la, but congratulations!

  10. Thanks, Elle! I'm glad you made it back safely and hope you continued to have fun with the family!

  11. What a blessing to be able to do as a career something you really love. I love the book cover! Congrats to you.

  12. I know. We are really blessed, Michelle. Congrats to you too!
